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Show FEBRUARY ee APPAPGORT APPIN: TRAINING Fe 1995 Ul Can Go Extinct Forever Learn from a Pro Janet Dart has been there! She has been teaching individuals and businesses on IBM compatible computers since 1982. Winter Group Classes: e Introduction to Windows ¢ Beginning WordPerfect e Advanced WordPerfect, DOS 5.1 e Upgrading to WordPerfect 6.0 On Site Training: We will customize a training program to fit your needs at your home or business. Call Us at 801-645-8563 MAIL YOUR By 1.B. Rappaport S°" people aren't aware of Utah Rep. James V. Hansen’s plan to overhaul the Endangered Species Act. Yep, that’s right. Under the new plan, a species would be required to become extinct before it could be put on the Endangered Species List And frankly, that only makes sense The current arrangement, where a species, like the spotted owl, is placed on the list before it is extinct, is just not efficient. Just look at all that old growth timber that is wasting away in the forest Besides, were not saying the species would be extinct forever. Just for a little while, until the economy improves Jim Hansen? is ‘our “aman in Washington. Did you know that just like Newt Gingrich, Hansen was swept into office in 1980 during the first phase of the Reagan Revolution [ say first phase, because all those Reganauts who arrived in Congress 15 years ago, like Gingrich and Hansen, are now in power The similarities between Newt and stop Reagan Jim don't with the Revolution: they both haves plenty of good ideas. Newt wants to put the chil- dren of welfare mothers in orphanages and Jim wants to close our expensive and useless national parks. I told you these guys were good. One proposal that hasn't received the attention it deserves, is to combine the two ideas. That’s right, some of our parks could be shut down and turned into huge orphanages. The beauty of the plan is that these youngsters could be raised with the wildlife - saving taxpayers most of the $30,000 per year that it costs to house each child in a traditional live-in facility It is truly an idea for the ‘90s. Another item that the public might not have fully grasped is the brilliance in Hansen’s plan to downsize Utah’s proposed Wilderness from 5.7 million acres to 1.2 million. Of course, Jim is getting a little help on this from fellow Utah Republicans Enid Greene Waldholtz, Bill Orton, Bob Bennett and Orrin Hatch. What most people might not have gathered, is that the 4.5 million acres not included in the Wilderness Act can be used for mining, timber and other industries. It is really a stroke of genius. Now, all those wasted Wilderness Study Areas can finally be developed industrially SUBSCRIPTION REQUEST TO P.O. BOX 1433 The High Altitude And by putting the emphasis on Wilderness, instead of mining or timber, it really fools all those stupid, eastern environmentalists. Derned commies. The fact is, that mining is good for tourism. Just look at Kennecott and The Grand Canyon - two open pit mines that get millions of visitors each year! In addition, clear cutting forests is good for tourism, too. Just look at Arizona — no trees, anywhere. And tourists love Arizona. We need to talk “Wise Use” here. land Is it wise to set aside huge tracts of so that people in station wagons and straw hats can drive through them each summer, just to look at this antiquated notion called nature? Or is it Wise Use to let timber and mining take advantage of the rich reserves in places like Yellowstone and Canyonlands and Yosemite? I think you know the answer. Wise Use is Wise Use. And name. Published Monthly at 7,000 in Park City, Utah Alternative ADDRESS ‘ Oe ey APT./ SUITE NO. CITY/STATE ZIP THIS GIFT IS FROM PHONE NO. (___} ADDRESS APT/SUITE NO. PHONE NO. { CITY/STATE CHECKQ VISAQ Exp. No. PAGE 12 is his real @ TO $12.00 - 12 issues Hansen ¢ PARK CITY, UTAH 84060 OR FAX 801-649-8046 ee your issues delivered V. true. James Verywise Hansen. I'm serious folks, that is 12 ISSUES OF THE “TIMES” “Subscribe wad Got James a Very Wise Guy. Did you know the “V” in James V. Hansen is for “Verywise?” It’s SIGNATURE Feet ‘ |