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Show With Youth UP Without the following sponsors, this page would not be possible: Dr. Jack A. Seitz; Gene R. Hall, Zions First National Bank; Irwin A. Haws, J.C. Penneys of Vernal; Jill & Sheldon Player; Murray Johnson; Gene Anfinson. Esau ire Estates; Vernal Arctic Circle. America, v Ur Love You First Place Winner $20 Gift from Sport Shack V wotc ufi cusdy tti& mutuiny uud watted out&ide. a&wee, my face ? my fOiot looted astound ttouytt of tte monnlny 4 ttccml faetfc Hew ett my touoc and ttc finofienty it 6ito ok and wa&, 000?fio i& mite." Tiftat ok amayiuy ttouytt 7&U tetonyo to me, not my government on anyone elec. 1 toot a toot abound myoeif. ??W many ttinyo do ) tote foe planted tene ttat fieafite in ottesi countniee would tilt foe? ! tone a freedom of ofieect teee (tat men in ottee counteiee don't. 4nd total ettout my freedom of eetiyion? !n ttio eountey 1 don't tone to toovty if )'m fewiot, THoolem, oe TPeoteetant: it doeent mattee. Ttty government and tie fieofde aeonnd me wont fieeueute me foe it. ? eat down ttndee a teee ae tteoe ttonytte eon tteouyt my tead. lt meano eo muet to me to telony to ttio eountey. 1 wanted to fumfi ufi and otoutit out to evetyonc aeeooo tte countoy, tut ttio oeemed to tea fatten way to do it. 4meeiea, $ What My Country Means to ovc 'Zfouf sttuUin 4modt Me The nd Place Winner Best Country ird Place Winner Wken I look at ike flag with ike krigki fifty stars, I can rememker ikai Arctic Circle The United States is the best country on Barth. The reason for this is that our country promises ' us freedoms that are not promised anywhere else. Some of these freedoms are the freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and the freedom of religion, 'Our founding fathers decided on these and other freedoms to show that the View World was no longer part of Cngland. Because our founding fathers did this, we have the best country in the world. V $15 from Sathers Jewelry ; eack star means freedom of ckoice, love, religion and kfe. I can ikank ike greai people ikai kave come kefore me, and ikai kave made a road for my family and I io travel on. My couniry is noiiced ky oiker counfries for i is greai consfrucfion and advancement Tke main wisk of some European counfries is io overrule if. Howeever ikey skall never secede, kecause ike citizens of ike Unifed States skall always figki for ikeir freedom. ffitthec Pttvraan Patricia lautilct What My Country Means to Me 8. me my country meant to be fret. Qt &o be able to Bo anB choote tkinyt for mytelf. be prouB to live in a country alto meant to be loyal to believe in onet country. hart palrieium to .19 up fot it in any may pcsMt. me my country meant to be free, loyal , honest. &4nB the name the VlnileB States of thit country at yooB at oust, toe thoulB be jrrouB of it of o4metica. Patton |