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Show THE OGDEN VALLEY NEWS Volume X Issue IV Page 3 June 1, 2004 Letters to the Editor Ogden Valley Pathways— Statewide Conservation Bond Utahans for Clean Water, Clean Air, and Quality Growth has launched a signature gathering campaign to place a $150 million conservation bond on the November 2004 ballot. If passed, this initiative will provide funds to protect and improve: —trails, greenways, and outdoor recreation facilities —family farms and ranches —land around rivers, lakes, and streams —city, county, and state parks —wetlands and critical wildlife habitat The $150 million conservation bond would be secured by a 1/20th percent sales tax for approximately 10 years. This equates to one cent for every $20 purchase. WE NEED YOUR HELP! To get the bond on the November ballot, we must gather 80,000 signatures from throughout the state. We have over 66,000 but need another 14,000 by the end of next week. If you are interested and have the chance, please drop by Eden Coffee and Cocoa (at the four-way stop in Eden, next to Valley Market) and sign a petition. The petitions will be available to sign through Saturday, May 28. Please make sure you sign the petition for the County in which you live (they are labeled in the top right corner). Eden Coffee and Cocoa hours are 6:30am to 5:30pm Monday through Friday and 7:30am to 4:30pm Saturday and Sunday. Better yet—stop by to sign and let all of your friends know and ask them to do the same. Thanks very much! Helene Liebman Chair, Ogden Valley Pathways Maps of ORV Routes Available In an effort to assist the U.S. Forest Service in better educating off-road vehicle users, the Ogden Sierra Club has produced three maps of off-road vehicle recreation areas within the Ogden Ranger District. “We believe that most ORV users want to obey the law and protect the environment,” said Dan Schroeder, Ogden Sierra Club chair. “It hasn’t been easy for them to get accurate information on where it’s legal to ride in the Ogden area. Providing these maps is just a small way that we thought we could help, and we’re delighted to have Big Boys Toys as a partner in this.” Schroeder said the problem is that official maps produced by the Forest Service are not widely distributed. That, combined with a lack of good signs, or signs that contradict the maps, makes it hard for ORV riders to know where to go. The new Sierra Club maps cover the three most popular ORV recreation areas in the Ogden Ranger District: the Willard Basin road, which climbs southward from Mantua to Dock Flat, Perry Reservoir, Willard Basin, and Inspiration Point; the Public Grove area, along the Liberty-Avon road between Ogden Valley and Cache Valley; and the most accessible portion of the Monte Cristo plateau, including the Dry Bread Pond area, along Highway 39 about 20 miles northeast of Huntsville. The Ogden Sierra Club ORV maps are currently available through Big Boys Toys, 2529 N Highway 89, in Pleasant View, and at the Ogden Sierra Club Web site, www.utah.sierraclub.org/ogden/ORV. The maps are downloadable pdf files that can be printed on virtually any printer. They are also available by sending a selfaddressed, stamped envelope to Ogden Sierra Club, Attn: ORV maps, P.O. Box 1821, Ogden, UT 84402. MEMORIAL DAY CEMETERY SCHEDULE May 31 2004 Each year on Memorial Day, the American Legion Ogden Valley Post 129 holds Military Honors Memorial services at five cemeteries. The schedule is as follows: Liberty Cemetery 3900 N 3500 E Liberty 8:00 a.m. Lower Eden Cemetery 8:30 a.m. 5100 E 2200 N Eden Upper Eden Cemetery 5500 E 2770 N Eden 9:15 a.m. Mountain Green 5100 W Old Hwy Rd Mountain Green 10:30 a.m. Huntsville 5500 E 100 S Huntsville 11:30 a.m. OGDEN VALLEY CLINIC Announces New Summer Hours Beginning Tuesday June 1, 2004 The Ogden Valley clinic will change to Summer Hours Monday 9:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. Tuesday – Thursday 1:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. Because Summer is usually a slower time for healthcare, it is the perfect time for: Yearly Physical Exam ~ Sports Physicals Kindergarten Physicals ~ Diabetic Screening Cancer Screening ~ Preventive Healthcare Call today for an appointment, we offer: Same day appointments and walk-in care (801) 745 - 3574 We accept most insurances including: IHC Healthplans, United Healthcare, BC/BS, Altius DMBA, Cigna, and many more UDOT Report Update OGDEN - The Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) advises motorists of the following roadwork in Morgan County during the summer. From May 17 to early August Interstate 84 will be restricted to one lane in each direction between Morgan and Mountain Green for a roadway rehabilitation project. The project includes rotomilling and resurfacing approximately 10 miles of I-84, bridge rehabilitation and replacement of the concrete barrier. UDOT advises motorists to reduce speeds and use caution when driving through work zones. Construction schedules are subject to change due to inclement weather conditions, equipment problems or emergency situations. Any questions concerning this roadwork can be addressed to Andy Neff at his email address: <aneff@utah.gov>, or by phone at 801 620-1641. No Beer on the Beach The Weber County Commission has unanimously approved a ban on alcoholic beverages at the main beach and parking lot at Cemetery Point at Pineview Reservoir. There will be a sizeable fine for anyone breaking this law, which is categorized as a class C misdemeanor, that could be up to $500. There is also a possibility that the offender could spend up to 90 days in jail. As Pineview has become a popular place to hang out, the number of problems involving alcohol have significantly increased. During the summer Pineview Reservoir is a busy place, with tens of thousands of visitors coming to enjoy the beaches and water. At Cemetery Point last year over 20,000 cars paid admission to enter. It seems that drinking alcohol has contributed to a number of problems there, and many of the incidents are serious involving DUIs and accidents. Regrettably, a few unruly drinkers can ruin the family atmosphere that is valued at that beach. “Unfortunately, as happens a lot, a few people can ruin it for everybody else,” said Rick Vallejos, recreation manager with the Wasatch-Cache National Forest’s Ogden Ranger District. The Ranger District shares law-enforcement duties at Pineview with the Weber County Sheriff’s Office. Initially Forest Service officials had wanted to ban alcohol at all three of the managed beaches at the reservoir. For now, though, the ban is limited to Cemetery Point. “We want to look at this very closely,” Vallejos said. “We’ll monitor and study this and get a sense if this is the right approach. Given our findings we will either expand the ban, or decide not to do it anymore.” The Forest Service could ask the county to take another look at the ban as soon as July 4. This ban is set to go into effect immediately. There will be a warning period, though, and many signs educating the public. “We’ll warn people for at least 30 days, probably all through June,” Chief Deputy Chris Zimmerman of the Weber County Sheriff’s Office said. Subscriptions available for out of area residents at $18.00 annually. Send payment with mailing address to: THE OGDEN VALLEY NEWS P O BOX 130 EDEN UT 84310 |