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Show mim mUm Match 17, 1983 UINTAH BASIN MULTIPLE LISTING SBCTIONfoEWSPRINT 1 ill Page 1 mmm mm am mm full-o- ut e qual housing OPPORTUNITY REALTOR ffSSSWfSiWftW &9S38SSS8gg8&m8 UINTAH BASIN BOARD OF REALTORS Accord Realty Basin Real Estate Co. Bastlan Realty Hacking Real Estate Century 21 Dart Realty Century 21 Country Realty ERA- - Ashley Valley Realtors High Country Realty Realty World- - Labrum Western Sun Realty Aspen Brook Realty After years of steady increases, home prices have begun to level off. Competition among sellers to attract buyers is making homes much more affordable. But prices could very' likely begin to climb again before long. That's why now is a great time to buy. Make your first move by calling a REALTOR9 a real estate professional who belongs to the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS. He or she knows the community, the best home values and can help find a financing method that's right for you. Don't delay. Home prices could go up at any time. Opportunity is knocking now. The door you .open could be the one to the home you want Contact a REALTOR today. - I L i LZ2 CZ1LH m ctj 3 mi 131 Interest rates are lower now than they have been for years. With creative financing almost anyone can qualify for a home. Dont wait till things start going up to buyl |