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Show THE Page 10 OGDEN VALLEY NEWS Volume XII Issue XI July 1, 2005 cont. from page 9 art work from the new field guide “Wildflowers and Birds ae the Ogden Valley Pathways.” re information, contact Helene dboran at 393-2304 Ogden Valley Pathways 4th of July Events Visit the Pathways booths on July 4 at both the Huntsville and Liberty celebrations. We’ll be handing out our free trail maps, signing up people for our ea list, and selling our new “Wildflowers and Birds lection of outstanding pen- -and-ink drawings by Snowcrest Junior High students. Summer Work Schedul OVP is looking for bell to maintain existing trails in Ogden Valley. Our June/July 2005 schedule is: Thursday, June 30, 6:00 to 8:00 p-m.—meet at the Pineview Trailhead (or Windsurfer Beach) to mow back growth from Pineview West. Bring work gloves, weed whackers, mowers (large), loppers, pruners, and similar toolsIs. Friday, July 8, 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 m.—meet at the North Ogden Divide Trailhead to hike up Skyline South and Lewis Peak trails and pull dyer’s woad. Bring work gloves, water, and a lunch. This trail is almost woad-free so we’ ll have time to do some wildflower identification. Sunday, July 10, 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.—again, meet at the North Ogden Divide Trailhead to hike up Skyline North (towards Ben Lomond) and pull dyer’s woad. Bring work gloves, water, and a lunch. We’ve been working on this trail earlier this year so we’ll hike up about 2% miles and pull in a beautiful flower-filled Ogden Valley Pathways Shares Student Essays Written by Valley Students field at about 7,500 feet above sea level. Thursday, July 14, 6:00 to 8:00 p.m.—meet at the North Arm Trailhead and clear summer growth along Pineview West. Bring work gloves, weed whackers, mowers (large), loppers, pruners, and rakes. Ogden Valley Pathways recently collected essays from students who wrote about caring and preserving. Parhwrays in Ogden Valley. j¢@ OGDEN VALLEY NEwsS will be printing a cee of these essays within the next issues of the paper. KASS PatH E Hl W.E AY betes ae Thursday, July 28, 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.—location to be announced. Ogden Valley Pathways For more information about maintenance sessions, contact Mart ayo at martycmayo@aol.com or 7452337. If you want to be added to our email list to receive a reminder (we do not lease, sell, share, or lend our mailing list to any other groups or individuals), call us at 393-2304, send us an email at wp@weberpathways.org or sign up at our web site at <www.weberpathways.org> Adopt-A-Trail Program Thi r Ogden Valley Pathways is working to expand our trail maintenance program through an Adopt-A-Trail program. Under this program, families, businesses, and groups will adopt a trail or portion of a trail and provide for maintenance such as trimming back branches, mowing sides when needed, and collecting trash. Some groups may even want to do some simple trail construction or add trail signs or trail head markers. OVP signs at the adopted trailhead will recognize the group that has adopted the trail. And adopting groups will receive OVP guidelines and technical assistance. If you’re — or want more information, contac Brandon Fuller at 645-6060, or Helene Liebman at 393-2304. o PATHWAYS By CassBindrup, Sixth grade student Pathways provide a way to get up-close and see nature and its wildlife. We need to take care and keep the pathways clean so our children can enjoy the astounding beauty of the Valley I years to come. ese pathways preside next door to Pineview. This gives the scenery an even more professional look. Every year around spring, a scented breeze is cast about, warming your face and whipping your hair up. The trails are bursting with color. You can see the lilac trees standing wielding it s buds. Many wild flowers are in bloom. As you stand alone on the rail, all the cares in the world wash away with the swaying pines. There are open skied, and large fields to roam. Or you could go on the switchbacks filled with trees and frolicking squirrels. Once you start the hike, you’ll never want the experience to end. We want the entire world to see our proud Ogden Valley Pathways. Just pay attention, and do your part to keep the trails safe. We can enjoy them for the rest of our lives. Ogden Valley Pathways By Marne’ Pack, Sixth grade student Does anyone love nature? Well, I do too, and that is one of my best reasons why I think pathways are tremendous! Another one of y reasons is you can get some great exercise. My last but not least would have to be as a community we can get more united. I love nature so much that I think that we can help preserve our pathways and keep them nice and clean. Some of the things we can do to help our nature grow on our pathways would be, not Wolf picking the flowers, don’t litter—if you do see some litter, pick it up and throw it away—and we should also be able to have school learning activities to help preserve our patoways. of the values of our Ogden Valley Pathways is being able to exercise and being more united to together. I think these are two very strong reasons because you can go on a nice little bike ride with your friends or family without worrying about big trucks that are going way too fast and hit you. A way we can be more united I you can want to go to your friends’ house and your mom can’t take you so you have the choice to be able to ride your bike on the path and be perfectly safe. (Of course, after you get to your friend’s house, you need to call your mom. So, in conclusion, we need to take care and love our pathways for nature, exercise, and being more united. I appreciate all that the Pathway’s people have done for us and to make Ogden Valley Pathways possible. Thank you! How We Can Protect Ogden Valley Pathways By Shaylise Messerly, Sixth grade student I think that if we all try to pick up trash when we see it and stop littering on the trails, it will help make the environment safe for animals. We should also try pulling more weeds! Everywhere you hike there are weeds. If you pull the weeds when you walk past them, then soon there will be no more weeds to pull. We should leave animals’ homes and territory alone! It will keep us from getting hurt by the animals, and them from getting their homes ruined. We should respect the animals’ environment. We should not ruin their homes, and we should be quiet when we are close to their homes. ou’re walking on a trail, stay on the trail! You should NEVER go offa trail; it will ruin the environment and confuse future hikers because of the new trails that it makes. 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