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Show FEBRUARY NEA? 1995 FOR KIDS-SAKE Good Sports Programs Teach Good Citizenship bs HS Kye By Tony Onofrietti a sn ARAL eo i S is very important maintain sports and and promote in sport to enhance youth traditional secondary school sports phi- elementary systems. and These orga- ‘ig, SO nizations strive to teach basic skills and general knowledge, tal OPEN 7 DAYS values, A and to instill fundamen- to inspire personal child’s Tony Onofrietti continued enrichment. advancement how and_ pro- and nurtured in a manner to his or her academic resenting Next to Park City Glass positive ical education 649-4561 pursuits. and By repin sport, facilitate the phys- process and provide the foundation for a healthy attitude toward competition. One approach sportsmanship sports is to consider educational forum. responsibility yoming oolens supporting game. and parallel Is Proud To Be A Part Of The Wasatch Mountain Times competition The the has teaching in of the “Recreation-Education roles model as an participant proper perspective sports and game” and coaches on sportsman- based individuals upon play a the in youth in education. working principles of the You will take a vested Your surroundings by Times an important part Mountain Lifestyle e sports competition game.” Players game tN played, of the learning techniques, can to but how how should motivated and their individual ment to always the game 18 determination Players, be taught, recognized efforts. like challenged, based The trying one’s his or her respect. Organizations, such is the recreation and sports associations personified by leadership qualities and of their respective adminis- values trators. the These entrusted providing access, opportunities for constituents. Sports administrat6rs, the instruction of the techof playing greatly outlook on a particular influence the game. character and their Coaches identity by departare administrators with vices, equal all are quality ser- fairness, safety and participation and for all officials are as represent such, game integrity of the game. officials can make mistakes during the course of play, rarely does it effect the outcome extent mon that the game. of of the game a coach’s error could or during be supported to the player's the The judgment com- playing of of the officials by all competitors participants at all times, simply out respect manship The for True sports- Recreation-Education Model emphasizes tion, game. here. participation describes approach, By and role and greatly improve letic experiences as practice sportsmanship utilizing parents fields individual compares positive over competi- playing equates and to citizenship. become the begins to study, coaches dis- municipal ments, classrooms, aspects as school tricts, upon commitbest student Officials = Principals lesson. establish team every his or her life, so can every earned Coaches = Teachers Beyond players’ and accomplishment. students, nical as influenced who and self-motivation sport, TEP and Just that one special teacher who should Adventure Designs For The Wasatch Back Country PAGE only how remember how primary Wyoming Woolens 518 Main Street Park City, Utah 801-645-9427 not and and fairly they treat players, opponents, rewards different levels of practice, and lead rteece'FeEeT is youth are “students are playing skills and the in losing, acceptable officials. . Although Players = Students participating and pressure define behavior, the character and include: Children to they unacceptable youth recognizes offers parents pro-active ship each the The Model” “the This in winning respond how player remember that one special coach to fostering a strong philosophy handle they adversity, comparable role models parents and coaches they how gression as an athlete can be developed © Fark City Wyomine Wear and high-quality learning and We hope interest in making The of Your sup- achievement, programs are similar in educational Vegetarian Sandwiches and Soup « Vitamins ® Herbs © Flu Remedies ¢ Frozen and Refrigerated Organic 5 @ Organic Produce ® Holistic Books and Magazines Body Care * Environmentally Friendly Products 1270 lronhorse Drive should effort and ethics losophy Homemade and performance. Many Park City’s Only Organic Grocery Store coaches individual athletic develop competition. Parents port to proper perspective on youth this type coaches models in the quality of for their children. of can sport ath@ |