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Show THE OGDEN VALLEY NEWS Page 6 Volume II, Issue XVIII September 15, 2000 Studies Show Chiropractic Can Boost Your Immunity By Dr. Lewis D. Harper Many of us know that regular chiropractic care can improve and maintain athletic performance by maintaining proper communication between the muscles and the nervous system. Most professional teams have chiropractors on staff to make sure their team is able to perform at their best. However, most of us are not professional athletes and our main desire is not to improve our athletic performance, but to maintain our health so we can live life to it’s fullest. In a study performed by Ronald Pero, Ph.D., chief of cancer prevention research at New York’s Preventative Medicine Institute and professor of medicine at New York University, found that regular chiropractic care not only makes you feel good, but also improves the immune system. In association with the Chiropractic Basic Science Research Foundation, Dr. Pero began a research project at the University of Lund in Lund, Sweden. In this project they measured the body’s resistance to hazardous environmental chemicals in individuals receiving regular chiropractic care and those who did not. After evaluating 107 individuals in the study, some amazing and surprising findings showed up. Those who had been receiving regular chiropractic care had a 200 percent greater immunecompetence than those who had not received care. It also revealed that there was a 400 percent greater immune-competence than those with cancer or other serious diseases. Surprisingly, despite a wide range of ages in this study, the immune-competence did not show any decline with age—it was uniform for the entire group. Dr. Pero concluded, “Chiropractic may optimize whatever genetic abilities you have so that you can fully resist serious disease. I am very excited to see that without chemical intervention this particular group of patients under chiropractic care did show a very improved response. These changes occur from regular chiropractic treatments.” No wonder top athletes use chiropractic care as part of their regular training protocol. Not only does it improve their performance, but it also gives their immune system a boost to help them stay in good health by resisting many illnesses. Note: For more information contact Dr. Harper’s office in Eden at 745-0977. Volunteers are needed for the Snowcrest Jr. High Spook Alley. Weber High students looking for job credit may apply. Call Nancy King at 745-2079. Hours: Monday - Saturday 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. Closed Sunday Fall Sale!! Best Savings of the Year & a Good Time to Plant Great Inventory to Choose from: All Trees & Shrubs 25% OFF All Perennials 30% OFF Bark & Soil Aids 10% OFF Check out our 50% OFF Clearance Items Thanks for supporting your local nursery. 8588 East 100 South Huntsville UT 84317 745-3130 To Know is Good—To Do is Better By Janet Hoffmann I received a video in the mail called “Banish Your Belly!” along with two books entitled “Peel Off the Pounds . . as Easy as 1-2-3!” and “Growing Younger.” I love how they make it sound so easy. The mailing label was addressed to me but I didn’t remember ordering the books. Maybe they were a gift from someone that thought they would help me? The enclosed bill told me that wasn’t true. Maybe my husband was hinting? No he wouldn’t dare. Maybe one of my kids ordered it? After finding out that my conclusions were incorrect I glanced through the books wondering if I should keep them. A few days later as I was leaving the house to attend my 30-year reunion, I glanced at the books sitting on the table, wishing I had received them earlier so I could have been inspired by their contents. Then I could have looked wonderfully young and beautiful for my reunion, impressing my classmates with my youthfulness—such a lofty goal isn’t it? As we entered the restaurant where the reunion was being held, I wondered if we were in the wrong place. Everyone looked so old. It felt like we were at a reunion for classmates older than I was. My female classmates decided that the men looked older than we did and “my best friend,” as she jokingly refers to herself to everyone she talks to, said that everyone looked older than we did. It made me laugh. I explained to her that it was an illusion due to the fact that because we see each other more often, we are just used to our own aging. She didn’t believe what I said so I let her stay in her dream world. The frustrating thing was that there were a few women who looked the same as they did in high school but, unfortunately, I wasn’t one of them. I decided that maybe I should reconsider keeping the tape and books. The next day I decided against it—through the years I’ve had my fill of these topics, and no book was going to make a difference now. I realized I have the knowledge, it’s “the will to do what I need to do” that I’m lacking. In my younger years I seemed to have so much more will power. Now I have the will but no power. And my will doesn’t serve me very well without the power behind it. I have the will to look wonderful but I don’t have the power to do what it takes. So I called the company that shipped the books and tape to me, and found they had sent them by mistake (I wonder sometimes if companies send out their wares hoping we will think we ordered them and send money). They apologized and said they would send me a label so I could return them at their cost. It did feel good to save the money I could have wasted on the books and, at least, I learned something valuable about myself. I learned that my desire to be younger looking wasn’t as important as I had thought it was. It was also helpful to learn that knowledge, without action, is useless. So now I can save the energy I would have expended learning more about the subject, and direct it towards trying to gain power to match the knowledge I already have. What good is wasting time gaining knowledge that has no future? I also realized that I could look at other areas of my life and see what knowledge is being squandered. This gave me a different perspective on wasting. I think about wasting my time and energy, but I’ve never thought about wasting good knowledge. Unless put to work, knowledge does us no good. So this month I will work on not gaining knowledge, as much as doing something with the knowledge I already have. I will remember that, though education is wonderful, the change it can bring is more admirable. Subscriptions available for out of area residents at $15.00 annually. Send payment with mailing address to: THE OGDEN VALLEY NEWS P O BOX 130 EDEN UT 84310 |