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Show Volume X Issue IV THE OGDEN VALLEY NEWS Page 5 June 1, 2004 Valley 6th Annual Charity Garage Sale Another year has gone by and your kids have grown another size. You have moved unused things to your already crowded garage and the basement. Maybe you are new to the valley and are planning to change your home décor. Let us help you declutter and get rid of the “stuff” you aren’t using anymore! Donate your items to the 6th Annual Charity Garage Sale in Huntsville. All of the proceeds go directly to three local charities: The Make-A-Wish Foundation of Utah, Ogden Regional Infant Demise Foundation, and McKay Dee Infant Bereavement Foundation. The proceeds are donated to these causes in memory of several valley infants and children who have passed away. The unsold items will be donated to the YCC ( a center for abused women and children), our local CERT facility, the Salvation Army, and Deseret Industries. Everything will find a new home. The garage sale will be held Friday, JUNE 18 and Saturday, JUNE 19 at 9520 East 400 South in Huntsville, and will run from 8 am to about 8 pm. Last year, over 70 families donated items. We need the same great participation from our valley neighbors this year. We accept anything: furniture, sports equipment, home repair items, clothing in great condition, shoes and boots, craft items, dishes, appliances, seasonal decorations, toys, games, and books. Cash donations are also welcome. The goal for this year is to make at least $4,000 for the local charities. Over the past five years, the garage sale has raised over $8,000 for these foundations. As a past donator and shopper commented: “This is a win-win-win situation. You clean out your house, you shop for stuff at great prices, and you know your money is going to help people in need.” To support the garage sale with your own donation, please contact Elizabeth Stitt at 745-4012 or 564-2372. She’ll come and pick up anything you have to donate. And don’t forget to come and buy something, too! Mark JUNE 18 and 19 on the calendar, and bring your friends and neighbors. Just follow the signs in the valley to a great sale for a good cause! Valley Teen is Weber High School Valedictorian Elizabeth Stitt is not perfect. She procrastinates doing her homework, she stays up until 2 or 3 in the morning, and she doesn’t practice the piano like her piano teacher would like. But when you have a 4.0 GPA, have taken eleven Advanced Placement classes, have been editor of your school newspaper for three years, are a National Merit Scholar and an English Sterling Scholar from your high school, and have just been named the valedictorian of a graduating class of 530 students, you might get cut a bit of slack. Got a Story? WSU Festival Organizers Want To Hear It OGDEN, Utah - Weber State University seeks storytellers from throughout the region for its annual Storytelling Festival planned for November. In-person auditions will be held on June 4 from 3-5:45 p.m. and on June 5 from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. at the Weber County Library main branch, 2464 Jefferson Ave. (600 East) Ogden. Those auditioning are asked to keep the material to five minutes or less, and should bring a photo, biography and a resume of their story-telling experience. The stories must be suitable for children. Because audiences at the festival are large, small props are ineffective and discouraged. Those unable to attend the live audition may submit audition tapes that meet the following guidelines: videotapes only, five minutes in length maximum; stories must be memorized and performed, with subject matter suitable for school children. Videotapes should be sent to Paul D. Pitts, Teacher Education Dept., Weber State University, 1304 University Circle, Ogden, UT 84408-1304. WSU will host the ninth-annual Storytelling Festival at the Ogden Eccles Conference Center and Peery’s Egyptian Theater in Ogden, Nov. 8-10. Contacts: Paul D. Pitts, WSU Storytelling Festival committee 801-626-7555 <ppitts1@weber.edu> Author: John Kowalewski, director of Media Relations 801-626-7212 · <jkowalewski@weber.edu> Wendy Einarsson Independent Beauty Consultant Phone 745-4144 Cell 391-1099 Elizabeth Stitt “I guess a lot of people would say that I don’t have a life. But I like to study. I like to learn new things. I decided a long time ago that I would never settle for anything less than an A on anything. I knew I could achieve it, and I knew that I would be disappointed in myself if I didn’t do my very best.” Elizabeth, daughter of Roger and Leslie Stitt of Huntsville, has always been a high achiever. She participated in Reflections programs, spelling bees, geography bees, science fairs, poetry contests, math competitions, NAL, and mock trial. “Liz just tried everything. She didn’t always win, but she always tried,” says her mother, Leslie. “Liz has been a role model for other kids as long as I can remember,” says 6th grade teacher Michelle Evans. “I could see leadership written all over her.” Elizabeth also decided early on that she wanted to pay for her entire college education with scholarships. It didn’t take much for her to realize that in a family of six children, with two older brothers going on LDS missions and then to college, she could alleviate the financial burden by qualifying for scholarships. To date, she has been awarded thirteen different scholarships ranging in value from $100 to the coveted $20,000 Gordon B. Hinckley Scholarship to BYU. She attended a four-day conference in Washington D.C. to receive the Free Spirit in Journalism scholarship from the Al Neuharth Foundation. Her essays have won her scholarships from such organizations as the Gunn McKay Integrity in Government Foundation, Shopko, Discover Card, Veterans of Foreign Wars, Elks Club, Rotary Club, Exchange Club, and the National Wild Turkey Federation, to name a few. Winning the top spot as Weber High’s valedictorian was not an easy task. A complex formula involving GPA, ACT test scores, honors, college prep and advanced placement classes put Elizabeth at the head of the top Weber scholars, including many other outstanding valley students. Her brother Kyler, who was Weber valedictorian in 2002, was her inspiration. “We have always been in competition. I have to work harder than Ky, but I knew I could do as well.” Elizabeth also credits her parents for their continual encouragement and support. “My mom told me at my first spelling bee, ‘someone has to win, why not you?’” But the Valley probably knows Elizabeth best for the annual Charity Garage Sale that she organizes each summer to benefit Make-AWish Foundation and the McKay Dee and Ogden Regional infant bereavement foundations (see accompanying article). “When I started the garage sale six years ago, I was 13 years old and the sale was tiny. I only wanted to help the foundations and the families that I knew who were bereaved. But recently I have received several service scholarships, all of them acknowledging the work I have done on the garage sale. I was amazed and really surprised.” And, yes, she does have a life. Elizabeth runs cross country and track, plays the piano, organ, flute, and bagpipes, and buses tables at Snowbasin; water and snow skis. She also hunts big game and waterfowl, sings in her church choir, and plays church volleyball and basketball. It is no wonder that she only averages four hours of sleep a night. College might be a good rest for this busy young woman. Good luck, Liz. "F r i e n d l y, F o c u s e d , D e d i c a t e d !" Email weinarsson@marykay.com LIBERTY, 4 bedroom, 3 bath, approximately 3,636 sq. ft. .61 acres MLS# 432397 Talking Ad 1-800-230-4284 x 2012 LIBERTY, 5 bedroom, 3 bath, approximately 3765 sq. ft. .64 acres MLS# 430795 Talking Ad 1-800-230-4284 x 2002 Art Fest Saturday July 3rd 2004 In conjunction with Huntsville Independence Day Celebration. Art Festival (following the parade) Live Entertainment “Shades of Grey” 3:00-5:00pm. Join Huntsville in celebrating 80 years as a Township. For art booth information contact: Christy Frazier Danielle Vaughn 801-525-1434 801-394-2423 Jeff Hyde 801-479-1163 235 South 7400 East Huntsville, Utah V ISIT US AT: www.trappersvillage.com |