Show Wfoat a change 1m Rich corning over aix years ago wq pcard people ridicule the town’s poor houses but now pretty brick cott&geq are becom- - r understand that Dr moved his family to Monroe TVq Monroe turned out well Smith hast very common Is Richfield) of ope Utah’s coming towns to seethel Calf buying Society Stock Company play Queens has been lively all this worth Mopmrrent --Mills ELSINORlk --- u' flolcj ! Queenadiew a full bousp ial Hall Tuesday night Peter Christensen spenjt week In Garfield county to the Soc- part Co of Elsinore Utah' fienwp0(i if of the flu Joshua Sylvester and Miss Annie A buttermlk calf lst now Johnson were married £y Bp'J I J J Riddle feft for Kane County as much as bis mother was a year ago Jen&en Monday with 3000 fruit trees Wednesday jSummer and fall calves go at 9 and far ®lzod "Pring steer A snake chdriper and patent mediApostle Owen Woodruff will attend 10 whl1® fall I HAVE P F I’lerson Prop The Best and Cheapest ' STOVES IN TOWN I I conference here tomorrow and Sunday The Best Place To Opt ’ '‘a ’ 'V V ' In cineman came to Elpinofp 'on Thurs- brings $12 quickly i : day i r Dressed hogs 6 cents a pound at the Lars Goldbranson of Richfield was Theo McKean of Milford was in la town during the week visiting his Poisson mill tf - E 0 Ricketts has moved his family Pubter’ who ln the clty reiving Ashore thlsweek We hear that a medical treatment under Dr Olsten J scarcity of freighters is on at Milford from Salina ' ne left for hs home Thursda- y- On and Monday the town Saturday I George M Jones and family are Manti Messenper I was almost desolate The people went living in the Heltotrora house I The choir has bPen reorganized with I t0 "0 county seat to pay taxes f - Flour I Graham Ajpull and Complete line of MERCHANT ‘ of the week but Ison duty again TAILOR " n aqe i Nothing Boots and Shoes CjNlielson dOrtton4ACo'awrthiiimt MJone i k ‘ as leader Mr Jones lias Thla old reliable Dealnes houae la do formerly head workmen for JH McCarty of Monroe was a north been a teacher of music in Brighton I fng a big business in' ties of late and ound passesger on the morning train for many years and the Cm? son he I still has a he Elsinore is now located heavy contact ’ success ' for him here speaks Remember that Queeoa will be Andreas Lorenson and Jens p Chris- icrosstbe street optb of the H M" Dipwoodey who wag lately tensen have played at the Opera House Saturday purchased the land which I store He has stock of cloth on as counted in councilman nut night the Salt formerly belonged to Charles ‘Ander hand as well as many samlesllfroro ' r Lake of election r" the week soq spent part Nielson and Ricketts are busy movin Sevier County and went north this "hCh °rder A sut from 8tock ?8D ing their butcher shop on to north bounty Surveyor Sohoebep has been morning Tie will no doubt take the ’Main street today busy opening the road running south I be had three days after the measure- contest into' the courts west from Andreason’s park Jo thJ ments are E E IToflfman the capable attorney taken Two weeks requir-mai' fields formllkcowshaven’t foad Theopen has been commissioned a notary pubamounted to much this year Much lic Mrp Staples and uaughtar Miss fencing has been done of lateand only Alveretta are fi home from Medi' fcfjty Someone stole some beets carrots a few fields with in four miles of town ed to have ready from samples Arlmrial Miss Staples has mucli lm-- ' and onions at Jos L Christensen's are unfenced The days of “opening proved ln health since' leaving'1 ’’ Wednesday night the fields” are nearly past for Rich i' An will be given in entertainment Charlton Seegmillerlg preparing for 8rd the ward room this evenassembly a three month mjsslon north in the Ben Carter was wearing lots of stars in of honor David Boidbeut Mi ing interest of the M I A work this week ' He is constable but eerv- j Broadbent will leave shortly for ThatA large number of trees are being Ha9 deputy city marshal while mar cher Arizona to take charge of the shipped to the towns of Garfield and shal Moraquist was ill Sheriff Coon church school at that Two city lots east half of block In place Ho was ha9 been absent most all week and 'Kane counties this season called on a mission to the Southern southeast part of city Ben was his deputy and may be he Jim Jensen is home from Mexico States but the call was changed to One brick house on north didn’t parade the streets Ben Is all Jim came by California Oregon and Thatcher Arizona— Utonlan lot s right s" " U Washington 112 acres’ farming land i mile from tt ' INVERURY Elders George Reynolds Andrew town MONROE Kimball and C J Feljstead are in Good water right with all assess-Willie nyatt has not Improved to town f Mr and MrsConstant Thueson have f aDy Perceptible degree as yet and his meats taxes and dues fully paid up The Opra nouse has already been wound may yet prove fatal For further particulars enquire of moved Into their new home engaged for most of the nights of holl ' Bp Greenwood Is down from the A heavy force of Monrovlans 'clay's are McCarty ’ I Three Creek Reservoir because it was working on the Otter Creek reservoir Monroe to see a lf people go play twice it is ’ t J too wet to work If good weather lasts sure the play is all right Several El There is talk of reopening the I ' -- TT F long work will be done later slnore people went to Monroe for the Brooklyn caeamery Eighty-fiv- e students are enrolled in Jepitition of Qneena Jim and Will Bertleson Is home for I school The Woody Concert Company have the winter Mads Christensen bus moved into had a class here this week Owing to Andrew Bertlesen has 2000 trees Richfield for the winter Mr Jones’ coming it has been small cady to plant in thesprnlg Mrs Resor Js quite 111 having given but the students are well satisfied Mads Peter Madsen Is here for the birth to a still born child It is no small matter to furnish winter Sigurd and Coyote light for a whole county 600 gallons of HOW’S THIS? Bridges are shortly to be put over the oil is sold to county stores by the Con Stage Line We offer One Hundred Dollars ReAndrea-so- n ditches town and between the tineutal Co every week ward for any case of Catarrh that can- GRASS AND bend RABBIT VALLEY A young man whose sweet heart be cured by nail's Catarrh Cure not ' ' route!It lives in Crlenwood promises three days Kiels 0 Thueson and Miss Lydia Webb if J CHENEY & cdProps Toledo O with himself and team toward gravel are tbo latest of the young people to We the undersigned have known F take out marriage licenses jing the laue J Cheney far the last 15 years and be- Leaves Sigurd 9 am evry morning J P Osborne and family have mov- lieve him Mr and Mrs Ole Jensen of Manti perfectly honorable in all except Sunday reach Burrvlila at were north bound passengers on this ed from Gold Monntain for the wint- business transactions and financially er able to carry out any obligation made noon and go on to Loa or Coyote that They have been jpiorning’8 train Miss Mary Condor died at her home by their firm siting in Elsinore and Mouioe sight & Tbuax as the result of tyWest Wholesale' Saturday morning Drug$3ome fifty workmen stalled to make Accomodations for passengers and gists Toledo O Waldino Kintan wood road on the other side of Wil- phoid fever I cIlitlc8 for carrying express low Creek but became discouraged and The mail service to changed now so & Marvin Wholesale Prugglsts 'IV Ohio Fillmore Brothers that the mail comes from Elsinore la ledt) jef t before it was done Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken interBurrville R T Thurber writes: The Circle-vlll- fieevenlDg after the train comes- ln nally blood acting directly the upon School will pelebrate ThanksII E Lisou bee Is home from State-Lin- and mucous Proprietors surfaces of the system giving The Turkey problem may yet He reports good feed but no Price 75 per bottle Sold by $11 be agitated but the turkey question water or snow on tho desert Druggists Testimonials free with us to settled Hall’s family pills aro the best The brass band Instruments are William Johnson finished his tour oband cannot be the depot My Old Kentucky Home THB NEW YOliK WOULD of Sevier county on Sunday and went tained because of a mistake in the ' EDITION vo Piute county lie intends going billing ' IS Tagcs a Week 130 Papers a Year If you believe ln Silver 19 to 1 anc into Arizona and travel with his The Idaho fever has struck Monroe FOR ONE DOLLAR good meals good beds that invite this winter ane several young men are lookiug yubllshud every Altcnohey except and pleasant dreams good Meep Can it be the same Advocate that Sunday thrt way for new homes Jos A Harpraised the town officers for patroniz- ris is among the number UooK IHagazinc ing the home paper that vlllifes Bp The Edition of The nalljf Pupfrj Brandley because he advised support The borne company played the Dead New York is Wltucss Tues Christiansen Woruj firit among nil nail at the of the home music teacher? and a ‘weekly’’ papers In size frequency of was rathI will sell my house aud home for day night The attendance publication and the freshness acer light fttOO (hundred dollars) 1 block west of curacy and variety of Its contents It n Jsiaine Street on the corusr from FurAlbert Nilsson and Miss Lizzie bas all the merits of a great 86 dally vere married at the homo of niture store at the price of a dollar weekly Its that makes you feel at A the bride Wednesday afternoon Sarah J Perkins political Dews is prompt complete achome with a Sample Room oU A delightful supper was theu partaken curate and Impartial as all its week the next school with Main street go to Beginning readers bythQ guests will testify It is against the monoteachers will begin to put down tt and for tho people polies the public s (ihools The THB KENTUCKY HOUSE the news of all the world It prints hiove will prove benifical and the parNotice Estray having special correspondence from all Monroe Sevier Co Utah ents should lend It their support I have In my possession 4 black plgs( important news points on the globe Marriage license for the week were one red and black spotted pig and one has brilliant illustrations stories granted Joshua B Sylvester and An- white pig no marks nor brands lf by great authors a capital humor nie Johnson of Elsinore Sosa ph Hen- the above described animals are not pagecomplete markets departments drickson and Miss Violet C Cram claimed and taken away I will sell for the honseliold and women’s work of the profits both of Glenwood Niels OThueson & them to the highest cash bidder ten and other unusspecial departments Lydia Webb both of Monroe Fred R days from date at the Menroo town ual interest if Curtis of Burrvllle and Mary L Ste- pound Until December we offer this unwart of Central Jos Whitehead of C A Wlnget equaled newspaper and the Censor toof Rurrvilla and Alzina Stewart of Town Marshal gether one year for $200 Strictly cash fitral Dated Nov 12th 1897 Mads Christensen ln advance Supt of Be equality- - ' Oallanclsee'tus Co-o- p) Co-o- p JOSTlUNp -- ALSOTREPARD TO Handle all the Ties IS v r ' n 1 ’ from Salina to Belknap and will pay the (highest price paid on the line JElsinore Utah r? For Sale lit - i I TCoivroe I ’ 4 I nine-roo- m ! t i Don’t Buy Toys 1 UN 1'IL You otirs I c Homer ’ i cuijv caber iliclillH kO -V Utah ’ ) v i j I j i -- T TOMORROW AT THE OP THE e w i'V y 1 J i t-- it it ’ ? v- 4 -- I li1 i IOI' j b J c 4 STOCK CO VWUPLay’ I o lay-ug- at ! THRICB-A-VVE- J I - sterl-optlca- n Thrice-a-Wee- k i whi-spring-- ACT Home Walter leayes fo Europe I dropped my title ACT Bali Paris M’sellf Reine the great Prima Donna -- The ACT same “I am mad! mad!’! ACT IVAt the old home Walter Ho' Hospitality And-raeso- Syjvopsls 1 1 1 child’s intercessjap:“Say vpp papa will stay” in It You Get Fart YOU TAKE STOCK The Equitable Store Hit e Feivrose TMr'c foi Admission 35 and 25 cents Reserved Seats 50 centb IQfss Reserved seat on ale at Opera Hou§q From 12 to l and 6 to f |