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Show THE FUTURE TOLD BY MAIL. MARKET. METAL will answer all questions you wish to know; give you advice in business affairs or affairs of the heart as easily by mall as at personal sittings. Give me a trial. Terms. 81. Madame Bchnleder, 48 West Third South, Salt Lake City. (0 1 Friday, 6 Silver, 64 8 centa per Sunce; lead, $5.75 per hundred; copper 18 centa per pound. G4 8 centa; Saturday, 7 Silver, lead, 6.76; copper, 18 centa. lead 85.75; copMonday, 8.- -64 per, 17 Tueaday, 10. Silver, 66; lead, 5.75; copper, 17 Wedneaday, 11. Silver, 661-8- ; lead, 85.75; copper, 17 ; lead, Thursday, 18. Silver, 65 85.75; copper, 17 6-- 7-- 3-- c. NEYE8T HOTEL NEW BUILDING, .NEW .FURNI: TURE, NEW EVERYTHING. RADO MIDLAND will sell 1-- 8 round trip ORPHEUM THEATRE STATE ST LAKE CITY. 198 SOUTH BLDG. . SALT tickets Salt Lake to City of Mexico and return for 869.80. Good for stopovers up to sixty days. Tour choice H. E. BARTLETT, PROPRIETOR. of three excellent routes. Illustrated WATCH HIM GROW. books on Mexico free. Other dates An Enterprising Young Firm In the later on. from Omaha to Chicago. Write L. H. Harding, General Agent, Musical Buslneaa. First-clas-s also b etwees service 8alt Lake, for further information. and Minneapolis and Chicago Omaha music local companies THE MIDLAND ROUTE the Is the line WtMHRItltRltRmtunnnnnniWMtWWM Amongand St Louis, as well as all points is destined to play an important part In that has that through observation car. "DON'T MI88 THE LARGE rethe South and Southeast the business of the MOBILE Dr. Leroys French Tansy Tablets. gion Is the Beesley Music Co. Though For full Information call es or writs An with three these than tablets they less years, acquaintance organised that runs to all points of 1 will result in a to Immense to proportions. have grown pleasant surprise J. A. FOLEY, with a good guide. Fare 8 The ladles safeThe death of their first president. Pro- suffering women. Salt Lake Car and Seeing in Commercial Agent In cases of painful or supguard. fessor E. Beesley, caused a vacancy 40 E 2nd So. their company, which was promptly pressed menstruation THEY SUC75 West Second Sooth Street. No. filled hy the election of Mr. Alvin A. CEED. Price, 82.00 per box. At all SrtMSNMtMsMMMlWSlaiSlsMUWlMIS Beesley, who was the predecessor of drpg stores or by mail, securely sealed. the present company, having been en- Doull Drug Co., 338 Main, Salt Lake Krstnitw sppEEispmsiiwpmsmwnwiwwwwtRXR gaged for some years previously. In City, Utah. OLD ONES. FOR the sheet music and small Instrument NEW RECORDS business. BOYS AND GIRLS, WE PAY CA8H. OM ar broken Dioo or Cylinder reoords taken as part pays The success of the company in hanNaw Ottos. dling pianos and organs has necessiMany bright boys and girls are makFREE TRIAL AND EAST PAYMENTS. tated several trips east for the pur85 A. Mr. Alvin school Lewis after ing of for weekly goods. working chasing The Bow ISOS models of the COLUMBIA ORAPHOPHOM9S is the purcnasing agent, and has at- us. If you want the same chance, send embody all o the latest Improvements In the tslklng ms (Mas Pitended several conventions of the vorld sad ara the standard of perfection. us your name and address and we will ano Dealers' association, and at the ANY OLD MACHINE TAKEN AS PART PAYMENT g quick-sellinsend you 82 worth of our last one President Roosevelt made a In exchange for the lateet types, and don't forget that When sold, very pleasant talk to the members of Household Specialties. A WRITTEN GUARANTEE the association. The readers of this send us $1 and keep 81 for yourseir. and firm new this can watch paper Backed by the Largest Tslldng Machine Company In tha Wartd You can do this in one day. We will Goes With tha Machine. fairly see them grow. furnish you permanent work. COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPH CO., GENL. Address N. H. Groesbeck it Co., WIRELE88. SALT LAKE CITY. Sprlngvllle, Utah. tt Both Phonos. Bo. Main This is a new system of telegraphhMIhSMilihhhhhS Is ShWildilHkli MEMMlMMMaWniUMlaW4MlsMiiliMV ing without a connection between the K WWWSJtHWetWRSIWKSSWWWUWMl stations by wires. Have you heard about it? Have you read about it? Do you believe that this can be done? 910,000 pieces of Sheet Music If not, it is to your interest to investiper copy, 4 gate it. Remember that there has 4 been wonderful things done in the 4 scientific world within the past few 4 FAMOUS WINTER AND RESORTS. of ITS number people years. A certain 4-have always said it cant be done, and 44 CATALINA. with that assurance in their minds, LOS ANGELES. to 44 have allowed great opportunities OCEAN BEACHES. ORANGE GROVES. 44 pass by, and felt very foolish later, 39 Main St.,' Salt Lake City. 44 that they did not investigate at the BAN PEDRO. PASADENA. 44 time, as stocks bought In the promoPianos, Organs, Talking Machines, 44 tion days of the great inventions, 4-BAN BERNARDINO. RIVERSIDE. have, almost without exception made Free. Catalogue 44 fortunes for the holders. Only a few 44 of these cases are. Bell Telephone, the MeMti S FINEST DINING OAR SERVICE IN THE WE8T. 4-commercial success of which was 44palatlsl Veatibuled Trains loavs Salt Lake City 1:36 p. m. dally. Ob-4-WE ARE SALT LAKERS. laughed at by apparently wise people, the Westinghouse Air Brake, which serration. Drawing Room sad Standard Pullman Blseper, Toarlst and was ridiculed by the great Vander- Why trust your treasured pictures to 4 Dining Car. 44-strangers? bilt, the Morse Bystem of telegraphy 4-FREE RECLININQ CHAIR CAR. that had a very hard time selling Ours is a Utah firm, managed by Utah 4 4enoqgh of its stock to put up an men. Ask nearest agent for information on Pacific Coast Excursions, or perlmental line, the Electric Light and Pictures en- g In India ink, numerous other great and grand 4 4 writs to J. L. Moors, DlsL Pas. Agent, San Pedro, Los Angelos A Salt 44 mounted J? Sapla, 4 Lake R. R., Salt Lake City. achievements, all of which had a hard larged, 44 on cardboard or $ Water Colors have started, in yet getting struggle Oil. or stretchers. V4 g were ones who made fortunes for the 4 4-- I wise enough to assist in the promo- Pictures sent hy mall are as safe as if tion, by buying a little of their stock. brought In person. Wireless telegraph may be very A SPECIALTY. FRAMING mysterious to the reader, but like all UTAH ART CO., others it. has its schlentiflc principle, wlfich upon Investigation, is easily 55 West Second South, Sait Lake City. The best proof, however, understood. Mail Ordera Solicited. s that we are doing It Over land and sea, the DeForest Wireless Telegraph THOMAS F. ASHWORTH. Company have their stations estabAttorney-at-Law- . suc-inlished. and are daily transacting Practice in both state and federal successful commercial business, courts. Special attention given of which we have abundant proof. If mining and mining law. Communicayou will think what the telegraph tions solicited, and answered promptthen and THE TOURIST'S FAVORITE POUTS business of the world means, 312 Dooly ly. Bell phone 5D0-carefully consider the results of sav- Block, Salt Lake City, Utah. ing of 95 per cent of the cost, you WHEN FAST FLYERS DAILY BETWEEN must admit- - that it Is the greatest money earning power In the world. OGDEN AND Let us send you by mall, testimonials success of the in statements proof and of wireless telegraph from the most ClIOICH OP ROUTES, reliable authority in the country. Let our agent when he calls at your town, Frr.nntly obtained ornofre. Writefbroor THROUGH PULLMAN AND TOUEIST SLEEPERS interview you. Get some of our stock LETTER beta CONFIPENTIAL and It u worth money. We in the original parent company Ttnt; ATENT8 THAT PAY. FROM OGDEN OR BALT LAKE enjoy your share of the great profits ,;iau help inventw to now. operafuture fond the from model, photo nr ketch, nd we and to be derived IMMEDIATE FREE REPORT ON PAT-tion of wireless. SMT ABILITY. SO yean practice. BcyiVI TO ST. LOUIS WITHOUT CHANGE OF CARS tend Patent Lawyera write nr cmne to I For further information, call on or ne at 7th St.. WMHIN6T0M. D. C. write to . Free Realising Chelr Can. Dining Car H, A. TRENHOLM, Gen. Agent. Service a la oarta os all through trains. 17 West Second South, For Folders, IUestnted Booklets, Me., Balt Lake City. address 7-- Inter-mounta- in It 997-d- I 4444444444A4 : FERGUS ALTER MU5IC COMPANY. TO CALIFORNIA 4 I t 1 - -- 444 4.4444444444444444444444444444 444 4444 444444 44444444444444444-5- . rue g DENYEBssmsS 3 1 B0S-50- In Mr. Rockefellers judgment, apto parently, all that France needs make it an ideal country is a Standard Oil company. L A BENTON, Q.A.P.A SALT LAKE CITY, UTAB HOMES PROTECTED There wan always reason to suppose that congress would pass a statehood bill some time, if it kept working long enough. By Life Insurance are always happy homes. Remember that the INSURANCE LIFE OF UTAH BENEFICIAL simSenator Depew Is leading thea celeof ple life under the direction he expects brated athlete. Doubtless to go back to Ihe senate, and settle some old scores. COMPANY la purely a home company and worthy of your patronage. Isauea modern forme Life Contracts at the lowest possible rates. Home Office, Beneficial Life InsurDeseret News ance Co., Building, Salt Lake City. Just now Kentucky can proudly than any boast of more empty bottlesThe whrite Union. the In state other reach! when they family was thirsty aci-oitn- t st UNCLE JOE A MARVEL OF ENDURANCE. One of the wonderful things about litis very Industrious session is that ihe unusual work of was Inspired and directed hy a man 70 (he years of age. Speaker Joseph G. Cannon celebrated his Tilth birthday on the seveuth day of last May, the one great controlling spirit in jut he has he accomplishment of business In the house. tV'hlle he has not been a czar as some of hfs opponents are inclined to charge, he ins looked into every hit of legislation that has passed Hnd has consulted with all his committee chairmen regarding the measures before them and he lias been appealed to as the one inun above all others who hud the greatest influence in legislation. There is great power lodged In the hands of (he speaker by the rules of the house and its equitable exercise requires n man of strong character. Uncle Joe's time has been fully occupied and not even the president has had greater dial is upon his physical endurance in the way of meeting people, holding audiences and listening to appeals. For weeks and months before adjournment it was a customary thing to for two or three anxious congressman to call around at Mr. Cannon's house before breakfast. They have literally "roosted'' on his doorstep, late at night they have waited on his front, sloop for him to return from some social function In order to get his ear for some legislative favor. At his office in the capltol he always was surhalf dozen or more mentbeis soliciting recognition and other rounded by favors. The speaker lias come out of this in fine physical condition and there 1b no wonder that his friends are enthusiastic in boosting him for the two years hence. They declare that with him age does not coun and any mail who can hear the burdens of ihe speakership of the house of r iresenta-tive- s and come out of a seven months' session of congress smiling, euuyant, enthusiastic and with a color in his check that a maid might envy, Is plenty young enough to undertake Ihe office of president of the United States. bo-jo- e lu-e- 11 THE POWER OF THE PRIVATE SECRETARY. While "Uncle Joe has been much in the limelight and toe public has been engaged with his accomplishments nnd wondering how he could get through with so much work and handle 38G members of the house with so little friction, those who are acquainted with the Inner workings of congressional life know that the speaker owes much of his success and a great deal of his good health to the work and solicitude of his secretary, L. White Bushev. Those who know frtmi the Inside the careers of public men are aware of how iniu-the latter owe to their private Bnd confThe secretary to Ihe presiidential secretaries. dent can make Ihe latier popular or unpopular. The same is true of the secretary to the speaker of the house of representatives. Mr. Llusbey who had been In journalism (or a quarter of a century, all of wlrr'a t :.. spent ., 'hen he :in one Chicago newsaper, was chosen by Mr. Cannon as his kci first hwHiuc speaker. The old newspaper man fell naturally ami gracefully into the position and now Uncle Joe s.tys that if he could tint have Dusbey r career at his right li.iml lit would resign the speakership. His gave Mr. Dnsliey a knowledge of public men and affairs ilmt has proved Invaluable to him lit his present place. He knows every man worth knowing in public life, and mote than that, lie is a keen reader of character and a natural with Ihe speaker He fore the congressmen can get iHiru diplotir.it. latter is pctTcctly able to Judge hey must come up against Mr. ltusiicy and Ihe 111 whether Ihe matter they wish to discuss with speaker is really Important enough to bring to the latter's attention. Nine times out of ten Mr. Husbey can arrange the congressman's affairs without bothering the speaker. new-mpe- APPROACHING MARRIAGE OF SENATOR CRANE, Washington hits tint been so excited over anything for a long time as it is over the approaching marriage o( rlemitor Winthrop Murray Crane, of Miissat litisetls, and Miss Josephine Uoarlnmn. one of the social favorites at I lie. nuti-uut- l capital. The recent announcement of lln-i- r engagement was one of tin most pleasant, surptises ottiel.il society has experienced for a long time. It took rank with the Nick" lamgworth and Alice Hoose-ve- lt engagement ns u matter of official and public interest and pleasant public comment. Miss Hoat liman Is one of thR most refined and members of Washington soviet y besides one jf the most beautiful ani attractive. She is it member of a wealthy family that came Imre from Ohio, hut her uncestors were New England people. like Senator Crane. Senator Crane li.nl long been regarded as doomed to widownrhnnd for the rest of his life. He was devoted to Ills fiifc wife, who died lit the time thic son was burn ami that devotion was so strong that he rinsed tjie house in whirl) they hnd lived and kept it as a memorial 1.1 her, never entering it for years. His much with Mis IMnrdmun Is undeniably a pure love m.itrh. as Imth parties ate veiy wealthy in their own right. Mia 'Hoiirdman took a funey lo tie senator or rather was first at traded to him by his aetiriiy In the railroad rate fight in the senai She is not one or the frivolous, widely girls whose minds are not rnp.dde of grasping big public questions, lint she is :m eager am devoted simlen of subjects an t look a great interest in the raVway title quesiinn from the time it was firs- inailp In'el-leetu- ai 214-16-- THE CONSUL GENERAL AT LONDON. Hon Hubert J. Wynne, United States consul gem-ra- l at Ijuuion, bus finally returned to his post in the hope that he may he allow,. to spend some little time there if it is only to learn the 4 rcMifimj of his ditties. Hob," as he is known to 44 pearly evt ryhody in Washington, was appointed eoiiMtl gemrjl to London IT 111. mil; ago and ha has only been allowed to spend five of those months at his post. He has crossed the Atlantic nine times, that is. lie has made four round trijm and is now again 011 the other side. He has ien a witness in what ate known as the post office taxes which aroae under his ndminUiriition us general ami first assistant postmaster general. He has hem railed lank to attend every one of the hearings and this has used up ten months of his official time as consul general. Mr. Wynne's atiemlauee on the court has been a very expensive thing to him and he is out of packet several thousands of dollars. The government only allowed hint nine dollars a day while his traveling expenses and hotel expenses in Washington amounted to three or four times that niurh. Now he goes back to London as consul general under the new law which cuts off ull fees and he will draw a salary of $12,000 a year, instead of salary and fees that have hitherto run up to about $30,000 a year. 4 On $12.0u0 a year the consul general at London must live very modestly and must take a back seat for the same class of representatives from other governments. The old stories that have been told of cheap living abroad do not 4 4 appeal to Mr. Wynne who has had sad experience with a family of seven or eight children and hinuelf and wife to earn tar with some sort of dignity In London. 1 mar Wednesday, 11. On lhe sold ket. 10 shares of Columbus Cun. 50 C.t0 at 37.60. and 87.55 a share; South Colum37.65; 10.500 shares of or Honorlne shares 50 60 cents; bus at In at 32.40; 100 at 32.50; 100 at 33.55. Boston 100 shares of Con. Mercur sold at at 55 WASHINGTON.1 The session of congress that has just ended erltpxed anything In the history of that body in the amount or deluiie held In various of congress aver No previous subjects. produced as many words (or the Congressional 'Record," although many of them lasted three months longer thiiu this one. In 110 previous congress did the liouae and w.Viie buckle down to woilcsu aaslduouslv 'i.i ihey have done sines last December. Tbft were very few Idle days slues the seasiox began on the firhi Monday of IhbI and (he imnsiinl spedacie of night sessions held a month ur two liifme udj niniinetil was witnessed. Ordinarily congress does not get down to real hard work in the long session for two or three months. It is usually the custom for both bouses to adjourn front Thursday to Frlduy In the first months of the session. Inn this session tit housi- - has a record of adjourning ot the death of only three rinturdays. It adjourned three fines on members. Tin rest of the time it put lit good, hard, solid work, meeting al eleven o'clock in the morning and continuing mull six o'clock and in Ihe last Tew weeks holding niglH sessions. Tie official stenographers of the house report that three limes .is many words wire spoken t,b the Moor Iduring this session as ihrre were during the fira session .if the Fifty-fir'congress which lusted until the first of t)ctoher. I There were more committee hearings held this session than ever before In th and it is exiininicd that all the words jknown. and taken down hy official stenographers os th fiixir of the two houses and at the committee hearings and that have Iwvn printed in ihe Congressional RecThis breaks the ord and In committee reiioris will number about 411.000,(100. world's record for heap big talk.7 - home. at Gossip of Washington Both House und Senate Buckled Down to Work st the Session Just Closed Secretary Busby Great Aid to Speaker Cannon Senitoi Crane of Massachusetts Soon to Be Married. NEW ORPHEUM HOTEL, April 85th to May 5th the COLO- 7-- 8. Illinois Central RATES REASONABLE. City of Mexico and Return, $69.80. 7-- 8. To be assured of a pleasant ,1p east, purchase your tickets vis the IN BALT LAKE cents. RAILSALT LAKE & LOS ANGELES WAY TIME TABLE. In Effect May 31, 1906. Ar. Salt Lake, L. Salt Iave 1:00 p.m. 10:30 a.m 3:30 p.m. 2:00 a.m 4:30 p.m. 3:00 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 8:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 9:30 p.m. . 8:00 p.m. 10:30 p.m. 9:00 p.m. 11:30 p.m. 10:00 p.m. 4444444444444444 4444444444444444 44 44 44 44 4-- f 4 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 4 44 4-- f 44 44 4444444444444444 44 44 4444444444444444 4f 44444444444444 4444444444444 To All Suffers of Disease ELECTRIC, 8WEDISH, GERMAN AND VIBRATION MASSAGES. Scientific and best apparatus In City. If you are SUFFERING from any AILMENT or DI8EA8E give ua a call. We GUARANTEE A PERFECT CURE OR REFUND THE MONEY. CONSULTATION and Long standing and chronic diaeaiea our apecialt. ADVICE FREE. Office hours, 9 a. m. till 12 noon. 2 p. m. till 6 p. m. Sundays 9 a. m. till 11 a. m. The Natural Cure System Hydro- S13 South State St 8a It Lake City. |