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Show FEBRUARY 1995 WOUNTAI EDITORIAL WASATCH Volume 1, No. 2 February Christopher Smart Bb SA TUR oe Park January cle City in the Wasatch about the that makes Farm being Toby questions wake Mountain the Times 100-acre up of run town’s farm was municipality $4 four million. The action, cials had green plan meant to But for us. in city to space, beautiful If you need closed hired to off complete coming elected and ness within should be answers to to guard their city on the Author and ideal busi of open- democracy and The City-the deci the without publicly distinction town,” Problems go between is arising the farm seem and four years J plan, nor Osguthorpe beginning however, ot adopted i space later, a plan parcel. Now, to arise about \ balance an important one questions about from an open poration and for difficult trick, the questions are the future cials of healthy the farm e if it is to remain wont in city officials conservation a guarantee occur that no as open place viable Why walking can haven't such trails been things allowed ¢ Why is a local cross-country concessionaire the resource there S many are farm And of only good more that city one questions need to officials answers be may to all these well ques- tions. But the defensive City Park City plans Hall has now for the posture many that thing other than open coming people wondering farm in if there include space and are somerecre- ation. It adds up to this: not everyone Park City now trusts city their out bidding: of in officials to do the public eye. The behind-the-scenes workings of the present may administration advantages in some be coming back Through have regards, to haunt all must with city as manager corporation. beer continues her saloon and east heads is sull only But on safari. to Francis, This time, where men elected the Rick Now takes men, a hard left at the women are tough a dollar. Brough has spent a lifetime collecting ridiculous he’s come up with the ridiculous answers M E Myers Speaks with Loving Hands. page 3 SPECIES OF THE MONTH offi- side of a to the detriment of the much Park mayor oversee the The Quick Gray Fox Jumps page 4 Around Utah. into a city Can Legislation Save Farmlands from Development? page 5 Utah Congressman James V. Hansen Says Let's Close Some National Parks. page 6 local democ- dedication puts City and as the running the @ this, great but could it politically. townsfolk Can Your Old Legs Still Make Quick.Turns? Maybe You Need Your Boots Fit Properly page 9 Published by Print Works, Park City, Utah Christopher Smart editor Leslie Miller Layout and Design Dea Riley/Van Wagoner Sales Manager Contributors Katharine Biele, Rick Brough, John Helton, Steve Lewis, Teri Orr, Tony Onofrietti, Pam Poulson, Virginia Rainey, Kurt Repanshek, Leslie Thatcher, Abby Wright RAPPIN’ Wasatch Front, our canyons, and BODY LANGUAGE Dieting? Go Bananas! and There's an Easier Way to Shape Up. page 13 PP ae Wasatch Mountain Times, would like to have the Wasatch Times delivered and aced in your busimess establishment please contact Dea at 801-649-8046. or ete ay Will Avalanche Forecasting System In Little Cottonwood Be Overhauled? page 14 the Park City area. The opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the publisher. For advertising rates and schedules in The RAPPAPORT No Species Can Go Extinct Forever. page 12 The Wasatch Mountain Times is published monthly and 20,000 are distributed throughout our mountain region. Inchiding the It page 17 she are is a CREDITS ski to improve a multi-year con- of contracts -the answered. from err corporation racy use at all? not allowed through instead < year? have Orr Dam to be con- recreational about Teri cor democracy What Hollow is there no sum- season tract, at best. community, council development structed on farm? Why mer a healthy Bear a blurring a healthy In their efforts to keep the easement there? e at Linda between not jump the town Why, © farm must meter City from to come tourists. “Park “Park Court. Dumb Tourist Questions? Ask Mr. Wasatch Backside page 19 Is it true that when the end comes, the Angel Moroni will fall from atop the LDS local of that distinction Almost the Temple? corporation,” Federal Fleeting Natural Settings page 16 Escape the hubbub of ever-expanding development to spend the Sabbath in the Church of Powder and Pines — Essay by outdoor activist Steve Lewis. council city 18 Jordanelle residents and informed the The Silver Spur is Off The Dam Road taxpayers however, a mayor them ness from 10 in Mom Goes Ski Jumping page 8 | annah is only 9 months old. But her mother, Leslie Thatcher, is 35. Can 35-year old mothers ski jump? Well, yeah, sort of — if they've got the guts. See Leslie fly corporation to supply keep said to make plan dollar manager contrast, to do what's negotiations a was government townsfolk trust you adopting have offi- open the he city sy some ahead spac the all questions applauded buy the best the be preserved essence, officials, we sions for the that would City first though it by go community no belt In years even because purchased all, page Service s at stake may be more than the installation of the Baby Thunder chairlift. could decide how future ski resort development takes place in the Wasatch Manager ly, is to his credit happy The After a multi-million entry corridor the Ross. Park - City To the extent that he does that smooth- arti Osguthorpe that blame Forest = in shouldn’t U.S. —4 asked recreation open the > and relevant against = space some off ~~ are squared m There has 1995 Ss Big Trouble Over Baby Thunder Snowbird “ Relevant Questions Arise About Osguthorpe Farm NG ded ay Fallout Over Osguthorpe Farm Open page 15 if you Space. Ge Good PAGE 2 Sports Programs Teach Good page 18 Citizenship questions from |