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Show Volume II, Issue XVIII THE OGDEN VALLEY NEWS Page 15 September 15, 2000 Liberty Days Queens Enters Hooper Contest Regional Advisory Councils (RACs) By Connie Dalley, DWR RAC Coordinator To provide the public a way to give input to the Division of Wildlife Resources and the Utah Wildlife Board about wildlife management in Utah, Regional Advisory Councils (RACs) were established throughout the state in the mid 1990s. There are five RACs in Utah. Each consists of 12 to 15 members selected from the specific community or region. Each RAC has the following: Two members who represent agriculture Two members who represent sportsmen Two members who represent nonconsumptive use One member from the U.S. Forest Service One member from the Bureau of Land Management Two members of the public-atlarge, who represent the general interests of the region Where applicable, one member who represents Native American interests Members are appointed by the executive director of the Department of Natural Resources, in consultation with the director of the Division of Wildlife Resources, and may not serve more than two terms. Each Division regional supervisor serves as the executive secretary for the Wildlife Board. RACs hold meetings to hear public input about Division of Wildlife Resources proposals, including recommendations, biological data and information about the effects of wildlife. The RACs also gather information from their constituents, the public and government agencies, and make recommendations to the Wildlife Board in an advisory capacity. Each RAC appoints a chairperson who attends Wildlife Board meetings and presents RAC recommendations to the Wildlife Board during an open public meeting. The public is invited to give their input and comments to the RACs. After deliberating on the issues, RAC members vote. The motion that passes is taken to the Wildlife Board as a recommendation from that RAC. The Wildlife Board has the final decision making policy. Board members weigh heavily on RAC recommendations when making their final decisions. From year to year, many of the same topics are addressed during the same month. The timeline is determined by when a specific proclamation needs to be available to the public. If you want to address a specific topic (for example, fishing regulations are discussed during the August RAC meetings) you need to attend the appropriate RAC meeting. These dates are not set in stone but are adhered to as much as possible. If you plan to attend a RAC meeting, please contact the specific Division regional office to confirm the date. Northern Region meetings are held in a different location each month. For information on where the meetings will be held, call the Division regional office or check the Division web site: www.nr.state.ut.us/dwr/dwr.htm (Public Meetings). Other questions may be directed to the RAC chairperson. The Northern Region Chairperson is: Dick Diamond 1104 Country Hills Dr., Suite 705 Ogden, UT 84403 Home: (801) 627-1072 Work: (801) 782-9762 Issues by month are as follows: March: Status of Bear Plan (Board Only). April/May: Bucks, Bulls and Once-in-a-Lifetime Informational and Input, Bighorn Sheep Unit Management Plans, Statewide Moose Management Plans, Amend deer and elk plans to reflect predator target. May/June: Upland Game/Sandhill Crane Proclamation, Turkey Management Plans, Use of Division Lands Rule, Conservation Outreach Program Outreach Program Overview, Second update-Watchable Wildlife Group, Legislative changes to applicable rules. July/August: Waterfowl Proclamation, Cougar Proclamation, Furbearer Proclamation. A u g ust/September: Fishing Proclamation, Colorado River Fishes Program Reports. September: Turkey Addendum, Recap of successes from the Habitat Authorization Program dollars from the past year. October/November: Bucks, Bulls and Once-in-a-Life Time Proclamation. November/December: TBA Recently Elle Rasmussen, Liberty Days Queen of 2000, entered Hooper Tomato Days Junior Rodeo Queen Contest. In her age group—11 to 13 year olds, she competed against 12 other young girls for 1st princess. There were three judges for the modeling and interview portion of the contest. One judge noted that Elle had a great interview and she answered questions quickly and smoothly. The three horsemanship judges were impressed with Elle’s control of her horse and told her to keep up the good work. Elle says that the best part about the contest was meeting new people and penning the cows during the Hooper Tomato Days Rodeo. Elle and her horse Smokey Velvet. Public input is the cornerstone to successful decision-making for the Division through the RAC and Board process. If you feel strongly about an issue and wish to share your viewpoint, attend your RAC meeting and state your concerns. Please send the OGDEN VALLEY NEWS your favorite historical picture. OGDEN VALLEY NEWS P O BOX 130 EDEN UT 84310 Note: This information provided courtesy of the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources. 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