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Show Volume II, Issue XVIII THE OGDEN VALLEY NEWS Page 19 September 15, 2000 Eden Resident Identifies Students From 1939 - 1940 Class Photo 33 Years Ago Recipe of the Month Fabulous Ham & Cheese Soufflé 16 slices white sandwich bread - cubed 1 lb. cubed ham 1 lb. sharp cheese – shredded 1 ½ cup Swiss cheese – shredded 6 eggs 3 cups milk ½ tsp. salt ½ tsp. dry mustard 3 cups crushed corn flakes ½ cup melted butter Rick Jensen of Huntsville, left, and Roger Bailey of Liberty display items from Ogden Blue Print office supply store in an ad from the 1966 - 1967 Valley Jr. High yearbook. OGDEN VALLEY NEWS P O BOX 130 EDEN UT 84310 The OGDEN VALLEY NEWS staff would like to congratulate Rena Stallings of Eden for being the first to correctly name the students and teacher from this 1939-1940 school year picture taken at the old Eden schoolhouse. Rena was awarded a $20 gift certificate from the General Store. The news staff would like to thank all of our readers who participated by sending in your responses. The names given are as follows: Back row, left to right: Barbara Petersen, 3rd grade; Dean Lindsay, 2nd grade; Howard Fuller, 3rd grade; Ronald Richardson, 3rd grade; Kent Fuller, 3rd grade; Rex Thompson, 2nd grade; Doris Stallings (sister of Lowell Stallings of Eden), teacher. Center row, left to right: Beverly Burnett, 1st grade; Myrle Graham, 2nd grade; Darla Varley, grade unknown; Mack Stallings, 2nd grade; Bob Colvin, 3rd grade. Front row, left to right: Charles Fuller, 1st grade; Melvin Clarke, 1st grade; LuDean Montgomery, 1st grade; Owen Froerer, 3rd grade; Larry Carver, 2nd grade; Earl Chambers, 1st grade; Leon Wilson, 2nd grade. In a 9”x13” greased pan, lay ½ of bread cubes in bottom of pan. Top with ham and cheese. Cover with the rest of the bread cubes. Mix eggs, milk, salt and mustard. Pour over bread cubes. Refrigerate overnight. Mix corn flakes and butter. Pour over casserole. Bake at 375 degrees for 40 minutes. The World’s Easiest Quiz: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. How long did the Hundred Years War last? Which country makes Panama hats? From which animal do we get catgut? In which month do Russians celebrate the October Revolution? What is a camel’s hair brush made of? The Canary Islands in the Pacific are named after what animal? What was King George VI’s first name? What color is a purple finch? Where are Chinese gooseberries from? How long did the Thirty Years War last? Find the answers on page 3. Classifieds -For SaleFor Sale: 1996 Honda Accord EX, 4 cylinder V-TEC. Loaded. Excellent condition, 46K miles. $14,800 or best offer. Great gas mileage-20 to 30 m.p.g. Power locks, doors, seats, moon roof. Call Debbie at 782-5062. For Sale: 36-inch front or back steel door with glass view area and casing. Only 3 months old. Only $75. Call 745-2688 or 791-4387. For Sale: Briggs & Stratton engine, 5 hp, model 135232. Excellent condition. Demonstration – nights and weekends. Best offer. Call 745-3811. For Sale: 5,000 sq. foot home with deck, wooded 1-acre lot. Must see! Many extras. Priced under appraisal, $289,000. Motivated to sell. Make offer. Call 801-745-0926 or 775-7511014. -ServicesBoat and recreational vehicle storage available. Indoor heated and secured facility. Located in Ogden with easy access to Ogden Canyon. For more information and rates, call 745-3347. Julie’s Animal Sitting – Your home or mine. $6.00/day for cows, horses, goats, pigs, dogs & cats. $2.50/day for caged small animals. Very personal service. Call 745-3327. Welch’s Rabbitery: Rabbits for Sale, Several breeds available for show, pet or meat. Hunters don’t go home empty-handed! Call 745-3327. Tractor Service – yard leveling and miscellaneous tractor services. $35.00 per hour. Call Jeff at 745-6228 or 7919178. -WantedCrafters Wanted: Crafters wanted for fall craft fair. Call 745-3018 for more information. Help Wanted: Yardwork for new construction in Huntsville. Weekends. $8 per hour. Call 725-4029. Help Wanted: Teachers needed. Great pay, fun environment. Call Old Firehouse Child Care 745-5600. Wanted: THE OAKS, a casual eatery in beautiful Ogden Canyon is now hiring. Enjoy working in the relaxed atmosphere of Ogden Canyon. Positions are available for servers, cooks, counter help, hosts and dishwashers. Flexible hours. Interviews are by appointment only. 394-2421. Wanted: The Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) is collecting supplies needed in the event of a community emergency. The local CERT Program is sponsored by Weber County. If you would be able to donate any of the following supplies, please contact Linda Spencer at 745-0805. Blankets or sheets Fire Extinguishers Generators Medical Supplies Tarps Backpacks Flashlights and Batteries Other Miscellaneous Items The deadline for material for the October 1st issue is September 20th, 2000. dickd@wardleygmac.com SNOW-N-MOW Trent Rounkles 1413 28th St. Ogden, UT 84403 Home (801) 393-6072 Cell (801) 564-2230 * Senior Discounts Professional *Lawn Care *Pruning *Fertilizing *Weed Control *Snow Removal *Sprinkler Systems *Aeration *Satisfaction Guaranteed CALL TO INQUIRE ABOUT OUR FREE OFFER. |