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Show l i MM Ml v' March 17, 1983 Basin NICKEL ADSAEWSPRINT Page 11 SccOon 1 9 S'.R,nf.K2.1fr,0,i; Townhouse Apartments, brand new 2 bath. Free! bedroom, 1 Satellite TV in every room, Refrigerator, stove, dispo-sal, AC, all included for only 350 per month. Excellent location 837 S. Vernal Ave. Call - Vernal. 1F257 789-031- 2. House For Riot in Roosovolt 4 Units for Rent One Mux. apartments 250 and 2 or furnished apartments 300. Color T.V. available. for rent 1 For Rent 3 bedroom duplex all kitchen appliances. Landscaped in quiet neighbor- 353-444- 1N306 bedroom. hood MOO00 and 350 per Appliances, fully carpeted,. month 200 deposit. Call Vernal. 1N250 250 50 Discount! for first! For Rant Duplex, 2 Houso For RmL 1 bedroom cottage in Vernal. Unblocks 789-143- 3. off Main Street. Fenced yard, very cozy. 250 month. Call 2 months. FOR RENT Guaranteed ...... no rent increase for at least one sJJJSon,e t0.,?i.arB $200 plus utilities. exPenses MOO00 year. security deposit. new bedroom home. No Call 7890703. Vernal. 1N299 .3 no smokers, drinkers, male, 1N307 0. 1 27 bedroom cottage, 1 blocks Kids OK. pets-N-o. Call 789 off Main Street. Fenced yard, 1997 or 784072, Art Vernal. 0. very cozy. Call 1N298 353-444- house bedroom 275, house 2 bedroom 345, duplex 1 bedroom 275 per unit 200 cleaning and damage deposit. No pets, references required. Call Neola 353-45Ken or Cindy. 1N235 for single, young For Root Duplex 4 bedroom, 2 bath, fireplace garage 550 789-493- 789-739- 5. r I 22 1N336 evenings. - H 4 lovely hornet in Roosevelt D I I with to buy! BSome choice option Strout Realty S R R H 1 R hookup, Fisher I fl R H D H FOR RENT: R 3 Bedroom I Apts. Two good fl locations. B R H 454-39- 247-231- pm-Roos- B 789-847- K!,, Fourplex for rent, brand new, 2 bedroom, 1 bath, s300a month, 200 deposit no pets. 7894934 or 7897395, Vernal, 1N150 Goodber Duchesne. 1N269 738-256- 4, Call M0NTH raEL New 2 bedroom Apts. Carports with . S AN ALL PURPOSE CONCEPT IN CONSTRUCTION WITH A WIDE VARIETY OF APPLICATIONS ULTIMATE IN OESIGN EFFICIENCY AND FLEXIBILITY 1000 Vernal. 1N342 Far Rent Large 2 bedroom 1 than tha payments on soma of ,ths Ilka naw repossessions at Cara Free Romas. Across from Gibsons. 7896683, VsrnaL Prefestienil efflea space for lease. Downtown location. Includes conference room and fice separate offices. decorated. Professionally 2000 square feet available, Call Candi Vaughn at High Country Realty 7896912, Vernal. 20180 1 APARTMENTS FOR RENT 1W226 Three 'Bedroom Duplex. Nice private neighborhood in town. All appliances, washer & dryer hookup. Small pets ok. $350 month. Call 789 3406 Vernal. 1N320 jv;.- ' - &.v..unn-i , I'U: .'? 3 Bedroom Apt for rent in Roosevelt Partly furnished, economically priced at 1 250 North 200 West $275 $300 i 375 to ! 1 per month or 789-148- Vernal 2 ' Apt Famished 2 bedroom All utilities furnished, j Fireplace, piano, $300. Call 7891569 Theda, Vernal, j 1N353 ; one bedroom Apt. Carpets, drapes, fridge, cook stove, fenced yard, storage shed. $200 per month, $100 deposit Phone 789 9966 or 7893292 ask for John, Vernal. 1N344 I See the manager or call Sandy at 789-958-8 month. Cali 722-574 Roosevelt. 1N337 61 I or I Levity 353-492- 1 pewgQigggg2BSEBS53525H2H55555252e 3 bedroom 1 Vi bath woodcoal stove gas heat rangehood air conditioned large playground dishwasher For Rent: For Rent: $300 $350 $400 furnished, unfurnished. Deluxe 2 and 3 bedrooms. Call 7891942.7893659.789 5755 or 7895510 Vernal. 1N345 tennis court $350-$375mon- th washerdryer children welcome no pets refrigerators available For Rant Beautiful new 2 bedroom Apt. Carpets, drapes, fridge, cook stove, washer & dryer hookups. Storage closets, large rooms, air conditioning, cable TV, fenced yard. $325 month. $100 deposit. Kr WILLOWBROOK CONDO APIS 6950" complete price Installed ' per month. Easy ssy Your Choice of Factory Colors . MOO50 789-080- hookups L . access from Highway 40 and road. Room for If WHIM ill! MCo BUILDING SYSTEM THE ft. 1N302 . Hacking dryer hookups, tion. No pets. $275 month. 0' Phone 7892134 days, 789 location. Call For Losso or Solo: 2 acres 3216 after 6 p.m. Vernal. Vernal. Total electric. 1N351 commercial property with 3 1N341 Nleo 2 Bedroom Duplex Apt bedroom home and 35x48 . Fireplace, large rooms, commercial building on nl m!!5hnm J"?1 jptf"WS?- highway frontage 7899318 hood' hwsher, riectric, Vernal. 1P345 refrigerator range, disposal. 8325". furnished, washer & dryer JIOO" deposit 7890597 If you era looking for a place to live you canl even rant for lass T789 Vernal. 1N352 cup. R New Attractive 2 bedroom 1 baths on quiet Fcr Rant 1 bedroom Duplex. I!j duplex. street, near shopping & 200 month MOO00 security & deposit Close to town, but B: schools. Water, sewer garbage paid $340. 789 quiet Call 7891910, Vernal. I 1928 Vernal. 1N327 ce space across the street from Sheraton (1710 W 1000 S). 2 unit approximately 900 sq. 722-99- 91 1N329 R Agent-Bry- ATTENTION OILFIELD INSURANCE. RETAIL SALES Idea! between 10 a.m. & 6 p.m. Roosevelt. 1G618 SES ESSE Caldwell, a lease Real Estate 7893636, Vernal. 1P271 e' Townhouse Apt Very nice, washer & dryer hookups. Range, refrigerator, drapes and all utilities except elec-tricity. Furnished for $300 Apartment Manage Wanted for per month. Call 7899558 or 12 Apts. References needed. 7892581 Vernal. 1N343 7896730 or 7895560 Vernal. Vernal 9 purchase for sale. call Ken or Pat, Neola 3594527 or Cindy 789 country 4633, Vernal. 1N237 Offin I warehouse or industrial gw. located in quiet neigh i fl building for lease. 7897188 $300month. See No. Vernal, call i 339W.250 at R ask for Roger. 10122 CALL TONY CHEW Heme for raid, or 60 fl CnuukM 4-Pl- ex L burning stove. Call Bonnie owner agent 7896464 or 5. rent, deposit; Call 7893598' Vernal. 1N325 58 Rent to Own three bedroom For Rent two bedroom aparthome in Lapoint. Garden ment located near Roosevelt Has large fireplace and spot excellent location. rooms. Call 79161 Family room, washerdryer ,arDJ wood anytime. Roosevelt 1N335 1N328 B B Roosevelt 10256 722-223- 5, apt. jan 722-416- 353-48-34 FmHA 789-708- rent that starts at $234. for rent. 131 For Rent: Ideal space for Come by 158 E. 800 So. in South 3rd West. Call 789 office or small business on 5 Roosevelt or Call 3369 evenings. Vernal. 1N323 main street Roosevelt. Avail- able May 1st Call 722-48"Int85,r. Equal days or This Is the Plica" New adult : Ns Pets. Excellent I location (1200 sq. ft.) 2 bed- - V room, 1 bath with carport, For Rent or 3 Bedroom Nemo for rent. 1 bath, kitchen, front room, enclosed back yard with patio, single garage. 789 6775 Vernal. 1G595 . Small House 353-452- I 4 Sale. Assume 8 Loan. 3 bedroom, month, 300 deposit, partially fenced back yard, 4, available Dec. 1 garden space, unfinished Vernal. 10205 basement swamp cooler, within walking distance to 3 Bedroom Apt for rent $385 Pn2 bedroom home new Davis school Call per month. Garage included. 1 or after 5 Call 7896912 before 5 p.m. " Vernal. $200 per month Brenda 1N348 Vernal. For 7890647 informore plus depostt. p.m. Tom. ask for 1N220 Cal1 Viv,an 7896049 matln i hrM ssoraom House for rent hr usrv 78W581 or in Altamont. $300 month. : Vemrt 1N339 Call or after 5 p.m. 454-38! Bluebell. 1N321 Apatasntfar rint$80wk. All .for Rent lease or option to buy. 3 bedroom 1 bath in Beautiful Stonarldgs Apart- Enc,osed bat jments. 1,2,3 bedroom. Now 10 6 sm0,e pete. $400 has vacancies. Each velt 1N34 Call $200 month, deposit ; per apartment has wall to wall Kathy, agent R.W. Labrum available. Low deposit and golf course, Neola Highway. 7 Call ask ior Ken oi Pat. 1N238 . 7899966 or 7893292 ask for John Vernal. 1N346 Fir 2 bedroom trailer Call 7895778 or 789 $225. 3517 Vernal. 1N347 789-289- 3 V s Rank aiDiaiQiDiaiBiDiaitaiaiaiDiag Rent A Luxurious New Apartment JJ UGHT INDUSTRY . MAXI 24'x30'x8' Garage Workshop 4 Concrete Floor OARAGE WARNER PARK 5 H new of dozens ties Warner Perk Just completed apertmcnts. g Into like a brand Q It's With no previous renters, Just moving new home. Q - 16xS Overhead Door 1- - 3 Walk-I-n Door 2-- 4 3s Insulated Windows 1- cur ANO MAX. COUPON 5 FOR MORE INFORMATION ANDOR FREE ESTIMATE Name Addrees. For More Information Clip the Following Coupon and mail to: -- Clty Dandi Building Systems P.O. Box 1356 I Vernal, UT 84078 j I as- Phone. Types el Bufldtogs I Am Interested Ik atone Anknal ahaher RVstortfe Fora maeNnwy O OfRct Yard Work Shop tonps q Garagas Wope O Wanhouae ' I I I I I I I .J Q Q 0 , 3 bedroom, I bathroom Dining - Kitchen Large living room WasherDryer hookups RangeOven Rafrigerator DishwasherQarbage ditpoaal Full carpet - drapes e Cable T.V. (inataJtstion paid) 300 per month 365 per month o Great location 3 blocka north of fiott Office. e Managers Apartment 05B ' Gas Heat e Playground Equipment ' 2 WEEKS FREE RENT Go For It flow! 1 i5 789-946- 7 EnEJiQininiaiEuaiaiaiEarnicmainicil |