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Show THE OGDEN VALLEY NEWS Page 2 Volume II, Issue XVIII September 15, 2000 The OGDEN VALLEY NEWS Staff: Shanna Francis Tel: 745-2688 Fax: 745-0062 Cell: 941-1957 E-Mail: shannafrancis@worldnet.att.net Jeannie Wendell Tel: 745-2879 Fax: 745-2879 E-Mail: crwendell@msn.com Barbie Sunderland Opinions expressed by advertisers, columnists or letters to the editor are not necessarily the opinions of the owners and staff of The OGDEN VALLEY NEWS. Guidelines for Letters to the Editor Letters should be 300 words or less. Letters must be signed and the address of the writer submitted. The OGDEN VALLEY NEWS reserves the right to edit or decline printing of any submissions. Announcements Sought As a community service, The OGDEN VALLEY NEWS will print local birth, wedding, obituary, anniversary and missionary farewell and homecoming Eagle Scout announcements free of charge. We invite residents to send their announcements to: The OGDEN VALLEY NEWS PO BOX 130 EDEN UT 84310 If you would like your submitted items returned, please send a stamped, selfaddressed envelope. The OGDEN VALLEY NEWS, while respecting all property received, will take no responsibility for lost or misplaced items. Please remember to keep a copy for yourself. Invitation for Articles The staff of The OGDEN VALLEY NEWS welcomes the submission of articles by our readership. We invite you to submit local historical accounts or biographies, articles pertaining to contemporary issues, and/or other material that may be of interest to our readers. We also invite you to submit to the paper, or notify the staff of local events. Awards that have been earned by the reader, family members, neighbors or friends are also sought. While the staff of The OGDEN VALLEY NEWS invites the submittal of information and articles, we reserve the right to select which material will be considered for publication. All material, to be considered, must be submitted with the full name, address and telephone nember of the person submitting the material. The OGDEN VALLEY NEWS’ liability on account of errors in, or omissions of,advertising shall in no event exceed the amount of charges for the advertising omitted or the space occupied by the error. The OGDEN VALLEY NEWS does not endorse, promote or encourage the purchase or sale of any product or service advertised in this newspaper. Letters to the Editor Snowcrest PTSA Making Plans to Sponsor Community Education Classes As a community service, the Snowcrest PTSA is sponsoring community education classes that will be held at the Junior High School. Classes will begin in October and, again, in February. Anyone interested in teaching a class, or anyone with ideas for classes they would like to see offered, are asked to contact Lora Hart at 745-6869, or Donna Linford at 7452786. Donna Linford Snowcrest PTSA President Reader Reminds Us To Be Nice When on the Road Note: This letter written in response to a letter to the editor written by Chuck Retallick that was printed in the September 1, 2000 issue of the OGDEN VALLEY NEWS. Please Chuck, keep helping people! And everyone else—keep helping, or start helping! We are growing so intolerant of each other, especially when behind the wheel of our vehicles. Remember, negative deeds ripple into more negative actions; likewise, positive actions also ripple. Have you noticed that usually the vehicle behind you—passes—only to be side-by-side with you at the stoplight? COREY BISE cont. from page 1 State Team player, Corey competed in the highly competitive Southwest League, traveling extensively throughout the Western United States and Canada. Corey was recently selected as one of thirty-four 14-year-olds in the Western region to participate in the first Rocky Mountain District Select 14 High Performance Program, held in Denver Colorado from August 8-13. The elite players endured rigorous on and off-ice training for three days, ending the Camp with four festival format tournament games with visiting teams from Colorado and Kansas. Corey’s team remained undefeated. When asked what he looks forward to most about becoming a Northwood student-athlete, Corey said, “Being on the ice everyday and spending less time on the road traveling to and from practice so I have more time to concentrate on school.” When asked about leaving his family and Huntsville behind, Corey said, “I will miss my family (and my dog). Leaving home at 14 is not easy, but at some point everyone has to decide what their goal is, what it will take to get there, and just go for it. Besides, I will be back on breaks and during the summer to hang out with friends I have known all my life. Those relationships last forever.” Corey is the son of Dennis and Kathryn Bise, Huntsville residents since 1985. Ogden Valley Junction Inn Grand Opening The public is welcome to join Greg and Natalie Chambers for their grand opening and ribbon cutting ceremony on Friday, September 15, 2000 (the date is subject to change). There will be hors d’oeuvres, beverages and lots of fun. Tours will be conducted throughout the day. Come see all the amenities the Valley Junction Inn has to offer. The Weber Chamber of Commerce will also be on hand for the ribbon cutting ceremony scheduled for 6:00 p.m. on Friday. The Valley Junction Inn is located at 2550 North Valley Jucntion Drive in Eden, just north of Snowcrest Junior High School. Corrections In the September 1, 2000 issue of the OGDEN VALLEY NEWS, credit for an article entitled Backyard Conservation and Wetlands was not given. The article was produced in cooperation with the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), the National Association of Conservation Districts (NACD), and the Wildlife Habitat Council. In the September 1, 2000 issue, the historical picture was incorrectly dated as 58 Years Ago. The picture was taken 60 or 61 years ago during the 1939 - 1940 school year. I still haven’t got a cell phone, so if I ever get in a situation on the road, I’m still depending on nice people to help, and I hope that a person like Chuck and Jan will come by. Be nice! When you give someone a rude hand signal or use language that can be explained by #GS!!*#, you look really funny. Being nice can still be in style. I hope I can also be nice when in a hurry to get home or to an appointment when I’m running late, or just in a bad mood. Have a nice fall! Debbie Furgeson Liberty Valley Art School Sculpture $30.00 per mo.+ supplies Wanda Ahlstrom 745-6716 Wednesday 7 - 9 p.m. Toll Painting $24.00 per mo. + supplies Lori Hogge 745-1304 Tuesday 7 - 9 p.m. Drawing Robin King 745-2770 Call for more information 856.44356 3516!! O/!! Ixz!! 273!! ! Fefo-!! Vubi!! ! 95421 School of Performing Arts |