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Show THE Page 2 OGDEN VALLEY NEWS Volume XII Issue XI July 1, 2005 PINEVIEW The OGDEN VALLEY NEws Francis 8 Cell: E-Mail: Letters to the Editor ultimately released into the Ogden River. Multiple community volunteers, private organizations, and governmental agencies participated in the cleanup. Weber County supplied dump trucks that hauled off several loads of garbage. Staff: Shanna Tel: cont. from page 1. Ogden Valley Balloon Festival Should Be Scaled Back Would the Valley Balloon Festival continue to take place every year if the community took it toa vote? My take is, while some residents don’t like the event, most do and would hate to see it go. Ifa cross section of Valley residents oe analyzed the festival, looking at what it takes to make the event a acces who — from it, and, finally, what the venue should be to make it reasonable to pull it off year after year, would the Balloon Festival change paths? My bet is—it would I have thought long and hard about the Balloon Festival and have looked at what it costs and whom it benefits. I now feel that I have a good handle on what it would take to make it work for the majority of Valley residents year after year. The perception some people hold—that the Balloon Festival is now Wolf Creek’s event—keeps potential sponsors and volunteers from contributing to the event. Why be a sponsor or volunteer if Wolf Creek is the beneficiary? The reality is, Wolf Creek does not want to control the Balloon Festival. We agreed to keep it alive last year and this year by providing the location, and we are more than willing to be a major sponsor in the future; however, continuing to support the festival at its current level is a monumental task that we won’t be able to undertake in 2006. slfrancis@att.net Jeannie Wendell Tel: 745-2879 Fax: 745-2879 E-Mail: crwendell@att.net erwendell@msn.com Opinions expressed by advertisers, columnists or letters to the editor are not necessarily the opinions of the owners and staff of The OGDEN VALLEY NEWS. Guidelines for Letters to the Editor Letters should be 300 words or less. Let- reserves the right to edit or decline printing of any submissions. Announcements Sought As a community service, The OGDEN VALLEY NEws will print local birth, wedding, obituary, anniversary and missionary farewell & homecoming and Eagle Scout announcements free of charge. We invite residents to send their announcements to: The OGDEN VALLEY NEws PO BOX 130 EDEN UT 84310 Inspirational Thought | If you would like your submitted items “Experience is a hard teacher because she gives the test first, the lesson afterwards.” NEws, while respecting all property received, will take no responsibility for lost or mises items. Please remember to keep a copy for yourself. Invitation for Articles Zi . --Vernon Sanders Photos courtesyof Keith Rounk Igde Law anyon Photos taken May 30 and May 31, 2005 show litter collecting and spilling over the top of the Pineview spillway into the Ogden River below. The staff of The OGDEN VALLEY NEws welcomes the submission of articles by our readership. We invite you to submit local Ws < Friendly. Fast, = HE’S BACK! E Harly Potter Midnight Paty . 8:30 pm Friday Night July 15%, 2005 at io ” Aaron “Harry Potter & The Half Blood Prince” Q Dn Space is Limited! , ORDER : The OGDEN VALLEY NEws does not endorse, promote o sale of any product or service advertised iin this newspaper. Advertisements are the sole repent of the advertiser. The OGDEN xy NEWs hereby ¢disclaims all Be 4 > a * a hy Sa ze: The OGDEN VALLEY News has the sole authority to edit and locate any classified advertisement as deemed appropriate. It also reserves the right to refuse any advertis- ig A pe ee 44 cro acres Seasonal overlooking sre] oa, 3)D) river. Horse prop No aia 0 e cote (ey) e=l0 [0 (ele Rat =1m) M eye 950 Paul ge ®) | Priced 801-814-5667 HY pa = ‘| il tend . d.net o i SHIT aM J 00 scious) ba 0-3074 Nichole Kester’ 710-3074 Over 4 2,000 o ‘ er be 0 olehomes.com = 0! | large 1.97 acre lo op Elma c to o - Y/i ( #48616 og home on 30x50 wo setting. ) ee e a Saas Paul Judd 814-5667 Cell private aa ; pe . f Note: The contents of The OGDEN VALLEY N chted. T, his nuk LAO Oe de coat ni \ ee) IY }. lication and its contributors from unlawful copying, written permission is required before any individual or company engages in the reproduction or distribution of its contents, by any means, without first obtaining written permission from the owners of this publication. ~~ ate) RO all Paul 801-814-5667 o i D. 0-30 a 8619 log home has it al . , Planet Rainbow at Ut I 2B & Zz) fi PL TODAY! es 2 any advertisement in this newspaper. The OGDEN VALLEY NEWS is not responsible for ny claims0: iiscivents in 1 this newspaper. COPY mB ainbow B® RS Gardens RERBEEBEBBREEE ale te YOUR Call for details: 801-392-3902 o WITH EVERY SIGN-UP! * FOR1 s m ONE FREE YARD OF BARK In Rainbew ADMISSION §WITHPURCHASE OF Io 710-7662 Water at Pineview spillway free of refuse and debris after being released downstream into the Ogden River. se FREE = i . 5 5 iB eae ye vontae UGTTGENE The OGDEN VALLEY NEws’ liability on account of errors in, or omissions of, advertising shall in no event exceed the amount of charges for the advertising omitted or the space occupied by the error. the OVN is aa in Planet | Call Deadline for Note: Steve Roberts is the Managing Member for Wolf Creek Resort. Anyone wishing to get involved and help out or share ideas can contact Cindy Beger at 745-0264, cheger@ wolfereekresort. com or go to the volunteer section o <www.ogdenvalleyballoonfestival.com> a ber of the person submitting the material. material for the July 15 issue of Steve Roberts, Eden a the right to select which material will be considered for publication. All material, to be considered, must be submitted with any teers. the field and go out to experience the incredible beauty of the Valley and patronize commercial businesses, then return for the balloon launch and glow in the evening. Visitors could then retire for the night—perhaps in a local hotel or rental unit. An event like this would be much easier to pull off each year, cost a fraction of what it does now, and require a lot less volunteers. And I’m confident that there would be sufficient sponrs to cover the costs so admission could be ee. r ear’s Ogden Valley Balloon Festival will be very similar to last year’s event with a lot of the kinks worked out. | expect it to be a huge success. We just can’t pull it off year after year. My vote is to scale it way back next year and transition it back to what it is supposed to be—Ogden Valley’s Balloon Festival. 8 pertaining to contemporary i issues, as other material that may be of interest to our readers. We also invite you to submit to the paper, or notify the staff of local events. Awards that have been earned by the reader, family members, neighbors or friends are also sought. While the staff of The OGDEN VALLEY NEWS) ee the Ws ityfor I feel strongly that we should significantly scale down the annual Balloon Festival by transitioning it back to what it was initially— a festival celebrating the visual beauty and excitement of hot air ballooning. This could entail a balloon launch in the morning along er: = 1 a f e ' . S bail 6 i lagoiie MB FFI 4 bedroo ba Rie ola) a\omr=(e1K= ‘ > Mette Pe she ! fs 629 e atop a p S) ce Fe) ' 00 ole a a ee 0-3074 (om prelantss o , STORED |