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Show i CHAS. 1. SAllLR, GRAND Skeet Wood-Retir- SCRIBE 1 XT OEOXOX ed. he Laxative Known Quality BINGHAM, (Copyright, 1IM, by Dally Story pub. Co.) The freight train rattled and a d d thing to aee but the trees and swayed as It ripped along at its best hills, and nothing to hear but the peed down the steel rails stretching crickets and jay birds, unless it la out through the lowlands and the the voice of nature. But I gueps the knobs. people who use to live here have got A wandering printer lay stretched just much or more of that vapory out on some old newspapers spread thing we call enjoyment out of living over the floor of a box car, aad he as anyone In s city, where there's aV bad JuBt awakened from the sound ways something going" "Well!" the rough voice of a worn sleep of a man who had nothing on an earth to bother him. suddenly through the front Seeing the bright flashes of sun dnor. which had been slowly opened. Sheet Wood suddenly grasped tbs through the cracks around the side door Skeet arose, "stretched" hlmsrlf rail upon which he sat, and raised to and climbed through the small end a Jumping posture. "Don't be sheered now, you buazsrd window to the top of the car. A brakeman with a broad, red, Irish looking tramp." I'm not sheered, but I hate to meet face came slowly down the train. "Well, general," he spoke above the people so suddenly," Skeet replied. wiim do you hlfct yoself on a per-sorattle and clang as he approached the front fence fer, if you dont how'd you rest last night? tramp, waHt to meet them sudden. Any hugs in that coach?" Well, you see, I didnt think any-bodNo, I never heard any stirring lived here. around through the night. I've wen em turn around and go back, when Well, you see you air mistaken. they saw me. Why, have you had any We Jest moved In here day before yest irly, but we live here Jest the complaints from other passengers?" "Yes, the brakey replied, Shorty same as if wed moved here year bePE-RU-STRENGTHENS you know old red Shorty, with the fore last. Been to dinner?" No. Nor breakfast neither, since crooked eye yes be rolled out of there the other night and trotted back you brought up the subject. THE "All right. the husky looking womanother ENTjRESYSTEM. and said if I didnt give hm me go back there and drive give an said; place hed get off, and make Mr. Chas. L. Saner, Grand Scribe, him his two bits back. Hed adone it that shote out of the sorghum patch Grand Encampment I. O. O. F. of too! and Ill get you something to eat Ge Texas, and Assistant City Auditor, and help him, Prls. You know how do with him?" Whatd you writes from the City Hall, San Antonio, Oh, I moved him over into a mule onruly them shotes of that red sow Tex.: and never heard any more of air. Go on. He aint goln to bite "Nearly two years ago I accepted a ear, him." you." as position secretary and treasurer Skeet beat down an army of weeds with one of the leading dry goods Say, brakeman, where are we anyand joined Prle at the back door. establishments of Galveston, Tex. how?" The sudden change from a high and That last whistle back yonder was Prls was the first to speak. dry altitude to sea level proved too Peachtree Switch. Say, jump these tater rows. Maw much for me and I became afflicted will holler If you step on onei of "In hey?" Kentucky, with catarrh and cold in the head, and "Yes, hit Kentuck back yonder be- them." general debility to such an extent as to All right, Miss Prls." almost incapacitate me for attending fore daylight. to my duties. "Hown the devil did you know my "Wheres the next water tank? name was Prls." " was Induced to try Peru no, and "Red Oak Ridge. after taking aeveral bottlea In amall "I heard your maw say It was." blow off there. Red said there "Ill doaea I am pleaaed to aay that I waa was a I aint beared nobody say whut and Ill drop there, shop print to entirely restored my normal condb off and clean up." name be, said Miss Prls. your tlonand have ever alnce recommended name might be Skeet Red for My slacked When the train up the use of Peruna to my friends." Oak Skeet. Wood dropped off and found Skeet? Named after a skeeter, himself standing in the village's only wnBnt you? Look kinder like a skeetThe Lady and the Tramp. er anyhow. Well, now, yonders the street. Mrs. Alden was a clubwoman. Her shote. You go around that way and Oak of The Red Ridge municipality particular fad was the moral elevation consisted of a few, rambling, unpalnt-e- d Ill go around this hers way, and wsll of the lower classes. She was engaged houses squatted about among the both come up behind him. In writing a paper on the subject when Skeet. had not yelled sewey there" growth of scrubby red oak trees and the cook came to tell her that a rough-lookimore than half s dozen times before bushes. man at the back door wanted A boy came along the road driving he had fallen in love with Miss Prls. some breakfast. She was about 18 years of age, built "Give him a soup ticket," said Mrs. a cow. on the style of a robust Charlie? name ain't your "Say, Alden. Then, wlih a sudden thought steer, and was as reckless In her everySkeet Wood asked. "No, wait. I'll see him myself. "Naw sir. My name aint Charlie. day manner as a young lady could be She went into the kitchen. My without being dangerous. is." good man," she said, "will you saw Ita Grover, thats what it The shote was at last driven to the some wood, if I f ive you a good break-las- t! Well, that's what I thought You It disappeared even look like your name was Grover. rail fence, where ofthrough a crack Into the tall weeds. "Certainly, madam," said the tramp, Say, Grover, where's the printing At noon the woman's husband cams very elegantly, rs he disappeared in fice? The place where they print the from somewhere on a mule whose hair the direction of the woodpile. In about weekly newspaper?" was long and his ears worked hack Aint any. lire minutes he reappeared. "Im ready and forth when he walked. Skeet was now for that breakfast," he anontinced. Why? "Cause they moved It off. Thats Invited into the kitchen, where stood "Have you sawed the wood in such a a table with four seats around it. short time?" asked Mrs. Alden, coming why." "fake that there vacant seat over whole "Moved away?" the shop kitchen. print again into the "Yes, sir. That wasnt such a big on that side, Whut's name. "Yes, madam," he answered. Then, Wo did have just exactly a table between huge mouthfuls: "Excuse me, Job. Well, Grover, where did they move full In this fambly, but Bud had to madam, for correcting you, but you Have - you seen the the office to?" should say, go and get. sent to the penitentiary, wood! " "Where did they move it to? They so you air lucky in getting a seat. moved It to Pursley." Prls looked at Skeet. "You dont Scriptures in Russia. know who Bud lg. do you? Where Is Pursley, Grover?" It is raher remarkable that, not"Haw, don't you know where Purs"No, I don't remember of ever meetwithstanding the disturbed conditions ley is? Pursley is 14 miles from here. ing Bud." of affairs, In Russia last year, the That way." "Well. Bud he's my husband, or was British and Foreign Bible society re'Where is the courthouse that waa before he got sent to the pen. a in banner circulation the ports year tiers once upon a time? of Scriptures, over GOO, 000 copies being Its moved to Pursley, too. Five weeks faded Into the past Ilka distributed in European Russia, beit? How long ago?" "Has a cigarette paper In the rain. Skeet sides a very large number in Siberia. Wy, it moved to Pursley the next was an occupant of the cabin. They day after the newspaper moved to had treated him well and he was as Sacrifice Made by Judge. much at home there as he could have Justice Hulun. . of the supreme Pursley. How long has that been? been anywhere. A bed had been precourt, Id order that he may preserve Whut? his mind free from distractions of inpared for him in the loft It was "How many years has it been?" even better than Skeet had been uged formation and misinformation that "Oh, it has been shout 11 years ago. to, and what if it was not? A man would impair his c.'hlency and wisIt was moved three years after I was shouldnt notice a hard bed when he dom as a jurist, (has not allow himborn." Is In love. self to read the newspapers. Is that so, Grover? In this family Skeet was guest and Tea, sir. boarder. In consideration of his bed, DOCTORS SHIFT. "Say, Grover, Is there a post office board and booze, with washing thrown here! Now Gets Along Without in, he was under obligation to scare Yes, sir, there is a post office here.' a shote out of the sorghum patch four Why didn't they move it to Purs- or five times a day and to hide the A physician says: "Until last fall too!" ley mule In the tall weeds every time any I used to eat meat for my breakfast Because they already had one there person was observed coming along the until and suffered with indigestion the meat bad passed from the stom- and they didn't want two there." road, the mule having been stolen by "How about the blacksmith shop the old man a few weeks before. ach. The old man was large, with a face "Last fall I began the use of Grape-Nut- s hers? Hava you got a pretty good for breakfast and very soon one! of fierce bushy whiskers, and eyes like found I could do without meat, for Naw, sir. We did have one, but tliose of a ral keen, heady, black. they moved it to Pursley." ay body got all the nourishment Shortly after Skeet had driven the and "They did? necessary from the Grape-Nut- s, hog out of the sorghum patch one day "Yes, sir. alnce then I have not had any indithe old man led him down a ladder "Looks like a road used to run right into the cellar and explained to him gestion and am feeling better and across this field here. Where is it the working of a small whisky-makinhaje Increased in weight ! outfit. "Since finding tiie benefit I derived now? I have from Grape-Nu- ts prescribed "Yes, sir, there was a road running Skeet, this here business operates the food for all of my patients suffer- right across there, but when they on small scale and Is quiet. Recolmoved the other things over to Parsl- lect that. ing from indigestion or ' I ain't going to tell nothing. No, and also for those recovering from ey, they turned the road around and disease where I want a food easy to had it so it would run into Pursley no, I won't even think about It when I get in yelling dlstanre of a stranger. take and certain to digest and which too." will not overtax the stomach. You had' started somewhere with Because I'm going to be a member of "I always find the results I look that cow. hadnt yon, Grover! this family after next week. For for when I prescribe Grape-Nut-s. "You and the gal has calk Hated to "Yes, sir. Im going to take her ethical reasons please omit my name.1 down to the creek bottom to get her get liitchi-- up, have you'. Well, she Name given by mail hy Postum Co. a drink of water. Paps goin to take made Buddy a mighty good woman." Battle Creek, Midi. her to Pursley Skeet and the girl drove over to wonderful The reason for the "He it?" Pursley and got married. amount of nutriment, and the easy diYes. sir. Where are you goln?" Another cabin was ouilt Just across is not hard to "I think Ill go to Pursley, too. So the potato patch, ami became the home gestion of Grspe-Nnt- s good-by- . Grover. find. of this couple. Skeet was annexed as A few miles over the road stood a a partner in the quiet business going In the first place, the starchy part Tall weeds grew on in the cellar, and an easy, lazy livof the wheat and barley goes through deserted cabin. round it. The "stack" chimney at ing was made the sort of existence various processes of cooking, to perfectly change the starch into Dextrose one enj leaned away from the wall, Skeet liked. or Poet Sugar, in which state it is seemingly ready to fall at the slightready to be easily absorbed by the est Jar. Seven years have melted away like blood. The parts in the wheat and Climbing to the top rail of the fence the glittering frost of early morning. barley which Nature can make uso Skeet Wood sat and rested. The old man has been sent to the He waa a man of not much over pen for stealing a iother mule, the old of for rebuilding brain and nerve centers are retained in this remarkable SO years of age, with fair intelligence lady has remarried and moved to Pur food, and thus the human body la and much general Information gath- ley. Skeet has full charge of the etlll in the cellar and hy Industry and sosupplied with the powerful strength ered In his continuous ramble. "How can anybody, anybody live briety has grown to be one of the producers so easily noticed after one each day for a away off here in the middle of no th- most prominent moonshiners in that has eaten Grape-Nu- ts week or 10 days. "Theres a reason ing avsjr off here where theres not part of Kentucky. Get the little boob "The Road to Will vllle," In pkgs. There are two classes of remedies: tliose of known quality ai.fi which are permanently beneficial in effect, acting gently, in harmony with nature, when nature needs assistance; and another class, composed of preparations of unknown, uncertain and inferior character, acting temporarily, but injuriously, as a result of forcing the natural functions unnecessarily. One of the most exceptional of the remedies of known quality and excellence is the ever pleasant Syrup of Figs, manufactured by the California Fig Syrnp Co., which represents the active principles of plants, known to act most bcuclicially, in a pleasant syrnp, in which the wholesome Californian bine figs arc used to contribute their rich, yet delicate, fruity flavor. It is the remedy of all remedies to sweeten and refresh and cleanse tho system genl ly anil naturally, and to assist one In overcoming constipation and the many ills resulting therefrom. Its active principles and quality arc known to physicians generally, and the remedy has therefore met with their approval, as well as with the favor of many millions of well informed persons who know of their own personal knowledge and from actual experience that it is & most excellent laxative reined)'. Wc do not claim that it will cure all manner of ills, but recommend it for what It really represents, a laxative remedy of known quality aud excellence, containing nothing of nn objectionable or injurious character. There are two classes of purchasers; tliose who are informed as to the quality of what they hay and the reasons for tho excellence of articles of exceptional merit, and who do not lack courage to go elsewhere when a dealer offers an Imitation of any well known article; hut, unfortunately, there are some people who do not know, and who allow themselves to he imposed upon. They cannot expect its beneficial effects- if they do not get the genuine remedy. To tho credit of the druggists of tho United States he it said that nearly all of than value their reputation- for professional Integrity and the good will of their customers too highly to offer imitations of the y - Genuine Syrup of Figs to manufactured hy the California Fig Syrup Co., and in order buy the genuine article and to get its bcuefleial effects, one has only to note, when purchasing, the full name of tho Company California Fig Syrup Co. plainly printed on the front of every iuiekagc. Trice, 50c. per bottle. One size only. A STPHRUS evappAted cream ng fence-jumpin- g Food Products nudes picnics me. enjoyable by ting tha preparation! easier. 'to cany; easier to serve; and jiut right foe eating they come boo the can. Libby's cooks have first pick of the beat moan obtainable and they know bow to cook them, as well as pack them. If you're not going to a picnic soon you can make one tomorrow at your own table by serving some sliced Luncheon Loaf. It is n revelation in the blending of good meat and good spicea. BooUetfrae, "How la Mata u Dont think that because SL Charles Cream is the best infant food, it is that only. It is the best cream for any purpose for which cream or milk are used. It is the natural milk unsweetened, unadulterated. It will not curdle either- in digestion or in cookery. That ia why it agrees even with the most delicate stomach. Its use is economical, too. You take no chances when you use SL Charles Cream. Sold hy IsjtwHW sViij-tsStri- k Handsome booklet of valuable information to mothers and nursrf sent FRgg upon application. GasdTUtat. Eat" Writs Libby, Chicago ST. CHAJU.ES CONDENSING SL Charles, IH. Libby, McNeill CO. It Make your boys food tasty Mothe- r- for it has to do some big things. has to make flesh, blood, bone and muscle and supply boundless For Preserving, pHrifyln? and Beautifying the Skin, Scalp, nair, and Hands. It Energy. Remember, the boy of today is the man of tomorrow. Dont injure him physically and mentally with indigestible meats, pastries, rich puddings, etc., that act as a drain on his nervous g rombinfi ilrilnfp mfdicinal ariI omoh Ccffms dnivr-rent i uihuia, ih jrrMtttkla wth ilit piiT-- t nf riaiilim inrifflilienf. and tbs 'll!' lefie-liinf li'?f !! l. Isotiifvfi. 1 i Bt?r litniM Su ; la laix; KVu. 4 iK K I'eiimP.iM Avs. VUt-- Uriitr A ICVaiIH Frew, How to iirm.(irt..8oliM. Purifr, nod 8p energy. But feed him plenty of over-feedi- A T for rJ keeps the blood cool and is the ideal summer food. Civs Ma acme tomorrow "there won't bo no teartn." Ftcnuad under conditions of scrupulous clrsnl loess. E vary (locer to the country ee 111 the wholawhMt cereal. If yur emc--r hr, not received b!a supply, taaUni 10 cents and bis acme (IS cenla wett of Um kucky UuuuiaiuiJ aad we wdl scad you a package efIGG-O-S- tt aad a espy e( the book, to Batura." Our ft A HOWARD "-ba- ck yr.T5c; Aio't.ta; JWiliDiceriTHtiiiM to nature book !!! an diet, with allegations fa bathing, callnf and exercise, lustra! tiara Jwd lute, exceedingly simple aad attractive. By followiaf the precepts, s bound! ne and Vlforoua health ta euro to result. PSMM-d- to 25 cent a copy. this handsomely Illustrated book will lea htmailadrliU to anyooa wbo writes, as tons this editiga lasts. Audita No. 10 E Fust Street Colo Uoiurenve. LarboniueNaiioDaj batiu That's tha yfe'l of Rairet'e Kril Cross KI.rbrM WislM fr sample of pamo.as Will!, Aeti'i uf Wint r Whwit. Hve. Hkrjt ( iauUom Tltticft'. Trvtu.efr. for fall phntlfir C Mw WeR.EmCrMM.WlSL N.IUEK MEED O.. 11 EGG-O-SE- t.iitd, H.niT.TaMd.tl: hu.d, Mb Z itrorCni.pcr.tl. Granule teat Ntirt fmi sent naaitpliea- uni! 1 nsh n work svltaiiod. Lad- - 60 Bus. Winter Wheat Per Acre book, ".back to nainre," outlines a plan of rlctitllvlnc, tachid-- f dan and recipes for preparing the necessary dishes, based on a a ?. Horeti Amrrg. I HI U Halt E. BBRT0NVJfr8T.MD HiitnHfiMMi . FREE iinirt ami liaaUt. TKEDAISY FLY KILLER nilordf comfort to avtry emir Stamm, lfarmlefls bum, on so, imq U'U to person Clean, neat ami will not soil or lajrirs anything. Try thtm oun sntf yu'i will newer bs wittHNit them. II nt kept hy deal-A-. er sent prenald and Egg-O-Se- e . 1iPM-rv- Beautify Uw hitiu, Htheve Is lawks and hfH be toot hart's yrr Wrong, ticxMiT. bright. rrairt and quick at his studio. Yoa won't ban to eoaa btm Mail tuba, blather, fur lit ddiciuus rub Usrar whea eaten with crcaa near la Just what ha craves mat fa. d i a : CEREAL COMPANY Quincy, Illinois ! llith PENSIONS minS 9, a Writs Bathaa Bickford. 1141 St.. Waahiaftaa, DEFUSE ALLENS A FOOT-EAS- E Certain Curs for Tlrsd, Hot, Aching FssL DO NOT ACCEPT A SUBSTITUTE. Fnf a sFlackaira as every box. Address. Aiwa . Olmsted, Uhoj.lL't. Thtmipioai Eye Water W. N. U.t Salt Lake City, No. 28, 180S |