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Show Section 1 Page 20 Basin NICKEL ADSAtEWSPRINT March 17, 1983 USU Education Center Presents mmmmmm.obne hom A MUSICAL TO REMEMBER April 15, 16, 18, 22, 23, 25 in Vernal April 29, 30 arid May 2 in Roosevelt Curtain Time 7:30 p.m. & USED HOtiES U This Week at Shop-N-G- o Special e K STOCK Now for as little as o o GAL. and receive o o e 2 PRICES GOOD THROUGH WED.. MARCH 16 FREE SKIRTIESGI or 2 Wonder J6 f. Country Broad style Bring this ad In H69 REG. o 0 o HOF-fHS- a 118 West Main o Vernal OOOOGOOOOOOOOOGO0OOOOOOOO Missing Calls? Can't Afford Secretary? Full-Ti- Across From Tri-Cine- 1339 W. Htway ma on W. Hwy 40 Esquire Estates Complex Vernal, Utah 40 N 789-939- 0 "People answering People" Creative Decor Upholstery E i y i : . 154 East 300 So. Roosevelt 5 David C. Peterson 75 N. 200 West Vernal Dr. or 789-835- 789-458- 5 7 Fust Ouulitv Work with the finest material. Ix't us make a bid on your FIREWOOD PINION a Copies: We also provide on economical copy service. 10$ to 15$ each depending on quantity. Coll: Duchesne 736-206- 3 Roasevelr 722-246Vemol 7894132 6 pick-u- p a 789-813- 8 Your Gifts, Registering We invite you to come and register your in reupholstered rfeji3riiLMW8B3ESSB $45 a day. preferences for family and friends to avoid needless duplication. p luriiitiire. Wc have furniture for sale. Let The Answer Bizz Answering Service take your colls 24 hours . 789-307I o load Load your own pick-up- . No Racks. 722-448- 3 Sight is. a precious Linens - Towels - Pillows - Sheets Corelle - Corelle Expressions - Coming Pyrex - Cutlery - Viking Glass Ware Brand Name Appliances - Rubbermaid Brand Name Cookware - Woodenware Oneida Stainless Flatware - Holiday Design Canisters gilt, So Start Today By Making Good Vision A Family Concern. Call For An Appointment Today! 9 AM to 6 PM Mon.-Taes.-We- d. Thursday 9 AM to 5 PM 75 N: 200 West 789-835- 7 25 West Main 3 Vernal 789-303- |