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Show FREE EDUCATION FOR ZONE L I DEAD 4 4 E A S T SPECIAL NOTICE. INS JOKE TRAINS SALT LAKE MERCUR RAIMA! CO. TIME TABLE. DAILY If this paragraph is marked with a red cross it Indicates that your subscription to this paper has been setance of 1,188 Pupila. tled for three months from that date. PERHAPS HE ENJOYED XT IN If marked with a black cross It has PLAN TO CONNECT PUGET SOUND Twenty-thre- e public. Washington. THE SPIRIT LAND. AND LAKE WASHINGTON. only two weeks to run, but unless with an attendance of 1,121 otherwise notified we shall continue VIA to forward the paper. pupila and with 2R teachers have been Very respectfully, Dream of Redden ta o1 Seattle. Waeh., established on the canal wine by the Anyway, It Worked Vary Success. THE PUBLISHERS. various municipalities tinder the direcfully on PMend Who Hitherto Kay Soon Be Realizei) --Coet of tion of the canal wine government. Had Sincerely Xouraed Waterway Estimated at CHEAP RATE8 EAST VIA COLORAFive of the alx municipalities have His Loss, Nearly $8,000,000. DO MIDLAND RAILWAY. adopted compulsory education laws and well was a attended schools , lire developing lovable chap, bpt Thorniey A ship ranal. Seal Hi-- Wimli 8 On May June; 3 1906, rate the water of Puget S'miikI rapidly In n country which knew noth- an Inveterate practical Joker. When of one fare plus two dollars for round lie decided to accept the offer of the nan This Includes the famous md l.Hke W'iishlngrun. u project which ing of free schools before the estnb Memto Minneapolis, I he South American syndicate and go to trip and Chicago, dreuin lishment of the entiiil wine government OVERLAND LIMITED 1,1s fur iwii ili,(,:nliH bi'i'ii west thereof. October Limit phis MUBKX has just submitted ti Venezuela his friends, who had suf- 31st, (ov. .Mag-.mand the new 3r the people of Seal tli. will brconii a stopovers allowed, went Missouri rea the commission isthmian canal fered much In from the his pranks, wondered river. For further information write LOS ANGELES CHICAGO LIMITED rdiilliy. If :i hill in .i '! el PIANO Thin canal . port of Hip u liools which shows tin what he would do to the gentle sub- L. II. Harding, General Agent, Bali Strictly Twentieth Century, Vestl-balehiiiiw Imcoiiii'h a i:iw. Blectrla Lighted Steam Heatwith which mnnirlpiilitle nf '.'iithit.-ilaMOrgans And AS which Is jects of Clprlano Castro. There were Lake. We will arrange all details of ed Trains operating Pullman Palace Iho maKiiii mil of Pie pinjoi't nn tin have Uikeu ttp school work and arf s dozen or more of them at the pier your trip. Musical Sleepers; Incomparable Observation Ut hm us of r,in.i'.ii:i, has rcpwiiedly ' planning to extend It. In June twi. to see him off. Among them was Rol-heand Dining Cars , the very Library were lusds si bringestablished, Between of AT BIG LAKE. 8HOW SALT bsinl.eiuinecis been examined ny Thorniey and Rolher latest manufacture. lr it 1.21)4 to and I'lmillnient (lie there was a tie stronger than ordiup lug of the I'nited f'lales army, ami was Fur three weeks the New Grand ONLY 43 HOURS, SALT LAKH TO as fusi inating to the Imagin- expecie-- l that ihe numlier will reach nary friendship. They had been boys 44 South Mala CHICAGO. ation." Severn! Imards have. Iriw-eve- 1,544 In a short time. together. They had been schoolmates.' theatre has been crowded to the Balt Lake Ctt In romniuiiting on I lie hi bool sys They married about the aame time doors by the Ethel Tucker Stock comrcsir!iil against it us a river City Ticket Office. 201 Main SL to Salt Lake for three came who I would ar pany f!ov. teui LAKE SALT Mngoon be says: JTAH. itl.orlxed CITY. a were and euiernrlsi1 to Utah. (ud harbor neighbors .for many years. monthB engagement to the fad presenting two "Clue, old man," said Thorniey, as. new by congress, since In the absence of tieiilarly cull iiitcntbm ploys each week with special a water way there Is no "demand of ihat no expense whalerer in connecfor the last vaudeville they were saying good-bfeatures between each act. CO YEARS oiiimei-r-eto Justify the expenditure, tion with public education on the zont time, I wish I had something to give The New Grand will be open every EXPERIENCK ol on lies fallen the appropriation l'he latest estimate of eosl for a eanul night with a Wednesday and SaturHi KEELSV CUE. funds for the construction of the cana' 52 feet det-w.is nearly $H,4tii),i'4ii. day sourvenir matinee for the entire Ik Is nor us this it conto, being Drunkenness Cered. asks likely The bill intmdiiced merely 30, 50c, presenting the best plays ob-3obA gress for the use of the vlght of way borne by the funds of the canal zone 55c, presenting the best plays positive and and the epli which v.'as acquired by Ihe federal and the different municipalities, whicl: tainable. la no publicity, For out of town patrons seats will there government from- - King county several will undoubtedly be able to carry th dies treated ea privacy aa al tneu be reserved and held by addressing years ago, and for the maintenance full cost of the maintenance as well u Tradc Marks own homes. The the Initial cost of the Is theaNew to organization." the Grand the t.he water af request way after it Designs completed W. B Temple, Salt lmhe OKp, UUA Copyrmhts Ac. A group of tre, Salt Lake City, Utah. by private enterprise. ( uddfOTtpUMBav awNMMaeiaf eastern capitalists propose to establish CHICAGOS WEALTH GROWS MNU iMrtili our oplaloii fra weather ur Miwiit i. oa nuares fww k ekiUr a large steel manufacturing plant on eonMentta HAhO J00 FRitRitK.VAtstFJtltitatlWWStstiiststlV S Lake Washington, slid they offer to Real Estate Assessments for Present FILES REMOVED WITHOUT 1 HUDDART FLORAL CO. UMM mMo, vttbaat chart a. B tba build ilii canal and take their chances Year Show an Increase of KNIP& of being remunerated fur tlie expendiAbout f7,000,000. 114-11- 6 E. 2nd 8o. DR. JOHNSON, ture by the vote of the citizens of the A hapdeoaalf Ittaatralad weat.lr. Lartaaf inarf iaL Tania. SI a county. ti ar aciaatlSaSold Chicago. The figures on the real esXStt South Main atreeL Balt XAkeg Grand MawaSaalata. (Opposite Theatre.) City. Tike Washington is situated only tate asseasnients fur 1900 have been ffiaaalha,$l. Cut flowers and floral work for, four or live miles from tide water, and completed and show an increase of BM8SS the greater part of the city of Scuttle alKuit 37,04(,()Ui) over last year's figall occasions. Is situated between the lake and the ures. according to Chief Clerk Haynes We make a specialty of shipping sound. Also between l.ake Washingof the board. Sfuneral designs. Write telephone ton and (he sound is Lake 1'nlon, a The figures for Lake View show an He Had His Joke at Last. smaller body of water of great depth. Increased valuation of over $1,200,000 telegraph. Lake Washington is 28 miles long, over the figures of 1905. The board of you to remember me by, but Ive been jror so for J this trip Phones 106. busy lately preparing P. O. Box 443. and is so deep as to admit, upon the assessors' valuation for 1905 Is and for 1906 $22,295,7r6. The that I haven't had time to think of completion of the canal, of the largest Si ocean going steamships In the world. board of review valuation for 1905 was anything. Don't forget to write, will I you? The navies of ail nations could And $20,967,910. shook hands then AND CRAGER WIRE and IRON They again In The the water this fresh for basin. WORKS, the totul anchor These figures give Manufacturers of Seattle people expect that manufac- county excepting the west town as Thorniey, reaching In his pocket, drew Iron fences, Bank, Office and Coun- will out three cigars. tie amount establishments will This $2.Vi,914,246. up spring turing Smoke those, old man, and when ter Railings, Flower Stands, Etc. All on the shore of the lake, and that the lurgely Inn eased by the west town kinds of fancy wire and iron work. extension of the city to (he northward assessments, which are said to be you're smoking them remember me, O i TOUR NEXT TRIP I AST ASK We do Electro Plating in Nickel and and enstward will experience a tre- much larger than In 1905, due to the he said. in all the Latest Finishes. Copper T HAVE TOUR TICKET llKAD VIA Rolber took the cigars. The steam Write for Prices. mendous growth within the next few amount of Improvements whlrh have 1 been carried on In that section during er sailed away and a few weeks later years. Salt Lake City 8tate St the last year. These figures are ex a letter from Thorniey told of hla safe TO BURY CHINESE AT HOME pected by the assessors to bring the arrival. Everything was strange, he wetwitatatstmKBtititBtsotstwitstitstit county total to a sum which will ex- said, but he hoped he would like the MAXFIELD VINEGAR CO., Bones of Oriental Victims of San ceed the 1905 amount by at least country. Letters came at Intervals and then Francisco Fire to Be Taken Back Manufacturers of TWO TRAINS DAILY TO HICAGO In 1905 the tax assessment by thf came the news of Thomleys death. to Native Country. OODEN TO CHICAGO OR DENVER had fever a and died sud PURE FOOD" VINEGAR. board of assessors was $72,130,704. He caught ANOTHER GOOD TO CHICAGO. San Francisco. If the Chinese who This was cut to $71,883,431 by the denly. factory: 720 South Second Weetf ROUTE TO THE EAST IS VIA KANThe news was a great shock - to met death In the Are of April 18 knew board of review. Telephone 979-- s SAS CITT AND THE FAMOUS what dispoeitlon was to be made of The 1905 total for the county res, Rolber. It was as If he had lost a SOUTHWEST LIMITED. NO EXCESS their bodies it Is likely that death estate assessments was $321,942,789. brother. ppsmatMiutiWjmMtKiucriiM FARE. Of terwould have been robbed of half Its the three cigars Thorniey had The board of review's final announce3 - Moses W. ror. Their bodies are now being pre- ment placed the real property at TICKETS OF ALL AGENTS, OR OF given to him that day when he sailed Frank Y. Taylor. Taylor, m TAYLOR BROS. away two had been smoked. Rolber pared for a trip 12,000 miles to tombs REAL ESTATE AND 8TOCK8. that will be built for them In China. preferred a pipe to a cigar, and after C. . . Williams, Commercial Agent, f: Tel. 171., Utah National Bank Salt This Is almost the highest honor that WORK OF MICHEL ANGELO. he heard of Thornley's death he had Salt Lake Gty. could lie paid a Chinese. The Chinese no desire to smoke the third. He put Lake City, Utah. Salt Lake Real Estate the best In"Six Companies" will be in charge of Model of Statue Which Has Lain Unthe cigar on his mantelpiece at home vestment in Utah Com4 e 4-the work and the Chinese relief comunder a glass case, and every time he mercial and the world. heeded for Years in Florence, Stocks the safest Mining will mittee looked nt lt hie thoughts turned to In the world. cooiierate with the larger Found. Is Italy., body. his dead friend. Members Salt Lake Stock and MinThe lames of the Chinese Are vicTwo years passed and still the cigar ing Exchange. A work of Mlchei Kbirence. Italy. -witemt ttRwstwilweww wwwr wRiwitiiewitaMiMiwRiur n tims sill be shipped to llong-KonAngel-)which has been hidden for remained in its old place. Then, one There relitllvt-- will take charge of over three Rolber hla discovered all that night, American Plan, $1.25 to $2.50. icnnirlea, has just been and carry them to their old covered here through the patient He smoking tobacco was gone. study honiea In all parts of the empire. There ()f j1(, members of the German llis tor searched high and low, but could not European Plan, 50c up. will be elaborate burial eemnnnb-- lie- - jPi,i institute of tills rliy. It la a modei discover anything to smoke. He went HOTEL HALLS. hae moved (iro n Main Street to ear own piemises on Stole fore the remains are lowered into the 0f ., srnt ne which the great artist In at last to the mantelpiece and looked mother clay of Chinn. and It will have M. S. at he not would RIDDLE, Manager. ornament one of th Thornley's cigar. No, shoal Our trade is growieg very We like the change, Street tout more than $r.(i(iu, hut the customs Medi.-em- , think of smoking that. It would be a Corner Third 8outh and 8tate tombs, and religious belicts of centuries will a fluvial divinity ano sacrilege. lie turned away and took nicely, tad we c?n give you better service. T Our Lard is jt 8treets, Salt Lake City, Utah. have been observed and the relatives of has .)ir for many years In a corner ol up a book. But there was no pleasure celestials who were masted In San the guaranteed absolu ely pure. court of the Arndemy o In reading. He was nervous and he ORDER OF US. Francisco will feel assured that the Khw u,Sj,e He smoke. a searched needed again Art. lt ls ma(le of Play MW dead can sleep In peace, ample propili-- , for some tobacco, although he knew Jllllt the Hil, l)f ,lust Htlon to the spirits nf their ancesiurs position recommended by Vasari in his there was none. Again he turned to Goods delivered at your home at ert 'C having been made. read, but the craving of the steady 8alt Lake prices. Lives of Italian Artists, , of the German smoker was too strong. He went and Prof. WEALTH OF GREAT BRITAIN Institute, aided by Dr. Geisenhelmer, looked at the cigar. It had dried out, Try our Mail Order Department and of the same Institution, sueeeeded in but still was in good condition. Sen- be satisfied. & 751 Rule of King Edward's Empire Ex- discovering that a work of the same timent and appetite struggled for Hardware Groceries, Goods, Dry two won. and sentiment tends Over Area of 11,146,084 kind bad been presented by Bartolo- minute or Rolber walked away and tried to Everything. Square Miles. a meo Ammanati to the Academy ot BARNE8 GROCERY CO., Fine Arts In 1583, and that the frag- satisfy his craving by putting hla New York. Although the popula- ment once his in mouth and empty pipe drawing to tbe collection You Mona 'y 143 North Firet West Street, tion of the I'nited Kingdom is only of Cosltno debelonged on it as If it were filled. That did not Medici. to He 47.605,177, it holds the reins nf an ein- at do. had simply smoke, and 8ALT LAKE CITY. The statue has now been placed on a impuml.i'm j exhibition in the Gallery of Ancient last he turned back to the mantel-pieceThe area of (he I'nited Kingdom is lifted the glass case and tool) S(SWsWX!WsX!X; MlJ(,prn gcilptu. ,n thls city. Tli, Moat Reliable Dntlata la the City. I out Thornley's cigar. Just a momen larcfy 124,ivi sqaaie miles; blit Ihe 8MOKE LAPALOMA CIGARS1 Teeth extracted without pain by our eetenUto Drilish empire extend;, over 11.116, iski he wavered. Then he struck a match STheyre High Grade and Union metheda Free with other work. Dog as a Mail Carrier. held the flame close to the cigar and $ OUR SPECIAL REDUCED PRICES. squaic miles, being larger than the Made, Lucifer, the big St. Bernard em Kus.sian cmpiie, comes next, by M. MARCU8, Manufacturer. with a sigh of satisfaction he drew lu a Set of Lath (beet rad rubber), Oold crowns. j In more tli. in 2.Mi),imiii square miles. work beet. ployed carrying mail from Hailey, a lung full of smoke. It seemed to J?,,10 to torim 155 East Third South Street. Oold tl up. Other ffllinca. Mo U Hat No empire can produce so wide a Idaho, to Corral, an inland town, is him that he never before had enjoyed 8ALT LAKE CITY. TWX ,VE YEARS PROTECTIVE OUARANTBE. it seems old. nnd six likely a smoke so much. Three, foiifr, five years range of vaiu.ibic things, natural and Opom till 6 p. n., Sunday 10 to 3. 'Phones, Ind., uriitieiai. .is the British. Precious that he will have a steady job in times he puffed contentment into hit over his sled EXAMINATION winters 884 If an SL FREE. ami drawing minerals DR pror 'ions stones, ivory, coming self and then physical wheat, corn, wmil. timis-r- . fruit Iii j !? snow on the Do You Yant Work? There was a sudden burst of fire of life nnd near-- ! round trip lu is making daily be-- and sparks, a sharp report, the dga: fad. every WORK FOR EVERYBODY. ly every known luxury -- are to Is htid twcn the two points mentioned. Mr was a wreck and Rolber was as nervTeamsters, Laborers. Always Wanted. at first hand within the empire, anti Floyd's contract provides penalty in ous as a kitten. We Furnish AH Kinds of Help. Service-Goothe words "Mritish made are still case mails are not delivered on time I'll be switched," said Rob "Well, recognized. all the world over as being! each day. Lucifer has saved many her, when he had reovered his wita DIXON EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. the hall mark of excellence on every dollars by aiding his master In trans "Who would have thought that a man 62 East First 8outh, Salt Lake City. manufactured product, from suitings portation of malls In a sled fitted up dead two years would play a Joke on Bell Phone 1872-X- . Ind. Phone 923 to mm churches, and from penknives j with suitable harness. The faithful a fellow with a loaded cigar T" That le tho happy trinity that to locomotives. St. Bernard has hail no difficulty in me kee happy travolore en Reek lei There - one funrci.il insiitu'inn drawing the sled, and often has more PHOTO UTAH CO. BUTTON Childs The Viewpoint. Which slau i out boldly alwive ail ' Uinu one hundred pounds of mail on and through trains. Through Standard Percy Alder, M. P., of tandon, told H. N. Winter, Manager. is anil the others, strong-- j the load. an amusing story of a email girl at Sleeper dally Salt Lake and Ogdon to est in tin? world. It is the Bank of' a recent meeting of the Childrens Campaign, Society, Advertising and Chicago without ahango. Arrlvoe In England. Discovery to Cheapen Paper. The Photo Buttons to order. Happy Evenings association. In tho morning. Wo aloo rwf Chicago We copy from any size or kind of After a six months' expedition In child had liecn sent sway to the conn-trthrough tourist care to Chloogo and Called from Car to Wed Pair. for a holiday, and questioned as picture return same uninjured. PhoEgypt, Smedley Norton has returned SL Louie. Steamship tlehoto on sale on tos Cuff Brooches. Buttons, Rev.-Pins, L. 8. Murray, pasAs the to England, claiming the discovery to what In all her holiday had pleased to all points In the Old Country. tor of Washington Heights Methodist of the ancient papyrus plant on the her most, this little alum maiden, Lockets, etc. Why trust traveling with your choice photos church at Wilmington. De.. was rid- - banks of tbe Nile. This grass has whose London home adjoined a waste strangers Lot no know where yon want to got. when residents guarantee permanent ing on a street car he was hailed been long lost or hidden, but Mr piece of land, replied: Seeing no satisfaction T wIM do the resL We Nothing Abler by three persons, who asked if he Norton brings many specimens deed cate." Cabinet Photos. Stamp Photos. Phowere a preacher. They said they had lieautiful paper made from lt and than the Rock Island Dlncrx to Buttons. 49 Main street. Salt Lake. come there to be married and did claims he can deliver unlimited quanBirds Not Afraid of Man. P. O. Box 130L Telephone 967-Both phones 948 not know a minister. The obliging tities of paper in England and the Among southern African birds Enlarging, coding, reducing, etc., clergyman with tbe others hurried I'nited Statea for $6 a ton, better which manifest wonderful tameness Is any kind or size of picture In photo, N. L. DREW, General AgenL E. DRAKE, DM. Fean. AgenL to s magistrate's office, where a li- than the paper now In use costing the Cape wagtail, which not , only crayon, sepia, pastel, oil, etc. Finest SOS ITth Street, Denver, Coloa A. BIBLE, Trav. Paaa. AgL, R consistent with cense was secured, and Miss Edith $50 per ton. If this be a fact the penetrates to the living room in search grades price. Every 1M Wert Seeond Soutk SL, Gueyer Bowman, of Philadelphia, be -- I paper supply of the world, at present of flies, but will pick them from the grade of work absolutely permanent-wilSalt Lako City, Utah, not fade. Frames and framing. came tbe wife of Frederick C. Gk- - dependent on- wood pulp, will be revo-riu- old Boers velschoons as he sits on nriirmminnniirninnnrtn KimkkieisnnnimHmrti AH sizes to and order. made grades up hla stoep, and perch about his chain lutionized. Public Inatltutiona at Panama Have Total Attend- Twenty-Thre- e 26-2- 1-- d, wie-elgh- th j r. , Beesley Muslo Co., r, j y " 0, KeInritttAM4 Conieianlaw-UeeaWrteU- Sckntific Htrtucan. h.-a- T ry This Route East $21,-073,0- ; Chicago, M il wau kee & St. Paul j Railway a 527-29-3- $319,-679,32- g. , i i SHERWOODS MARKET ti ilis-thei- n j i s 1 k,i P-ob- 749 Doth Phones Sherwood. State Street, Salt Lake City. Why Pay More? We Cen ive Utah Dental Co., 234 Main , wl-.ii- - twenty-Mpht-ml- 'd y 1 M lr ity Good , y j k. - l - .Jtr a. d Companyj Good Meals. |