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Show PRSRT STD POSTAGE PAID PEI RMIT NO. 1 N Weber County Notice To Ogden Valley Property Owners 4 Photo courtesy of Audrey Carver of Eden Summer flowers in Ogden Valley. See page 13 for more summer photos. Ogden River Association Ordered by State to Address Refuse Discharge Problem on Pineview By Shanna rancis Ogden Valley News After years of trying to motivate Ogden River Association representatives to clean Photos courtesy of Keith Rounkles Flot otsam at e Pineview Dam. released Ogden into the River below, Keith Rounkles of Ogden Canyon has finally found an ally in the Utah Department of Environmental Quality (DWQ) Division of Water Quality (DWR). DWR Environmental Scientist Thomas Rushing recently sent a certified letter to Terrel Grimley, Director for the Ogden River Association, outlining orders for the organization to prepare and submit a copy f an operations and management plan within 30 calendar days of receipt of the request dated June 10, 2005 to reduce the discharge of floatable “garbage” into the Ogden River, including cups, cans, glass, used oil containers, plastic, and other miscellaneous debris. Area Accidents Shut Down Traffic, Send Victims to Local Hospitals By Shanna Francis Ogden Valley News Two accidents occurring during the last two weeks on roads leading into Ogden Valley sent several victims to area hospitals. On Friday, June 17, a head-on collision on State Road 39 occurring several yards east of the Dam on Pineview left eight people injured—four traveling in a Honda Accord and another four ina Chevy Suburban. Apparently the driver of the Honda, traveling eastbound at about 5:05 p.m., drifted off the shoulder of the road, overcorrected, then crossed the center line hitting the Suburban head-on. Anticipating the accident, the driver of the Suburban slowed before impact, possibly saving the lives of accident victims. While victims sustained critical injuries, all are expected to recover. According to Weber County Sheriff Sergeant Ryon Hadley, who was called to assist at the accident scene, two helicopters—one AirMed and one LifeFlight—and three ambulances were involved in the rescue effort. Three of the victims in the Honda had to be cut out of the wreckage before being transported; it took rescue workers almost two hours to extricate the driver. The accident shut down Highway 39, which remained closed for about three hours. hursday, June 23, Aus Montgomery of Liberty was traveling eastbound on the North Ogden Divide about a mile from the top when he drifted left of center and clipped a westbound car. Pulling back, the Cadillac Montgomery was driving left the road, crashing about 175 feet down the embankment before coming to rest. Montgomery and the other driver received only minor injuries and were treated and released at the scene. The Montgomery vehicle, which tore through heavy vegetation on its way down he mountain side, received significant damage and had to be hoisted up to the road by a heavy wrecker before being towed away. affic on the divide was temporarily interrupted for about an hour. A Forest Service trail sign warns pathways users of bridge closure. information. See page 9 for more After DWR representatives received a complaint by Rounkles on the Division’s Response and Remediation Response Line, DWQ dispatched personnel for an onsite inspection at Pineview. After collaborating Rounkles’ complaint, Grimely was contacted about discharge violations. After years of complaints and failed promises that the problem would be remediated, last year Rounkles took the problem into his own hands, organizing a massive Pinveview Reservoir shoreline cleanup hoping to dispose of the litter and debris before it collected into the waters that are PINEVIEW By Utah State law, County Assessors are mandated to keep property assessments at market value. The market data available to our office shows that property values have increased in Ogden Valley, particularly in certain areas. The change in your property value will show on the “Market Valuation Notice” that you receive toward the end of July or the first part of August. If you want to see what the increase will be before you receive your notice, you can log onto the Weber County website at <www1l.co.weber.ut.us> Click on Assessor then do a parcel search. You can pull up the sre ie your property including the 2005 Starting this summer, I will be conducting a door to door reappraisal in Ogden Valley to insure that we have correct information about your property. This insures fairness to all people required to pay a property tax. Ifno one is home when my appraisers stop by, they will leave a blue card asking for information about your property. I ask for your help by filling it out and sending this self-addressed card back to the Assessor’s Office. Thank you. Cheryl Madson, Weber County Assessor Public Input Wanted on Fuels Reduction Projects Wasatch-Cache National Forest, Ogden District Ranger Chip Sibbernsen announced today that the District is looking for public comments regarding two hazardous fuel reduction projects. The projects will reduce heavy fuel concentrations of oak and maple. The Uintah Highlands project is located east of the Uintah Highlands subdivision in south Weber County. The Mountain Green project is located in Weber Canyon on the north side of Interstate 15 just west of Mountain Green. cont. on page 2 FOREST PLAN cont. on page 8 Ogden Valley Considers Growth Options By John Wri Standard-Examiner staff After listening to more than an hour of public input, the Weber County Planning Commission on Tuesday night opted to delay any recommendation on the proposed document that could guide the future of recreation — and perhaps more importantly, growth — in the Ogden Valley. More than 100 people packed to capacity an auditorium at the Ogden Valley Branch Library in Huntsville for the public hearing on what is known as draft Element 9 of the county’s master plan. Among other things, draft Element 9 recommends strategies for curtailing the type of sprawl-like development that, if allowed to continue, eventually could clutter the Ogden Valley with up te 16,000 dwellings and 40,000 residents. The sentiment expressed by the dozen o1 so people who addressed the commission was unanimous: Let’s not let that happen. said Carolyn who said she recently moved to the Ogder Valley from Telluride, Colo. “Fifteen thousand | is a huge number. Let’s not make i that The valley has 3,000 dwellings and 5,40 GROWTH cont. on page 15 Photo court fesy of Ji of The Red Hat Society met at Alpine Pizza in Eden for lunch on Monday, June 13. The Red Hat Society is composed of a group of women over the age of fifty who believe that, after a certain age, one can wear red hats and purple dresses and get away with it The group meets on the second Monday of each month for fun and frivolity at various restau627-6006 or by For contact information, call Cathy Payne at rants around the Ogden area. et> omcast.n ciety.com on the internet. You can also visit www.redhatso e-mail at <cpayne11(@c |