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Show 1 w 1 .. 4 ; ...' i . ' ' i - ' 1 . r '. i 'V, '. - .. r . T.V. Log The Uintah Basin 4) RTAINMENTJIUIDE 54)0 s.hl (51 Early Morning News (CBN) Movla Fiffltims Rapart Early Taday ullwinkte Drum af Jaannla Naws and Early Report Stretch (SI CRS Morning Naws 6NI Baza Show WTBS) My Three Sons ed0a.ma.f41i ABC Mews This Morning 111 Hooked on Aa rabies A Mountain WTBS) That Girl 7:00 Km. ' of hamburgers $ I00 3 . for , -- ..... A. ' savin'r 6' the j. , Rom Over Easy 111) Sasama Stroot r -- L- N 3.-0-0 X 3-2- CBN) Movie WGN) Laveme and Shirley WTBS) Bob Newhart 54m am. (21 NBC News (5) MASII 7) Electric Company ) OVer Easy 20) Muppet Show WGN) Barney Miller 530 (2) Three's Company 4 ABC) News 5 CBS News Contact 11) Business Report 20) Lie Detector ESPN) SportsCenter WGN) Jeffereona f 24n.m. 1. 20) Weekday CBN) Another Ufe CNN) Newsline W 5 PASSENGER AND LIGHT TRUCK TIRES UP TO PM Sat PM-10P- M MFRS.SUGGL: P18575R13 . P18575R13 price 83.03 PRICED P20575R14 P21575R14 P22575R14 .P20575R15 P2t575Pt1S P22575R15 P23575R15 .99.88 119.97 131.92 2.49 2.67 57.22 59.93 62.94 66.90 71.98 79.15 JSL44. 89L5a . jo4.9ir: 111.49 24 JllS.88. . 2.39 2.74 2.96 120.73 129.28 141.53 Tiger 24)0 a.m. Theatre Hawke vc. Cleveland Cavallare PM Magazine Utah Family Feud Prime Time Accase Nightly Business Report ML (2) Knight Rider Benson MovIk Tho Wizard of Oz THo MacMollLohror Report )) Stir Trek !BN) The 700 Club 730 p.m. (41 At Ease (7) Well Street Week 8:00 p.m. (2) Movie: American (CBN) Cm (CBNI WesSirook Hospltel 24)0 a.m.J2 Movl k Shootout 130 im. (41 lir. Late Night TBS iajn. Frenflar 44)0 bjil (CBN) John Wesley White (W6NI Dennis the Menace JWTBS) News kol (CBN) (WGN) 6roovy Ghoullea im. (CBN) Newslght 83 (WGN) Superman (WTBS) Between the Lines 530 un. (CBN) The Jewish Voice (WGNIDay of Dlocovory (WTBS) Vogatablo Soup 54m 64)0 un. (2) Fllnstona Funnies 4) Ths SuparfrlwidsScheuaa (5) Tha Papaya and Oliva Show (7) Understanding Human Beha - Dallas Washington Week In Review D Movie: The Search (WTBS) TBS Newt 830 ilol (CBN) Stir Tima . (7)Clvlc Dialogue B4B p.m. (4) Tales af Gold Monkay (5) Bellas (WTBS) All in tha Family 830 p.m. (CBN) Another Lite (7) The Agatha Christie Stories ' (WTBS) Movla: Tha Big Land 1030 pjfc (2)(5N4) Naws and Allan (2) Tha Tonight Show ABC Nows NlghUIno 1030 pjn. MASH Midamo'a Plan Jack Benny 1 130 pjn. 4 II Takes a Thief )) (CBN) ADventures CBN) Contact TBS) Ron March 20 JJ.I portsContar The Shirt Talas 64)0 (WGN) 830 am. CBN)) (5) Tha Dulkss (WGN) Jobline Cathedral Four Front Faces Geography n J JBSfLost Schuller JDeyCNcauoliVan Kenneth Copeland Hour Hu 7GNTarzan Km.cn Search It Is Written Larry Jonas MovIk The Great Race 1 World Tomorrow The Jetsan's Mr. Ragere' Neighborhood . ABC Weekend Special NCAA Besketbalk Chaeiplon-shl- ALIGNMENT I BIN NI m Twe e Prafewlonal Bowlers Taur Movlr. 24pjn. . (WGN) 230 p.m -- JSI ' Sports 1095 Rag. 20.8S NOW America! a Tap Tan 2) Womeni Open Golf ,WL Train Saul Train (4) ABC Wlda Warld 1495 Light Trucks Plus Instigation Passenger Care Only Anwrtean care. ChMrtlae sat to only Compacts with front whaal drlva andor IMacPtiaraona tuspanslon, eat adjuafr-aotangiaa. WaH eat castar. eambar and toa-t- a to manufactufwr'a original fication. No axtra cnaiga lor cara wWt factory air or torsion bars. Pens antra Sain limited to stock on hand. Sizes to fit most passenger cars and litfht trucks. Expires Mar, 31, 1983 Expires Mar. 31, 1983 AH a need! - . a free, introductory consultation. Call today for Moat passenger Care and Light Trucks Expires Mar. 31, 1983 yr . ' 1 . . i Monroes' World Championship (2) NBC Nightly Naws GN) Little House on tha Prarii pjK 2)Tha Powers el Matthew Buck Rogcra f- - 60 Month 1 CENTER' V' "'w Inc. 789-495- t , I.WI THE FURNITURE JM. BREWER TIRE CO HOUSE INC And remember to save your cash by using your J.W. Brewer Tire Charge Authority Card . Ik Birabbii (2) Womens Open Golf Gudunov: Tha Warid ta Danes (CBN) Wagon Train B.m (WGN) WGN Movla 230 MjWlde World of Sports 34)0 n.m.J7) Fire Bsaaon (CBNI Roy Rogers Theater (WTBS) Jacques Cousteau 44)0 p.m. (2) Adam 12 Tha Waltons Talent Showcau MovIk A Girt Named BN) Travellers World p.m. (2) NBC NighUy News CBS Nows BN) American Trail BS) Nice FOople GN) lime House en the Prairie pim. (2) Newswatch 2 fCard Burnett j mash (CBN) The Flying House WTBS) Best of Warld Championship Wrestling 5:30 Km. (21 Extra (4) Worn News Tonight Newt Family Robinson i) Bullwlnkle lik (2) The Voyigere Believe Iter Not 'Turning Houses Into Homes" (WTBS) Wi B4B p.m. (2) Manitor Fantasy Island . All Star WreatUng Runnln Ufa Basketball HardJi Bays Mydfrles CBN) Spedal ef the Week ssr Nashville Alive 6N Wall Street Journal (WGN) Jack Anderson Conffd (7) The Vanishing Slants 74n p.m. (2) Special: Store In the k BN) In Touch ITBS) Week In Review (WTBS) TusM N) on Earth (2) (4) Ml Naws lame s Place MovIk Captain Horatio Momblowir 1030 p.m. (2) Remington Steele (4) KTVX Winter Sports Carnival (5) MivIk Sheila Levine le Dead Fight Back 730 p.m. (5) (W6N) People to People 84X)p.m. (2) McvIk Spedal Bulletin MovIk The Fees ef Rage The Jeffaraoni Jim Rockford :SN) Changed Lives (WTBSHW6N) News fnifjvInhNwM On the Maeser Comer 789-153- 9 ID 3 25 o -H April 6, 1983 9:00 18:00 am. cost A300 For more in formation call 789-486- 6 . Mi ; THe HE'S THE MAN TO SEE p.m. (7) Wuhington Week In Review Amazing Animals tha Horizon Spertawortd not Week MovIk Roman Holiday N Mavis Wall Street Soccer Sponsored by Uintah. Basin Area . Vocational Center and Ffearless products Company Ixihenge - 38srs (CBNI Sing Out America nNGIt) WGN Movie 1130 un. (41 USFL FootheH Spring GLeanihg Seminar 4 FREE INSTALLATION AND CHARQINQ SYSTEM CHECK FOR nofTamn Fast Lane Matt Houston Archie Bunker's Piece Oceanus Memories with Lawrence Nows 830 n.m.(2) ..." IMS 1680 W. HWY 40 Suite 1200 Ashtons Energy Center Vernal HOURS: 7 AM 12 NOON 40 Month Ixchamse TBS) lbl (7) Ufa btot Cantor, 50 Mnth 7: Nova V Good Better Kung Fu Jthn Wayne Theatre 530 p.m. m U8U end Yon (WGN) At the Movies B4n p.PL (2) Newswatch 2 . Solid Gold Eyewitness News Baography el Utah Q At the Movies (CBN) NCAA Basketball : Trax MovIk Wer Wagon PM Magazine Utah Edition Special (5) Dimension Five (20 A Schools Match Wlte 740 jlm. (2) onrrant Strekea TJ. Hooker Wizards end Werricre Wild America MevlK Media Csllehan 84)0 -- DOUBLEHEADtR thin tournay Rock and MotcrwMk Illustrated TheLeve Boat MivIk SDH the Beaver SPECIAL ST. PA TS SAVINGS ON MULTI -MILE BATTERIES Best ' v vTiiovniwis (WGN) The Lana Ringer Mutsrpleca Theatre (CBN) t' . Braanas Larno (20 12dD0 (CBNI Death Valley Days MovIk Five Million Years te SJ) VERNAL DRUG baskets empty easier 21 East Main Vernal basket grass S:89-3l06':.d'5plush toys easier cards by Ambassador REG. 15.95 Now .Passenger Cars Tabernacle Choir Sesame Street 1 Extra Financial Survival Taday Face tho Nation q In Search 0f (CBN) 0. James Kennedy Y6N) Tha Clica Kid m. (2) Meet Dm Proas (4) This Waak with David Brinklay (5) Roundtabla (7) Matlnaa at tha Blou erici Tha Sactnd Century Raid is Las Angalas it tha Wactarns U.8. Alpfna Champlmshlps Skiing This spring, let Diet Center bring you a new beginning by helping you lose those extra pounds. Through private, daily counseling; a behavior modification program and a lifetime maintenance plan, you'll be able to shed those unwanted pounds forever. Diet Center can help you begin the program you'll ever only weight-los- s GN) Rawhlds KUTV TBA Tha Home Shaw ua. m Wrestling (CBN) The Waste) 1030 KM. (2) Fltth Bottlostar BalocUce SHOCKS REG. 17.8S NOW 16N) tourney TRIPLEHEADER Amsricin 6everament Survey 20) Warld Chemplanihlp (CBN) Weetara Classics 130 pjn. (21 John Denver Celebrity BEGINNING Jimmy Swaggart Jimmy Swaggart p (7) 1. Imps Presents (CBN) Let God Love You f TBS) Lighter Side MlndyLaverne am.r jcBN) Wild Jan Sesime Street The Art of Being Human (4) (5 Sdici for ShutJns Heartland Falwell ef Discovery IGN) Su y6N)l lm. (2) Cepaland In (41 Wandar Woman 124)0 pjn. (7) Parrensl Flnanca (20) We're Dancing 1230 pjn. (4) The Home Shew B reken Arrow SPRING INTO A NEW LUBE. OIL AND FILTER REG. 15.95 Now jinKenneth BN) Hulk and BunnyRaad 104X) if Utah garter (4) B4nu SThi Incredible The Mark The Lessen WGN) Robert Schuller 74B khl (2) Sacred HmtFrom the Witerfaw Gary Cateman Show iWTB8TMi 830ajn.mT (4) Tha Other Bids of tho Con Hoc Hew HEAVY DUTY Inderstandleg (WGN) Chariande Stir D Captain Kingaree lahavlor (CBN) Zala Levitt WTBS) Cartoon Carnival 4f All In tha Family EvanlngNaws Sports America FRONT-EN- (2) Sclenco In Agriculture Krofft Suporetare 7j E v COUPON un. SI Pac Man Pandamonlum IN) Manna TBS) MsvIk Sword of Sher-i- d FerMt WGN) World Timarrew 74X1 8.RL (2) Smurfs Little IRascals !!Meatballs and Spaghetti Invitation ta Fly CBN) Tha Laason WGN) Rax Humbard 730 kol (4) Richie Rich 5) Bugs BuimyRead Runner how CBN Tha Weekend Gardener WGN) Issues Unlimited 14) The Scooby Dan Hoar i)nm M Management CBN Saturday Morning SUQ. RET. COUPON Nica VTBS ia.m. March 18 207V COUPON ABCWMkend Report (CBNI Heritage Bingen 230 (CBN) Reel Begley Shew 5) Sign Off 34)0 Terror P16570R13 H!1 Star Pilot (4) MovIk (51 Movie: JCBN) (4) ABC Sportsbeet Saaak Prawlaws SALE un. vior to your holiday celebration. . & Wasn't That a Tima odd Championships Saturday Night Uve f the 700 Club (20) Movie: X- -The Faces IWTBSIN 14m un. (2) Romper mom 430a.rn.iCBN Jimmy Swaggart mlnnOaubla 54)0 sjil (CBN) CBN Feature 44m PLUS 1.62 F.E.T. i. KUTV (2) ip (51 lil (CBN) The Rote Begley Shaw 330 lil (CBN) Another Ule IWTBI World at Large Graffiti (4) The Renegades ltyBurns 1230 Fithar 230 72.44 77.57 84.92 -- MPRS. (4) Movla: Play It As It pjn. lul (CBN) Tho 700 Club un. (WTBS) Movla: Save the 630 p.m. (2) specially decorated and. tilled with Easter treats. They are sure to suit your gift giving needs. Our baskets are a charming addition PRICE .83 2.00 2;i 3 Church Proclaims 0b45 Z Update 130 tuy North of the radio station SALE F.E.T. r ,1 P185r5rt14 P19575R14 Mfrs. suggested . CBN Rock Lays of Riley 1410 1.M. (2) NBC Newt Overnight (4) Solid Bold 5j Movio: Foravor Young Foravir 7410' a.m. (WTBS) Movla: A Before Dying 114)0 a.m. (WTBS) Movla: Stranger an Die Run 6410 p.m. (2M4H5) Nawa (7) Over (20) Little Kouaa an the Prelrii CBN) I Spy (WTBS) NBA BasketbeU: Atlanta . - . 1230 un.lCBN) Ufa Iron landing 2513 No. Vernal Av6.. Vernal STEEL- - .V. PRICE ; Joan v Unknown JR. f (41 The I (CBN) Bachelor our three new baskets BRIDGESTONE a IS) Ml d everybunny loves... 0 ChamplM-Zsbr- pjl (2) Nlgldwatcb gBuge Hours AAA-1- SIZE 1130 B IrieyFenz WSr; 212V (CBN) I Married until 8410 If you breakfast. serve but we (till Omelette fresh like a Spanish with homemade fried potatoes and toast, then try ours. It will heat ya to yer toes. PRICES POOP THRU SAT., MARCH 1 1 FEATURING THE LOWEST PRICES IN OUR HISTORY OH QUALITY i Z. V Movlrlca Station (20) 1 know we dont open x ..M '.--i ship tannisy March 18 Gossie Says: greon...P&o IruUi MJm ,8 0, 083 ' WTBS) Munstare 2:30 p.m. (4) Entertainment Tonight 20) Battle of the Planets CBN Bull's Eye W6N) Scooby Doo WTBS) Leave It Ta Beaver p. m. (2) Dare of Our Uvea In the family Sesame Street 20 Scooby Doo CBN) Chain Reaction CNN) Newswatch WGN Incredible Hulk WTBS) Brady Bunch 3:301p.m. (4) Waltons (7flRr.Ro! gera Neighborhood 20) Casper and Friends CBN) Let's Make a Deal 44)0 m. (2) People's Court gfiLaverns and Shirley Sesame Street Neighborhood Hj Mr. Rogers Bugs Bunn CBN) Tic Tac WGN Muppet! WTBS) Carol Burnett m. (21 Happy Days Chari Angels Barney Miller Contact 11) -1 20) Pink Panther Show WGN) Pink Panther Show WTBS) Fllnstonea (2) Another World 4Edi of Night 51 Movie 11) 6ourmet Cooking - tvss Basketball: NCAA (5) reran JSuperirii (2) Hit Man Dot Door JJ.W. BREWER'S . 20JJndegendent lilPoika r-- f X'3 .o'i I My f 11) Polka Dot Door 20) Richard Simmons CBN) Another Ufa 104)0 i.m. 2 Facts of Ufa 4) Family Feud 5) Young and tha Restless UTBYU Devotional 20 Movla CBN) Movie CNN) Take 2 WGN) Big Valley WTBS) People Now 1030 a.m. 2) Wheel of Fortune Ml Ryan a Hope 11 A) a.m. (2) Hour Magazine (4 All My Children (5 As tha World Turns (1 ) Hooked on Aerobics (WGN) You Asked For It 1130 a.m. (11) Polka Dot Door (WGN) INN News 124)0 p.m. (2) (5) News One ILife to Uve Sesame Street Romance Theater (N) News Day 1301p.m. -V - - . . fc'.'Vv. - (CBNI Christian Broadcasting (WTBS) Atlanta IWBIH Chicago 71 PBS 111 KBYU CBN) 700 Club CNN) Afternoon Break W6N) I Dream of Jeannie WTBS) SuperStation Funtime Papaya Ml 700 Club (ESPN) SportsCantsr Y6N) Movla a.m! (5) Child's Play (7) Figuring R Out (20 Underdog 84H kb. (2) Alice Donahue Pries Is Right Instructianal Pragrams (11) Mr. Hager's Neighborhood Great Space Coaster irry Mi Mary Tylar Moors 789-949- 4 5) CBS p-i- 7i . ABC WGN) Dick Van Dyke 1230 (20) Bewitched WGN) Dick Van Dyke 14H p.m. (2) Sale of the Century 4) General Hospital (5) Guiding Ug 11) Mr. Rogers1 Neighborhood 20) Wild Wil West Yswitdied 51 f r. Taday 7) Sasama Street : 111 Waathor ' 20) Tam A Jerry CNN) Daywatch WTBS) Mavis 7:15 kb. (11) Over Easy 730 a. cl no) Fllnstonea Thursday, Friday & Saturday 420 North Vernal Avenue (21 (4) Good Morlng America V ; 'itf.-q- Glossary (2) NBC The King of the Hill Speaks! i .. $' 722-452- 3 6 i A O CO o 2 |