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Show FEBRUARY 1995 Mom GOES SKI JUMPING! t x Sa Pd 4 oft fe oe acai Number 56 (mom) by Leslie goes for big air at the Winter before Thatcher key didn’t have to make any my husband last winter when if he should for the Series Park answer baby was, in three you'll Night Town Jump ears, which Winter Sports jump. I was due I was to jump again. figured, would me an with to do house Wednesday get I did ski cle. | only agreed because remember sand words. that we along enough experiences to It wasn’t would with the been about my a | was photo that ski told to go tion over I began I as my paused to mind over scrambled the to come “This editor will said, and stomach untied anytime the for Park. wasn't The going knot to in juniors under. The for Friday through 3 p.m., unless Call 649-5447 after the Sports three Park years sort of, opened ago. As at part of the Utah Winter Games, a couple of free were ski jumping clinics held those from beneath for a brief introduction Park’s head skillfully showed -d your Here, loosen by Jeff us how We to wiggled you the that legs I to calm What I knew The in_ up, ski you as you were alpine skiing, trying to get air off a mogul just took I remember our leg extension then, PAGE deep I concentrated standing couldn't the exciting ledge, ski the technique forward realize so brings and my as I land. me 've been again that thought Even if I to the ski backyard, then along naturally It’s only holding had could here comes come then my is the that I realized a blast. best play- ever want in my Winter Sports Park! I hear the bobsled and luge track is supposed 38- Just think, we could be the world’s first I was directed to wait. mother-daughter luge team - Leslie and I thought. flew in place off the to keep my legs waved me I in Park City - and the But or never, I breath. hiatus, jumping I already anyone back arms After a two-year ground I'm not ski- briefly. Hannah And 8 the flagger to be finished next winter. slide for lifel @ people were on. I’m at Leslie clapping and for KPCW the very next thing I knew, the bottom, | it. own there I I’m flying through the air. it! at the top, there’s face. in my stand to from collapsing. Then, — up from the in-run position to I in my ground I of life, But not with the All pop heart do. Just pop someone I jogged or cornice. practiced that back. Even Now, | over gets left at the top. As I speed didn’t my is still fuzzy less over ing anymore, I was about to do. I could first jump Its now lots myself. meter jump and if jump, in the The next thing I know, proved to the coaches. things offer pounding. breaths bent legs; I had 30 all the hill, the take off point comes Gravity an hour, back of keep was long. straight over, was them, f it is ever it to myself. Riding up the loose. your coaches bend rush,” to become. turning learned 5-meter 18-meter the our fingers to keep reminded the more I jumped skating lot do myself down are direct- to knowing want no skills had to prove sides. to pull at I push snow tow our were want naturally to up, myself capable jump up meter jumping — it’s a thrill every time. Once this legs extended! mind. hanging We hike jump. arms popping to a you rushing we a before they tend he called learned what say more place where small ten It sounds the lift to do it again. our Essentially, over In less than jumpers position.” could those drills, us to what area.” and visualized what the “in-run We play jumping pointers: to coach, from while event. to the sport air more the lucky. in feet: “Yeah, “Wow, separates by practicing their newly over with our ribs out over our thighs, don't big several I fodder for the cleared if I was With snow to Volmrich. We want is you, etting our rhythm, week 18-meter jumping for ground McKay Jim feet!” mounds information.) the the it eyes. giving Sports more impressive it on when tears in my of defeat.” I probably don’t. Following for 1 p.m. “agony beginner jumpers can build confidence the clinic, a special off when away who doing is the park’s play pen —a lessons 30 of us would-be assembled jumping, to ski jump, Sunday there’s for more will when I had it - without mark, simple like instructor ushered each that want pushing “the Park is open jumping most, dropping | so but I did- $8 you'll explained. ground, for adults; and exercise lift going all annual $20 13-to-18; 12 and come soon. learned counts get jumping a fee: public He him offers for kids assume to meet up orienta- I needed simple the It seemed flat Sports jump. I could the thoughts. too.” and ABC It’s a you up since without the free Park public 35-year-old my agreed Sports I had Hollow story,” that can ski jump, at the Winter Bear great people I gulped just a interrupting “Showing moms be again. miss Sports the up with an alternative. the time 18-meter it again building About phone, my al $12 panic. “Uhmmm, for learn-to-ski-jump (If you thou- off and point. the coach polypropy- like a long to do the to the 1 and and Leslie Thatcher cheering off you're actually launching off the jump, site.) bundled pushing made give the packed stance, with the balls of our feet at the takeoff up my skis and fleece off the want the though, on straight-legged who confidence this arti- write a story a on I figured until need n't boots (Today, covers I also and headed through top the list to do bag her and had | Ing having anticipate, approached kid, hav time It seemed provide of jumping would not being jumping a out of which and was could Park. never Having to nights What lene to ski conveniently excuse lots of things, clean how have know I packed diaper probably I didn’t T would downhill that rented a The all I need- courage, be this in — my my helmet can but Hannah free were a So, again, the competitions, was and need boots, the to have a didn't that skis Park knew months In fact, have on already Still, he probably relieved bring and roster He “no.” to here Hannah Park actual word asked me Utah City. the the put Wednesday at the near ed excuses Sports Thatcher is a news radio in Park City. reporter | |