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Show Jr Section 1 Page 10 Basin NICKEL ADStEWSPRINT March 17, 1983 Near Neola on Hlflhwiy, 5 acre Want To Soli Hotiso In Manila, i homesite and ranchette! Full Utah, RIGHT AWAY. Contact' Indian water right! Best of asking 42,000, will I and terms. Also will come! pasture hayland! Only talk $5000 per acre and down in price if pay cash. discounted, $1000 per acre 1P324 738-260- 5, for cash! No down payment For Silo New built home. 2 if qualified and balance 1 bath, large 5 bedroom, financed by owner-agen- t, baseunfinished kitchen, years at 12. The perfect For one car ment, place to live! Dean Frandsen, more informationgarage. call 789 Roosevelt. 10176 0979 Vernal. 1P342 For Sals: 5 acres development Cibln Pre-c2 bedroom, land on Doc's Beach Hill. Log Owner financed. Price nego- bundled, banded, covered, Retailed in after 5 p.m. guaranteed. tiable. Montana at 9,500 cash Vernal. 1P341 in 722-223- 5, ut 789-416- 0 3,800 You Can Afford Our SLC, Passive 4846695.10242 desperate, nt 789-646- 789-156- 4, ! 1 Roosevelt 1P240 Price Reduced $10600. Gorgeous 4 bedroom, 2 baths. All cedar home on 1 acre. Option anxious. Agent Theda 789 available for more acreage. 8 or Kathy, agent 1569 Vernal. 1P343 4 for appointment, I Buy Dlstrossod Property if Vernal. 1P364 you can't make your house j For Sole by Owner. 4 acres. payments call me. Agent 9 or Theda 7896464 Ideal location in Maeser. Call 7894288 Vernal. 1315 No. Vernal. 1P344 j 300 West, Vernal. 1P365 Tike This Homsl In the beauti- -, 3 Bedrooms, 1 bath home on ful Lapoint area. Assume VA acre. garage, loan. No credit check. Total covered patio, completely price $49,900. See Bonnie or chain link fenced. Make Phyllis owner-agent- s, offer. Call Lois, Agent 789 Vernal. 1P368 6464 or 7883958. Vernal. For Silo: 3 fantastic duplexes and home. Sell together or separate. Low down, owner 789-245- 789-740- 789-156- 2-c- ar 789-646- 4 1P366 Horn with national ' prize winning design. Theda, CASH! We arrange to buy 9 or private mortgages if youd owner-agelike to sell all or part of Vernal. 1P284 yours, give us a call today. 24 Aero Homosltos Cadarvlow Call 89 p.m. Gretchen owner financing available! Akelund 7894229 Vernal. 10. Call 3534666, 7224728. 1P354 Solar real estate 10 Acres of secluded pines & Ayy test 37 Acres. Less than and balance negotiable at 10 interest by owner. Call 7896629 for details. Jensen. Neola Eight Acres. Indian irrigation. 4 bedroom house and With with garage. n Built-ibarn on Whiterocks road square feet. woodturner. Financed at Sell or trade with or without or furniture and shop tools 10. Phone Verl 1P351 Dan 3534208 Neola. 7224853 Roosevelt. 1P358 of an acre. Par- Two Acre Building Site. Paved For Silt tially improved $3500 cash. street, power and water Phone 247-26Lapoint. available $17,500. Call 789 1P352 4229 Vernal. 1P359 I 1600 722-24- Security System in this We will build on home. lovely lot. Theda, view gorgeous 9 or owner-age7896464, Vernal. 1P285 Built-I- n 76 21 789-156- For Sill 34 acres highway and Eleven Acres. 13 frontage located along balance negotiable at 10 highway from Neola to Good water interest by owner. Call 789-86- Whiterocks. for details. Jensen. rights. Call 3534337 Neola. down 29 1P355 1P353 in North 20 Acres, cabin Lovely 2 Bedroom Home over full unfinished basement with wood Landscaped burning stove. FHA assumable loan, 3 yrs. old. Information call 7896758 Vernal 1P360 or work Idaho. Has stream, timber, for down payment on these Km Good FIx-u- p Horn. No Wonderful meadow, spring. new homes. Solar or energy job must sell. Low equity-g- ood Low Down Piymcnt cedars. Northwest of 20 Acres Pinosl Indian fishing and hunting $40,000. Starvation Lake. Right in Canyon! Very Native! Deer Terms. 7224853 Roosevelt. efficient, reasonable profit. Call 7898494 1P361 full vernal. month! ayment, hunting & fishing. $6000 Country! Mountain top! Only 1P357 ment. 789 Lois, Agent House For Sill by Ownir. Nice with no down. Balance $500 per acre! no down! Vernal. 6464 or 7896958 12 3 bedroom, 2 bath on acre and 10 yrs. at 12 percent! Fsr Sale by Owner. 4 acres. monthly over 5 yrs. at 1P367 owner-agen- t, Owner agent financed! Dean Ideal location in Maeser. Call lot great for garden or by Bercent RooseFrandsen, Frandsen, Vernal. 1315 No. N0THIN6 DOWN on home. Call animals, wood burning RoosevelL 10173 velt. 10175 3000 West. Vernal. 1P365 for details, agent 7891569 or stove, assumable low FHA loan, low down Theda 7896464. Vernal. interest ; payment. For more Info1P330 722-223- 5, 789-428- 8 rmation call Midwest Offers You The Best in Living! Cash In On The Classified! Three bedroom, nicely carpeted, huge storage space in kitchen, walk-i- n Old Home in new 1P356 nt Yur One 13 down closets, garbage disposal, friendly neighborhood, stove, washerdryer hook-up- s, refrigerator. 789-675- 1 Farm Homo Assumption. 3 bed- Vernal. 1P362 room house with large fenced back yard, storage shed in back yard. Low down payment possible. Call 789 8983 for more information. Vernal. 1P337 Fir Sols by Qwur. Three bedroom, full basement fenced yard. $65,000 VA assumable 9 loan. Call 7895635 or 7897052 Vernal. For tri-lev- 1P363 4. bedroom home. Two baths, Sill by owner el FOR SALE BY OWNER.' Ideal location. Close to all basement, rock levels school and shopping. fireplace, corner lot. Assume 9 4 bedrooms, 2 full baths, 68.000. Call 722-34after 5 p.m. RoosevelL wood stove, formal dining. in-to- finished 10, I 28 7894001 Vernal. 1P338 1P242 TS77T7 jmr Homo Buyers Special! ! Seller will pay buyer's closing cost on this split level home, priced In the mid-50'-s. Must sell now. One Acre Surrounds this lovely Rambler style brick home in Glines. Warmest home In town with 3 bedrooms, one 8c H bath dream kitchen. Call now. Home on .94 Acre in Maeser. One level Includes 4 bedrooms, 2M bath new a month . kitchen 8c greenhouse. Need Extra Income Lovely executive style home In nice neighborhood with 3 bedrooms. 2 baths, fireplace upstairs and a full 2 bedroom Apt. with separate en- trance downstairs. Information Line 789-84- 79 Aluminum Siding, Soffit and Fada Systems 5 Inch Seamless RAIN GUTTER and Downspouts Patio Covers and Awnings than building expe: give you tise. Well help you find and arrange financ--in-g with good terms to suit your needs. Make your decision to buy a new home easier. one-year-o- Free Estimates You'll like doing business with us and our homes! We re an authorized deawr for garden spot. Boise Homes A Oman 13 EM1 722-34- 100 or 353-433- 7 o Vernal ana: 789-766- Must e o a see this onel Basin Real Estate Laison Caldwell 789-068- 6 8 m Price Reduced . Vi !. e For Sale By Owner:, Local State Licensed Contractor Retail L Wholesale Sales (at SL.C prices) Dealer In Utah. For. Reynolds and USS Alside Phone: 7094112 Wayne Williams, Licensed Contractor Vernal, Utah Exi; e ld 3,400 Acres of deeded property plus 9.000 acres BLM land. Blue Mountain. si Tfw Bow ComM HOMES ROBB South car garage. Wont last long. Owner .WH1 Carry Contract with very small down on this mobile home with all extras. Including private rented lot with room lor horses. Classic Older Home with large trees, greenhouse and .72 acres. 5 bedrooms and 2 story lor plenty of room. A targe 3 Bedroom home with 2 baths, fireplace. 2 car garage. Near all schools In the city. Also has 2 bedroom finished apartment in the basement. Priced far below appraisal for quick sale! New 3 Bedroom Home with full basement. Owne will consider a lease with option to buy to the right party. Large Home that gives you everything you want in a home. Country living, large Before you buy any us. see home, Well more yoifTI love With 2 el Beautiful older home - relocated to 1 10 W. 500 S. 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, double garage. Unfinished basement has roughed in plumbing, walls sheetrocked and 2nd fireplace has been finished. Beautiful hardwood floors, See to appreciate. Price negotiable. Must sell, new low price. Call , John or Keith. Totally new paint. 789-3033- r' " : ? . . i s |