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Show Page THE 18 OGDEN VALLEY NEWS Volume XII Issue XI July 1, 2005 Calendar of Events on=the county web site at <www teCO. net ut.us> Every 1St and 3°4 Tuesda : Spinal Care Classes at Hater Chiropractic located at 2580 N. Hwy 162 in Eden, 6:15 p.m. For 745-0977. Every 2nd Tuesday: Quilter’s Guild mini group at the Ogden Valley Library at 10:00 a.m. For more information contact Marilyn Summers at 745-3539 or Joan Clarke at 745-3525. Every 2nd Tuesday: Nordic Mountain Water Board meetings, 6:30 p.m. at S&S Office Building, 4786 E. 2600 N., Valley Junction Park, Eden, Meetings open to shareholders Call 745- 2605 formore in Every 4th Ti gden Valley Towns! Commission, 4:30 p.m. at the Weber County Bldg., 2380 Washington Blvd., Ogden. Every Wednesday: Ogden Valley Community Church YOUTH GROUP for teens, grades 7 - 12. Great Bible study and fun fellowship/activities. 7:00 p.m., POE. 200 S.,Huntsville. 745-41 33. Every 2nd Wed: Valley Service District Board, Osden Valley Library, 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. Public invited to atten Every 294 and 4th Wednesday: Nitwit Knitting Circle, 6:30 p.m. at the General Store, Eden. Last year the eiup F eee: 50 Sweaters to mail to Guideposts’ ft the Pregnancy Care Center in Ogden. Bae (men too!) are welcome. If you can’t knit, we — teach you how! For more info, callmei 745-3635. Every 3rd Wed esday: Ogden Valley Business Association Meeting (OVBA), 7:00 aitm. For more info visit <www.ovba.org> Every 4th Wednesday: Eden Park Board, 7:00 p.m. Call 745-3942 for location and/or for more information. Every 1St and 34 Thursday: neil Town Council meetings, 7:00 p.m., Huntsville Town Hall, 7309E Every foal pene Lunch at the Ogden Valley Branch Library Communit n. $2.00 suggested donation for seniors, $4.00 for those 59 and st Call 745-2220 for more info. Every Other Thursday: Community Writing Group. 7:30 p.m. at the General Store. Writers of all skill levels welcome. For more info, call Drienie, 745-3635. For the Benefit of Ogden Valley Military Veterans and Non-Military Wednesday Night -Taco Night 6-9 pm. Quesadilla $3.00 Tacos $3.00 Taco Combo $4.50 Taco Salad $4.00 Friday Night - Dinner Night 6-9 p.m. Steaks $9.00 to $11.00 Halibut $10.00 Sat. & Sun. - Hamburgers ail Day $3.00 Sunday - Breakfast 9 a.m. to noon Homestyle $3.00 to $9.00 Post 129 Huntsville American Legion for the benefit of our members Every 2nd Thursday: Piece of Mind QuiltGuild. 6: 30 pan. at the aa Valley Library. Come join us! Formore info, call b 7453539 or Joan Clarke at 745-3525. E ilts th have made and learn new techniques. Also produce Tle for charities. Smaller* “mini group’ alsomeets gnd 2 Tuesday of month at the library at 10:00 a.m. The Ogden Valley Quilt Guild iis part of the Utah State Quilt Guild. Every 284 Thursday- Blood Pressure Clinic: A registered nurse from every second day of th h pri the Senior I Luncheon at the Ogden please Valley Branch Library. Id lik be at the library at 11:40 a.m. Call 745-2220 for more information. Every gnd Thursday: Readin’‘in Eden. 7:00 p.m. ree! Reading Group. ForI F 745-2688, Martha Schickedanz at 745-3688, or Darla Longhurst-VanZeben at ee Every Thursday before 4 Tuesday: Eden Planning Com p.m. at Great American Real Estate office in Eden. Public vein. Call 745-1217 to confirm meeting date, place, and time. Every gnd Thursday: Utah Homemakers Association’ ‘Ss tae meetjpeakers f d i | information. Cc i kills th July: 1, 5, 7 & % Utah Musical Theatre repertory production of “Side ry .” 7:30 p.m., Peery’s Egyptian Theater $20-adults and $1 d students. Call 626-8500 or 1-800-WSU-TIKS. July 2, 6 & 8: Utah Musical Theatre repertory production of Cole Porter’s “Kiss Me, Kate,” 7:30 p.m., Peery’s Egyptian Theater $20-adults and $16seniors and students, 626-8500 or 1-800-WSU-TIKS July 4: Holiday events at Eden, Liberty, and Huntsville Parks. Visit www.ovba.org for schedules. uly 4: Trappers Village presents Art Fest. To be held in ely with Huntsville July 4th Parade. Live entertainment from Shades0 p.m. Call Christy Frazier at 525-1434 or Jeff Hyde at 479- net For more information visit <www.trappersvillage.com> July 5: Tyrannosaurus Reads Summer Reading Program, Ogden Valley Branch Library. The Ogden Valley Branch Library will be continuing its 1 di fossils! 10:30 a.m. F inf call 745-2220, July 5 — 8: Ogden Valley Montessori School Sr. Camp (Ages 6-10). “Reuse, Renew, Recycle.” Children design and createprojects using recycled materials from home. To register, call Amanda at 391-165 July 6: - to5 yeas ols paki Movement = Mee wih enJensen at Eccl ill interests and needs as homemakers. Also participate in service projects to help the welfare of others and the community. 10:00 - 11:30 a.m. Nursery available. $12 a fee. Contact Renee at 745-2468. Every 3rd Thursday: Senior Foot Clinic at the Ogden Valley Branch Library, 1:00 p.m. Cost $10.00. Call 745-2220 for more info. Every 3rd Thursday: La Leche League meeting, 1:00 p.m. Mother-tomother support for breastfeeding and pregnant mothers. Contact KeeNan with questions or for more info at 745-2664. Every 3rd Thursday: C.E.R.T. (Community Emergency Response Team) at the Ogden Valley Library, 7:00 p.m. Leaders meet monthly, and team members meet quarterly. Volunteers needed. For more info, call Linda Spencer at 745-0805. Every Friday — June 10 through August 26 — Ogden Valley Branch Library’s Family Film Festival - Every Friday during the summer, the Ogden Valley Branch Library will be hosting a FREE Family Film Festival. Al movies will t Jat 11: 1 inchide refrest For a complete list of films, or if you have any questions about this great — call 745-2220. ry 2nd and 4th Friday night: Texas Karaoke with Dennis Vinnaco. - F music and fun. American Legion Post 129, 604 S. 7800 E., Huntsville. Open to general public Every Saturday (June August): cei toursero 7 lous rot 11:00 a.m. - 1:00p. 3294 formore info. y y: CattleTeam Si ig beginning in August. E invited or to come and watch! It’s a “whole lot of fun!” If you can ride aa horse and count, you can participate—no matter your age. Riders of All Ages & Levels of Expertise Welcome. For more info, contact Adrianne @ 745-0252, Audrey @ 745-301 8, or Lance e@'745-3920. i I Fre Live Music and friends for a jam session. TI begi Op tt R Bring your instruments and join in, or just come and listento local talent. Every 18¢ Sunday: Meditation Circle from 7- 8 p.m. at the Double happiness Yoga Studio. For more information call 745-0584. Every Sunday: Breakfasts from 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 at the American Legion Post 129. Open to the general public. 604 S. 7800 E., Huntsville. June 27 — July1: 4-H Aggie Adventures for Kids, “Ancient World & Mysterious Mummies.” For kids 6 — 8 from 9:00 am. to ‘Toon. Discover civilizations. E: gy of the past. Study about mummies, and even create one. ” Construct a id and build and Egyptian tomb model. Ogden River Parkway. $75if pre-register, $80 at the door. June 30: Ogden Valley Pathways Cleanup from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. Meet at North Fork Park/Centennial Trail to clear growth and| pick up trash. le, 95: 20 E. 400 S., July 1 : Seventh Huntsvilleat the home of Mike and Cindy Hillstrom fiom 8:00 am. ee and poe craft ‘items, cishes,appliances, seasonal decorations, toys, games, and 745-3802 ee item: Id lik i 2:00 ed. Triton $25/month. Call 00.6055. 7: Oecd i 6p.m., ValA. Browning Center Austad Audito: July ae The Btcles Community Art Center, Ogden will open two new exhibits. in the Main Gallery In the Carriage House Gallery, thepaintings of Lauri Eskelson of Ogden will be featured. Awards from the competition will be announced at artists’ reception on Friday, July 8 from 6 to 9 p.m.Public invited. Call 392-6935 or visit <www.ogdendarts.org> Regular uae hours: Monday— Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Saturdays, 9 a.m. to 3 July 9: Learn Kundalini on techniques with Sat Mandi Khalsa at oneday workshop at Eccles unity Art Center, Ogden from 1 to 5 p.m Tuition $28. Call to pre-voaisles ser. 302-69 35. July 9: WSU’s Small Business Development Center will host Start Smart, a business start-up ck 10 a.m., Weber State University Davis 117 (2750 N. University Park Blvd., Layton), free, 626-7051 or bking1 @weber.edu. July 9: WSU’s Nentaditotad Student Programs will sponsor “Canine & Critter Day,” featuring dancing dogs, tips and care of dogs, critter showing, anda search and rescue oe a times from 10 a.m.-1 p.m., Shepherd Union Ballroom C, free, 626July 11: Introduction to the Internette 7 00 bat at the Ogden Valley Branch Library. Call745-2220 for more info.Fr July 11 — 15:Osten Valle ey |Montessori School be Camp (Ages sees “Mask-|Making,” C writing. Toregister, call Amanda at 391-1656. July Il- ied Wolf Cubs GolfCamp - Program eet for youth to — them with B inch at Tracks included. $80 fo oe $100 for non-members. Contact i golf shop to make a reservation, 745-3737 x115. Clinics held Mon. — Thurs., 10:30 a.m. —noon. July 14: Ogden Valley Pathways Cleanup fiom 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. Meet at North Am Trailhead to. t clear summer growth along Pineview West Trail. :30 p.m. Free admission for one w/ purchase of!book “Harry * Potter &l The HalfEBlood Prince.” ” Additional ar w/ pur92-3 July 16: Introduction to the Internet for Parents and chiltiee at 10:30 a.m. at the Ogden Valley Branch Library. Call 745-2220 for more info. Check out the Calendar of Events posted online at www.ovba.org To place your scheduled event in the Take Out available for members and non-members tions , Ogden. £ Every Monday: Children’s Discovery Times, 10:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. at Ogden Valley Library. Children from infancy- 5 years of age and their hae are invits ited to heat stories and participate in learning activities. music, and art. Discovery Times. FREE! - more info, call 745-2220. Every Monday: Movers and Shakers, Ogden Valley Branch Library at 11:30. FREE children’s music program in 7-week intervals in conjunction with Discovery Time. Call 745-2220 for more info. Every Tuesday: Weber County mission meeting, 10:00 a.m. at the hee County Bldg., 2380 ashes Blvd., Ogden. Pl hearingsae A tion, please contact Leslie or KatieStitt at 745-4012 or Liz Stitt at 564-2372. July 2: Independence Day at Wolf Creek. Visit www.wolfcreekresort.com for more info or call 745-3737. Calendar of Events, Call Shanna Francis or Jeannie Wendell 745-2688 745-2879 Neer JUST LISTED! 4 bedroom, 2 bath home on .93 acres. Horse ns garage. Huge 2-car Only $215,000 exquisite 3 BedrGorne, Fairway Oaks 2 ae in $256,50 Just Listed! Why pay Ogden Valley orices! Beautiful home on 4.89 ac. Over 6500 sq ft Beautiful condo close to mouth of Odgen Canyon. Mother-in-law apt. Reduced to $499, 900 3 BD, 2.5BA, garage. Only $135,900! PR 1.99 acre Buildin~ ’ P* cOLD -uah Perk test passed. Looking for an investment property in Ogden? Very nice duplex. Well kept. Only $99,900 Affordable horse property! 3 BD, 2 BA. full unfinished basement 1.69 acres. $229,900 Are you interested in buying or selling your =f EVERGREEN | ESTATES 1.99 acre Call me fora year round FREE market analysis! $35,000 $80,900! Gorgeous! 2 bath, home 3 bedrooms, in Mountain Green. Beautifully landscaped. $247,900 |EVERGREEN ESTATES se KELLER 2.51 acre REALTY Building Lot dyan@kw.com access $15,000 | Dyan Gin (801) 644-5853 |