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Show SUNDAYCOWI L 7U Ltwnm. 171 (51 ICBNI 15 ... if pm ' 730 am JohnAnkartaro iShcw (20) In Surth Of-- OSS (7) Masterpiece Theatre (WGN rtr. r,-v- fi, 5t km Biturday"1 1000 p.ffl. Pl(4)(5 9i (20) At the Movies (CBN) Larry Jonas (WTBS) Open Up m ' InSwSInmaM This Weak m Tattie Manor Born 20 At McGuire On Sparta . Life CBN) LaHayas on Family IlSnuI" fflL55iri0MMt Stop. Greenwich Village at Tiffanys (51 Movie: BrealUast: t F m (20) jin Bakker (CBN) ZaU Levitt The Chesters (WTBS) MbvIk Burnett Carol 1130 p.m. (4) World el Basks B . 1230 (41 . in Criala (4) Thats Incredible (5) Square Pegs (7The MacNeilLehrer Report 830 ine Mevlt ?dd Couple CBN) Jack Benny 1130 pm (4 It Takes 20) S Majesty Movlt MjWTSS) His 830 Newe B.WL (2V41 (5INBA NSMttalilk Utah Jan vs. (CBN) Another Life Mevlt Life at the Top (2H5)(4) News 330 a.m. (WGN)WGN Mavis 330 a.m. CBN) J Vi (WTBS Ifs pm ABC Great Performancet Ellington Odd Couple Jack Benny pm (4) It Takes a Thief Hawaii Flvo-- 0 Mevlt Operation Meatball (CBN) Jleuny Swagpart (CBN) CBN Marnhig Oouble I) Feature (WTBSlFnnUmi (W6N) News Nighttlne MASH 430 a.m. (CBN) (WTBS News 431a.m. 530 am ad Allen (2) The Tonight Show TepMorelng Si) ml (WTBS) I Dream (W6N) Bull wrinkle of Jeannle BifiTiWAi March 24 am (WTBS) Movlt Gentlemen Marry Brunettes 730 am (WTBS) Movit I Dmmol Jeannle (CBN) I - Another Ufo t) Movlt Tha Daredevil pm (2X5H4) News 330 am Ron The Burns and Allen (2) Tha Tonight Show ABC Newe Nightline Bagley (2) Movlt MASH Hidden Valley B.BL (CBN) Another Ufa (WTBS) World at Largo 430 amlCBNI Romper Bean Mevlt Gangs of Sonora TBS) News J 830 pm (2) Bare Essence Thrars Company Mevlt The Other Woman ton m. 530 am Jack Bamy 14) It Takes l (5) Hawaii Flvo-- 0 PBS Latenlght (CBN) Jimmy Swaggart CBN) CBN Merning double BN) I rlt C3. and Company Married Joan (WTBS) Funtlma 530 am (WTBS) I Dream of lovlt Birds (2) Late Night Jeannle ft (5) Nlghtwatch ml (CBN) Tho Reas Bagley 330 ldl (WTBS) Nice Peoplo 230 3:15 am (2) Trouble 330 Movit Trailing Double ml (CBN) ml CBN) Another Ufa (WTBS World 430 at Large Romper Ream (WTBS Nows 4:15 am Mevlt Law of tho Lash 430 am BN) Jimmy Swaggart 530 am (CBN) CBN Morning Double Feature Adi jWTBS) Condo (5) Magnum PI The MacNeilLehrer Report 1 Batttestar Galatlca (CBN) The 700 Club 730 pm (4) Amandas Funtlms I Dream (WTBS) Jeannle Sneak Previews (2) Gimme a Break Too Close for Comfort Simen ft Simon The Man Who Loved Bears pm Feature of LB. Spy asy lightly Business Report (2) Special: Slwena Easton PBS LateNIght (Odd Couple (CBN) Jack Benny 1130 p.m. (41 It Takes a Thief 5 1CAA Basketball (20) Movit Once Before I Ole (CBN) I Married Joan (7) PBS Latonight 1 1 30 pm 2) Nlghtwatch 2 Update ICBN) My Little Margie (WTBS) Movlt Hercules and the Tyrants ri Babylon 1230 am. (2) f Late Night (4) The Other Side of the Cain (CBN) Bachelor Father 1230 am ICBN) Ufa of Riley 130 Lin. (2) NBC Newe Overnight (5) Chico and the Man (CBN) The 700 Club 130 lbl (5) CBS Nlghtwatch (WTBS) Mevlt Texas Lady 230 ml Movlt Slippy McGee Feud Time Access pm 330 The MacNMILehrer Repart Batttestar Gaieties CBN) Tha 700 Club 730 pm Ml Laverno and Shirley (7) Wend War k The Tide Turns Movlt (CBN) Outlaws D Liberation am News (2K5M4) MASH (5 630 Soap Bedford (20 Swap (CBN) Burns and Allen 1030 pm. (2) The Tonight Show (4 ABC News Nlghtllns Movlt Lonely are the (CBN) Show Hun Dm Married Jean pm (2) Nlghtwatch 2 Update Jeannle N) 230 (4j Family Feu (7) The Nightly Business Report 7m)p.a.(2) The ATeam CBN) I ' News The 700 Chib 130 am (WTBS) Movlt Afrlct Texas Style 230 am (2) Movlt Tents Basin B3Un.rn.SYM Feature IWTBS) Funtime 530 am. (WTBS) I Dream of Tha Here 1230 pm (CBN) My Little Margie (2) Family Ties 1230 pm (CBN) Cleaning Up Your lak Salute to John Huston Act 630 mm. I2K4U5) News Uttte House on the Prairie (CBN) Over Easy Uttte House on the Prairie Nows 430 am (CBN) Jimmy Swaggart 530 am. (CBN) CBN Morning Double 11 30 te Panda Foulrvnt (4) 6uy tth One Black Shoe UleofRdiy The McCullochs ml (CBN) em Cottle Up Cla IW6N1 The Silent Years II (2) Lata Night (41 Tha Last Word 5 Chics and tlw Man (CBN) Bachelor Father 1230 am (5) CBS Nlghtwatch i FacasCBS Nlghtwatch Margie ly Movlt The Tall Blond 1230 am 1230 pm (CBN) Sewing Etc. 1230 pm (CBN) Redbooke Family Star Tima KfOns Day at a Time (TB) News 930 p.m. (51 Cagney and I ABCWnMai Raporl. 2 Update Another Life 4:00 a.m. (CBNj Romper Room (2) Movie: The Black Hills Express Seven The MacNeilLehrer Report Batttestar Galatlca To the Manor Born The Facts of Ufa Married Joan CBN) I llil pm (21little Nlghtwatch bjl (WTBS) Mevlt Tammy and the Millionaire I Life The (20 Odd Couple am (CBN) 330 Another Mevlt incident 1030 pm Show ; pm (CBN) (WTBS) 2:00 am 2:30 a.m. (CBN) Tha Ross Bagley Fresh Ideas CBN pm 1 (7) The Greal Whodunit! 930 (5) CBS Nlghtwatch (CBN) LHa of Riley 130 am (2) NBC Nows Overnight Movlt I) 730 (CBN) Last Word and ttw Man Bachelor Father 1230 am Igh Performance Seven Brides for iobbery March 22 1130 a Thief Hawaii Fhrt-- 0 PBS Latenlght Dream of Jeannle 1 6:00 p.m. (2)(4(5) Nows (7 Over Easy (20) Little House on the Prairie ICBN) I Spy (WTBS) Up Close 630 pm (2) PM Magazine Utah (4) Family Feud (5) Prime Time Access J7) The Nightly Business Report 730 pm (2 Real Peoplo Hitch Hiker's Guide to the PftSDWl , (20) BatMestar 6alatlci Club 7JCBN) The 700 (5) Small A Frye (7) The Good Neighbors &00 pm (2) Mevlt The Last Married Couple In America Mevlt Intimate Agony Alice I 1230 MASH Funtime 530ml(WT! BS) of (2)(5R4) News (20) Soap (CBN) Burns and Allen 10:30 pm (2) The Tonight Show ABC News Nighttlne Feature Beginning Killers 1030 pm (CBN) Romper Room (WTBS) r a.m. (WTBS) Movlt it Should Happen to You 1130 am (WTBS) Movlt Foxfire 12:00 p.m. (CBN) Mlcrowavo Cooking (CBN) Another Llle Movie: lillmaniaro bIS I 730 Playhoust Who Am WTBS) (2) Movie: Arson Racket Squad IWTBS) News 4:30 a.m. (CBN) Jimmy Swaggart 530 am (CBN) CBN Morning Double (7 Tha Nightly Business Report 730 p.m. (2) Little House: A New (20) mi. WEDNESDAY March 23 This Time 930 pm Winners IWTBS) 4:00 Family Feud fflFl Women In Crisis 120 ua.4)Wema Professionals 830 p.m.(2H4)(5) News Easy Slver Housa on tha Prairie Movie: Breaking (Jp (CBN) 1 Spy 630 pm (2) PM Magazine Utah 6 (5 CBS News 7) American ml p.m. (CBN) At Home Beverly Nya 530 p.m. (WTBS) Tha American i !M0pji.(2) SI Elsewhere (4)Hirtto Hart (WTBS) Movie: Tall Man Riding 1230 5) CBS Hlghtwatch (CBN) Life of Riley 130 a.m.J2) NBC News Overnight (CBN) The 700 Club 130 a.m. (WTBS) Movie: China Gate 2:00 am (2) Movie: Red Line 7000 230 am (CBN) The Rots Bagley Show 3:30 a.m. (CBN) Another Lite 1230 Music Show 20) Glen Campbell (CBN) Contact J Sylvia Star Tim dim. (CBN) IwTBS) Haws 5i Chico end the Man (CBN) Bachelor Father 11:00 p.m. (WTBS) Preserlpthin: Murder 1230 pjn. (CBN) Its Your Money M.D. toWori (4)7 Movie: (WTBS) 830 1zBaA2LNlgSa March 21 Scarlett (5) Trapper John ia Coming (CBN) the King pm J MONOWf L Ufe on Earth Nawhart : i;M MU March 17, 1983 Basin NICKEL ADSfoEWSPRINT Page 15 Section De It 120) Movie: Tho French Connection 630 pm (2) Cheers (41 It Takes Two (CBN) Star Time (WTBS) News pm 12) Hill Street Blues (4- )2020 (5) Eddie Rabbit! Special 930 TRI-CINE- throe ttx should aiRiFy bocspauM&'EAcurc'AP. Roosevelt MA STARTS FRIDAY, MARCH 18 STARTS FRIDAY, MARCH 18 i TOM SELLECK I ITS TIME FOR EVERYONE TO CHEER All ACT OF COURAGE! BESS ARMSTRONG in High Road Tb China and DRAMATIC, dayid ketthis HE PLAYS WITH HUMOR AMO SUBSTANCE. CRISP, SUSPEMSEFUL EXCELLENT. Fun and adventure at every turn. Children March 150 16-1- Adults l30 9 The Entity Rated R Roosevelt Theatre HELD OVER March 16-2- 2 Monarch of the Mountain I- - PUSTTO HOITMAM TOS B AEELL OF AWAY TO MAKE A LIYINR Can you keep a asis?5 seciet?t&t fm , 4 ' 4 ' r h .' I nI 4 f |