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Show FEBRUARY SPECIES OF THE 1995 MONTH How to See One Watch during all times of the year in farmlands (even in urban areas) and along the edges of woods around sunrise and sunset. By Pamela Vanager Red Red Fox, Other Vulpes Butte Garden Fox, Silver Fox 15 to 16 inches 45 to 42 inches Tail Length: 13 18 Adult Weight: 5 to 8 pounds Life Expectancy: 12 years and and Across Japan. woodchuck small to Distribution: (habitat of prey) India, Education Arboretum hollow inches Varied North Preferred or badger cave, Poulson and Cross Height: Total Length: Range Mills Environmental vulpes Names: Shoulder of den. habitat America, of woods Europe, Den Site: South When no burrow tree trunk or brushy (cover) Asia, facing, can and open Northern warm be slope. found meadows Africa, There are more Red Foxes than any other type of fox. Northern Abandoned they will utilize across a stream and a mad a thicket. a highway are predators off dash across contrived the scent. the cubs are weaned to throw their father Red foxes’ open. He most common enemies — humans — have perfected cle course A irregular pasture, glaring midnight eyes into the dim trots flash A vision. as So quick record, the fox. brain foxes tan, the red northern por- common of of lifestyle, are rarely seen up of edges open — where meadows; where improved habitat reason our eyes” that and traced the two red fox He watches farmland are not not “believe of a red fox always is red. to Death will its teeth by leading them manure, through members is highly variable: of a on briar trouble Caged chickens and fowl, eggs and off- spring pickings. offer easy farmer sometimes An irate fails to recognize the role red foxes play in natural control of crop destroying rodent populations. foxes are strictly solitary, except during in January the breeding through fall. is detected hiding place, roles in the fox. flushes prey prey A lone fox” merry born. alone, brushy among boulders. diggers and area, Foxes are rather than or even not great dig their own den will take over a den abandoned a woodchuck by or badger, enlarging and adjusting it to their needs. available, foxes will use the same lined 42 a mouse’s chases. by A skip a log, swim PAGE If milk regurgitated hunts food only — that’s allows 4 (4 they survive on to “baby” 6 weeks), food. after birth, for the entire the then At about opening the Although cubs Red filled parents often spend foxes do not prey senses using of hear- ing and smell. As guard the winter approaches, hairs and long, coats underfur thicken, waterproof guard ing as wind/raincoat, underfur serves feet are protected tufts of fur between ter red foxes (usually hairs serv- parka. Red from foxes’ freezing their sleep not dens) with tail covering of with while the downy as toes. In win- in sheltered curled by These tufts also aid traction on snow. areas in tight balls nose and paws. Crafty rogues, red foxes are one of most intelligent animals. Whether hunting, denning, or surviving the winter, their brilliance exquisite the sixth week, By and their highly developed and as far as the den’s play. are quite active all win- ning delivering are undersnow Their family, fall and up. male (dog) to hunt early denmate tracking nursery is abandoned together. hibernate, and ter to of the den learning breaks winter For the first as close as the female (vixen) him. family the As the cubs grow, mother’s and hunting, separate, den year after year. A short with predators then cubs otherwise paws. along a balanced patch, are by the mother cat. a his to prey. to snap in a hidden 9 days pounces, like then log, to from 52 are tended track 4 season About mating, scent spine. through among into them other domesticated five weeks the species late fall the den in a grass lined den, in a hollow tree or jaws “out diverse after quickly foxes Their They between strong with Summer and which family. insects, to One is all it takes Red humans. for the growing is avail- berries. gets red leave the hunt on relieved can into to prey Finally mom food of fresh “safe” prey and eaters, venture them live birds, sensitive noses outwait tones same prey in mated practice. up play distinct of rust, red, silver or black, are accom- Coloration down patiently, the comes chomp may elude swiftly, at up to. six with dinner’s foxes trapping we and into waiting jaws of its partner. have cutting move outwitting game. meet by run picking Once humans in a sighting they They ground courses into woodlands. One than water meet prey with meat whatever mammals, and introduced to they teaches them duty, basically eat often R° where forests and capture miles per hour, prey. the because pairs. the cosmopoli- but, Red foxes use their packs, skillfull red foxes hunt ranging crafty they are one of the most to Rather to the thrill of by humans. Their habitat is made desert scrub; reputation predators. habitat. and their intelligent animals. to Pinocchio earn cunning hemisphere their nocturnal Brer Rabbit, well, because most fruits They red inhabit eggs, rogues. has Truly and legs, palate behind. western small as_ he vulpes, will foxes of the world. foxes as Though foxes able: red that Vulpes black this obsta- into sport. black depict knows tion of the state, are the most in Aesop, time in his wild snout, on is, how- pointed others has compares fox of white There the white tipped tail. barely across all but the extreme foxes narrow tail, bobs a rare glimpse Nothing Red ears, conscious driver seeing a red Tired An auburn that experienced mistaking just body, patches no light of dawn. lithe large and-stomach, ever, windshield white-tipped by the chest the and as home. beyond panied open by a frosty fluffy the rolls heads through of hedge-row, strip shiftman peer long alternation arbored shopping negotiating brings as humans be long so coat, love for wonder through. thoughtful play cun- makes us if perhaps we could skillfully enough shines at endowed to clearly maybe even as sly as a fox? see @ least one— | | 1| ] |