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Show THE OGDEN VALLEY NEWS Page 8 Volume X Issue IV June 1, 2004 Many Activities Planned for the Huntsville 4th of July Liberty Days 4th of July Events Liberty Days will be held Monday July 5th at Liberty Park. Events are scheduled throughout the day for the enjoyment of Liberty residents and their guests – there is literally something for everybody. Planning for this celebration began in January, and committee members are hard at work to make this year’s celebration a huge success. Mike and Laura Rhees, Liberty “old timers”, have been making sure that Liberty days go off without a hitch for many years. In addition there are several new couples on the committee, and all are enthusiastic and dedicated to this annual celebration. The festivities will begin with a fabulous breakfast at 7:30a.m. It is always amazing to see how many people travel to enjoy this breakfast, and everyone raves about the food! At 8:00 a.m. the flag ceremony will take place. Throughout the day there will be games, booths, and food available in the park. One of the delights of the Liberty 4th of July celebration is that there is a charming small town atmosphere. There are many “cowboy” activities, centered around the Liberty arena with horses, sheep and cows. There are unique opportunities to catch a fish, a chicken, (or even a pig!)and be able to keep them. In the evening, there will be dancing, with everyone invited to join in until the skies are dark. As the skies grow dark the incredible fireworks will begin. This is usually the favorite time of the day’s celebration for most people. There is nothing like lying on blankets and watching the sky overhead as the lights flash and the fireworks boom. Committee members are appealing to the community to make firework donations so that this year’s display will really be spectacular. Volunteers are being sought to help with this fun day. There is booth space available, and donations for fireworks will be gladly received. Contact Mike or Stephanie at 7451176 if you have any questions or wish to volunteer. IT’S NOT TOO LATE! AYSO Soccer is still accepting players for theFall 2004/Spring 2005 season. Those players registered before June 1, 2004 are guaranteed to be placed on a team. If you have children still interested in joining us, but have not registered, you can now handle it in one of two ways: Obtain a blank registration form from either the Huntsville or Eden Post Office, complete it (remember to sign), and mail it with payment to the following address, or Log onto www.eayso.org and complete the registration form on-line, print it, and mail it with payment to the following address. It’s quick and easy. Fees are now $45 per player and must accompany completed forms. Registrations received after June 1, 2004 will be put onto a waiting list and added to teams as space allows. Checks should be made out to AYSO 422 and mailed to: AYSO Region 422 P.O. Box 854 Eden, Utah 84310 Please don’t delay if you have not yet registered! Your chances of being put on a team are greater if you act now. Thank you to all who serve our country Happy Memorial Day Summer Program Fun Camp Adventure Hiking Club around our beautiful Valley Tennis Clinic at Wolf Creek Literature, Music, and Cooking ClassesAvailable Golf Lessons with Golf Pro, Erin Dauby The Huntsville 4th of July will be celebrated Saturday July 3rd, and it commemorates 80 years of celebrations. This year’s Grand Marshal will be anybody in Huntsville 80 years and older, and all of the octogenarian Grand Marshals will be on a special float in the parade. The day begins at 6:00 A.M. with Sgt. Ryon Hadley’s (WCSO) siren as he drives around the Huntsville streets. The First Ward’s bells will also be ringing to announce the start of this wonderful celebration. At 6:15 A.M. Colleen Burton and her team will be in the park registering the last minute entries for the marathon. The marathon will begin at 7:00 A.M. and will include a 1 mile, a 5 K and a 10K run that will begin and end in the park. Please call Colleen Burton for more information 7452319. While the marathon is in full swing Kent Wangsgard will kick off the annual breakfast, starting at 7:00am. Breakfast in the park with Kent and his team is something not to be missed. If you can help please call Kent at 479-8780. The flag raising ceremony will be led by Bruce Ahlstrom and the scouts, and will be held at the N.W. corner of the park at 8:00 A.M. sharp. At 10:00 a.m. the parade begins, and the route will be the same as it has been in the past. Doug Allen will be the parade announcer, commenting on the floats and local color. Lisa McKay and Tiffany Bowen are organizing the parade and can be reached at 7454032 and 745-2006. If you would like to place an entry please contact them. The street on the west end of the park (in front of the Yukon Grille) will be closed after the parade, because Jeff Hide and his wonderful Trappers Village will be a big part of the day’s celebration. This year he will have Artist booths all around his village, and there will also be some booths in the roadway between the park and village. The street will be closed for the safety of all. At 10:00 A.M. Hill Air Force’s 419th Fighter Wing will be buzzing the park. They try to buzz the Huntsville celebration as many times as time permits. After the parade, the booths will open and the games will begin. For those who would like a booth at this year’s event please contact Nate or Angie Buttars at 745-3030 or Star Primm or 745-3441. Booth spaces are 7ft by 10ft and can be rented for $60.00. A booth rental for this price would be for snacks, non-resident crafts, retail, campaign, business and multiple game activities. In addition, game booth fees are $30.00 for a single game, and food booth fees are $100.00 for main course items, but town permission for these food booths must be obtained. Local craft fair fees are $20.00 for Valley residents, and $10.00 for those residing in Huntsville Township. Tickets to the festivities will be sold by Roger Jenkins and his team at the park starting at 10:15 A.M. All tickets will be 50 cents, and will be accompanied by a time schedule of the day’s events At 11:00 A.M. the entertainment will begin. Dale and Pauline Maxwell are this year’s coordinators and can be reached at 745-3191. They have lined up dancers, singers, and bands to entertain the crowds. The patriotic program will also begin at 11:00 A.M. with Suzanne Ellison Ferre leading the charge. This years Program will be fantastic, and Suzanne claims to have a surprise or two up her sleeve. Lunch will be served at 11:00 A.M. by Mike Engstrom and his crew. There is need of more volunteers for this, and if you can help please call Mike at 745-2664. At 12:30 P.M. there will be sign-ups for the auction. This year the McKays are determined to make this the best auction yet with bigger items and more of them. Chad and Wendy are working hard to find the items that everyone needs or would want. If you have something to donate please call Chad or Wendy at 745-3434. At 2:00 P.M. there will be a Three on Three Basketball Tournament. Pam Johnson and her family are in charge of this event. Please sign up early by calling 745-3303. There will be different divisions depending on age or talent level. This will be a great tournament to participate in — or to watch! Wes Welch the Valley’s own Pro volley ball player will also be taking applications for a four person Tournament scheduled to begin at 5:00 P.M. They had a blast last year! Please give Wes a call at 745-0538 to enter your team. There will be great prizes for the winners. Paul Birkbeck lives here in the Valley, and writes and directs plays as a hobby, and has also done some directing for the Eccles Community Arts Center. This year he will be directing a Melodrama, and it will begin at 6:30 P.M. at the Huntsville First Ward. Refreshments will be available. Any donations to help fund the Melodrama will be greatly appreciated. Music in the park will begin at 8:00 P.M. If you are into dancing, or just kicking back and listening please come and join in. The Grand Finale of the day will be when Allen Clapperton puts on an exciting show with his fire works starting at 10:00P.M. There are even more fire works planned this year than last, and the colorful presentation will be coordinated with music. Sgt. Ryon Hadley and his team of officers from our own Weber County Sheriffs Office will be in charge of security for this year’s July celebration. If you have any questions concerning this fun-packed day, please contact Jim Truett, who is this year’s Huntsville 4th of July Chairman, at 745-1280. Tutoring Computer Classes Available All subjects Age appropriate learning skills to help our kids stay keen and sharp through the summer. A Trusted Name In Preschool and Childcare Serving Ogden Valley Families Since 1996. Panthers: Tigers: Bears: 5-12 years old Monkeys: 4 year olds Bunnies: 3 year olds 2 year olds 13 - 24 months Various packages to choose from: 1/2 days, full days, daily, weekly and monthly rates available. Awesome activities including weekly themes, terrific workshops, field trips, waterplay, arts and crafts, science projects, cooking experiences and much more! FUN! FUN! FUN! O N LY S PA CES Register Now! Limited Space Available. A FE W LEF T! Call Today 745-5600 2612 N. Highway 162, Eden, Utah 84310 (Across from Eats of Eden Plaza) Vern Iverson DDS Mike Crookston DDS Iverson Family Dentistry offers all phases of general dentistry to you and your family. Nitrous oxide, and stereo and video technology will make your visit to the dentist much more pleasant. Extended hours available. 2627 N. Highway 162, Eden 745-3882 |