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Show 1 I t'a. IHA& 1 Salt Lake City, Utah, Sunday, July Voi. I. .65 The Rural Republican Office of Publication Subscription: One year, $100; six months, 75 cts; three months, 50 cts. The above prices are cash in advance and do not apply to subscriptiou due prior to July 14, 1906. JAS. T. JAKEMAN, Managing Editor, 6.25 2.50 1.25 .65 1.25 .31 .31 .65 5.00 .31 EDITOR. Manager. A. KENNER LIONEL H. GRAY, HOME OF MOUS EMMA. ALTA, THE THE 11 FA- - .65 .65 .65 2.50 1.25 2.50 cents a share. Jl Jl .65 1.25 2.50 2.50 2.50 1.25 1.25 Jl Jl Saturday, 7, 300 shares of Columbus Con. sold at $7.95 a share on the local market. The same day 3,000 shares ot South Columbus sold at 30 cents a share. Jl Jl Friday, 7 1100 shares of Columbus Con. sold at $7.95 a share; 1025 at $8; 100 at $8.10: 600 shares of South Columbus sold at 27 cents a share; 500 at 27 cents; 1000 at 28 cents; 7053 shares at 29 cents. 2.50-- UTAH. Bros., the Salt Lake mediums, are building new offices to accommodate their ever Increasing patrons. flats at 269 and The 271, and the new offices at 267 East Third South, represent an investment of nearly $15,000. Meetings are held every Friday night at their hall and private consultation given daily at above address. n REMARKABLE PREDICTION. Bros., the noted Salt Mediums, have again demonstrated their superiority over other mediums and clairvoyants by correctly predicting the outcome of the Salt Lake street car mens controversy. These gentlemen were consulted in regard to the matter some weeks ago and said that there would be a compromise, neither side giving in on all points, and so It proved. Messrs. Arnold Dickson sre loented at 269 East Third South street, Salt Lake City, where everyone may consult them. Arnohl-Dfckso- n Lake DELINQUENT NOTICE. UUPubliotionrJaly-22.- r REMEMBER. J If your local merchant does not carry in stock Temple Brand Garments. Rams Head Swenters, Sego Lily Underwear, send your orders directs to the sole manufacturers, Salt Lake Knitting Works.. Glance Copper COCA-COLIN BOTTLE8. We have established a plant for bottling this most popular drink and we wadt an agent In every town In Utah to handle it Good profits. Write us at once for prices, etc. Salt Istke Coca-Col- a Bottling Co, Salt Lake City. PO. Box 3. A IjUncle Sam Saysf Consolidated lf "WHERE THE PRICE IS CUT." v . ' 25 Dozen Men's Sample Dress 75 Dozen Men's 23 Dozen Shirts, worth $loo at $ .65 Work Shirts, all kinds of values Mens lilac k Sateen Shim, extra value .10 Dozen Men's Black Sateen 65 Shirty $1.25 value Mens Working Pants, Mens Dress Pants, at 10 Dozen $25 If Y oi re Broke so 89 value 75 $2.50, $2.75, Si - 3.00 valucat Men's Corduroy Pants, $2.00 1.59 Boys Mother's Friend WaistsjjDtp 1" f Mens Digging Shoes, tan, high gtr Mens Work Shoes, up from'. rjr - - ,, We will loan the tnoet money at the loweet rate of Intereet on Dla-s- jj monde, Watchea, Jewelry, Guna, Mualcal Instruments, Clothing, Toola jj of all kinds, ate. You dont lose your goods If you Pawn them with aa wa hold them ao long ao you wish. Corner Commercial 8t. and First, South. Big Electrio Sign. s Uncle Sam! j 5 ? - Mens Kid Dress Shoes, wortji $2. 95 V;' 35 We have a full line of medium priced Clothing at less than elsewhere. Come and see and be convinced. Min- A man la a fool to buy now Wateheo when he can get an unro--1 4 doomed 17, 19, 21, 23 Jeweled Elgin, Waltham or Hamilton movement 5 good aa now, for Juat one-hathe amount dealera charge for now f f one Borne Elgin and Waltham Watchea good aa new for $3X0 each CS at UNCLE 8AM'8, THE CUT RATE PAWNBROKER, 30 Eaat lit South Street, Salt Lake City. fj j 8 AM Jewelry, Guna, Musical Instruments, etc., etc., at half the! 9 prloe charged by regular dealers. STORE. - one-thir- d ing, Milling and Smelting company, a Location of principal corporation. place of buainoaa, Salt Lake City, Utah. Notice la hereby given that at a meeting of the board of directors held on the 28th day of June, 1906, an assessment of 4 cent per share was levied on the capital stock of the corporation, payable August 1st, 1906, to L. H. Gray, treasurer, at 300-- 1 D. F. Walker Bldg., Salt. Lake City, Utah. Any stock upon which this assessment may remain unpaid on the 1st day of August, 1906, will be delinquent and advertised for Rale at public auction, and unless payment is made before, will be sold on tbe 28th day ot August, 1906. nt the hour of 12 oclock, at 300-- 1 D. F. Walker Bldg., Salt Lake City, Utah, to pay the delinquent, assessment, together with the cost of advertising and expense of sale. L. H. GRAY, PEOPLES CASH STORE, 300-- lf S IM IM IM :ll Uver City Ar. LvTS title Mantt, Lv. Richfield If arrivals, no. 1 Ar. f rough IH CKWALTER 327-32- IM a. 1:41 1:10 m T: nasi; Atlas Block. 8 Bell Phone Special Department for Men treatment and aura of all Private Hr. Shoraa have a Bpadal Depamnent axal naively for tha I tinea ha of Man. what liar aanaad by Ignoranoa. aioanaa or aontaglnn. You may mnault Ura. will Sburee about iha moat dailaata or ambarraaaing prlvata troublaa. with Uw Miinnre ibaiyou ba alvan honaat advloe, and abillfal treaamant. And avaryiblag will ba STUICILY I HI V AIK Vouua man wbo have bean lad aetmy by bad eoreiienlmia -- middle aued AMU OuxriliICNTIAL. man wbo Bad their eaaual vigor gone unrortunaiaawbobava man wbo hnvn gone to areaaaaa-o- ld wbo need the aounnel ami aid of rantraeted dlaanaaa the victim of Blood Co I toe and all othare eauerianwd and kindly phraldana. ara eordlallj Invltad to eonanlt tbla department and ba FKKK OF CHABOK. ft SERMON, Soaniw la tha sura under DBS BHORK8 MODEM METHODS In nil Prlvata ldaeaaaa, that you may arrange to pay the fee lOr a ante In email weakly or monthly Inatnllnwnta, a, the aura or yuu may FAY WIIKN ITKkU. Mo manor what your trouble la, or who baa inara-aa- a. failed to care yon. eonanlt tbaaa Mnatnr BpaeialUta, Craa of ebmrgo and laarn bow you cun yet ba eared. CALL OB WHIT A 3565-- Home Cures by Mail IT TOO LIVE OUT OT TOWN, WHITE DBA BHOREE BIIURK8 for their Maw Bjmpioaa Uat, sad gat thair advlee IRKA I 14M4444444444444444444444r,,,,r6WWWl'rr.rrrrrrrll c t ? For ti fi 1:17 Eureka A 30-ac- one-quart- EHM& mn rar IM lf Another A1 farm over the river; all fenced and under cultivation. Brand new four-roohouse; flowing well; thirty shares of water in the North Point Consolidated Irrigation Co.; team, wagon, harness, farm implements, crops, etc.; cash; you may Buit yourself as to when and how you pay the balance; $5,000. Secretary. 4UI uniAr-allola- a luerau of tlia Nrw Vraainutif. Wll.L IHVKU.NK FIJI, I. TEKATM KXT FllKK AT TI1KIB UKK1I K M liKAKMKSH. ALL CATAHIUIAL lilHKAKH, IXCLIJUIN'O asthma: IIAY FKVKIl AMU l.UNl Tll'iUlll.hS. Ill UINU this MONTH ONLY. Aftar jon have teatad tlia auiwriur mania of iha Hhuroa' will aura jon fr'K no trwtliiient.lf you wuiiiiobvrunM, OK li THK LUW FKK OK ilNM I MILL A II l'KIt TKKATMKMT. Ily maana of Lira. Slmr1 yuK A rCKB. MKIilriNKH VHKK. ara aura to enabled DISiWKEV WUMOKIlKL'L the, many mild or tha old and chroulo raeaut ruawa In a very tow trvaimama-av- aa eaaaa mar hr cured hir IIA. Wli, aullur from Cularrb wht-you can ba Cl HKIi for II a iraaunenlY You ara Invltad to ViUaT TKaT IT bo niovlnoed. VHBK, and Apply today, lira. Shoroa alto treat and aura all anrabla Mervoua. Cbronla and Private Uiaaaaaa of Man. Woman and L'bll Jren of arary name and natum. toniullatlon and Advlsa free and ConUdentiai for any dlteaae. Call or write. Here is a chance for you farmers who have been fighting over farm in South Cottonwood; fenced am your water. A 1 twenty-acr- e perfectly level; twenty shares of water in Big Cottonwood and twenty shares in Utile Cottonwood. We have a standing offer of $1,000 for one-haof this water right. You can sell one-haof this right and have an abundance left with which to Irrigate it; $5,000 takes It. 1 Bprtngvllle DURING JULY, AS A TEST BffiH d Toronrlnn tiia tkapilnl and to prove to Ilia affllcivd Iba 1UH. HIIUKKS HlloKKH ln Ike IM ONE TREATMENT FREE Corner Richards and West First South Streets, Salt Lake Citv, Utah. I). F. Walker Bldg., Salt City, Utah. First publication, July 1, 1906. Last, July 22, 1906. Office, Blue Jay Extension Mining Co. Ltd. Location of principal place of business, Salt Lake City, Utah. Notice. There are delinquent upon the following described stock on ach cent count of assessment of per share levied on the 26th day of May, 1906. the several amounts set n opopsitc the names of the respective Westbound. Stations. XutMiai shareholders as follows: Ar. F. m. A. U. fS? AU.Lv. : MM 1:00 Balt Lake City : 1:11 I :M Murray Lv IM IM IM Bingham Junction IM M Riverton IM Lohl IM IM IM l:M 127 American Fork IM 4M IM Provo IM one-eight- THE PUBLISHERS. PEOPLES 6.25 1.25 Arnold-Dlckso- n Arnold-Dickso- s i SALT LAKE CITY The weather has been quite cold in And in accordance with law and an Frisco for this time of year, but ex- order ot the Board of Directors made ceedingly pleasant. May 26th. 1906, so many shares of . Jl each parcel of stock as may be necesGeneral Manager Hanchett of the sary will be sold at public auction at Cactus properties, Newhouse was in the office of the secretary, 301 D. F. camp from Salt Lake Monday. Walker building, at Salt Lake City, Jl Ji Utah, on July 25th, 1906, at the hour of Everything in the mining line in 12 M., to pay the delinquent assessFrisco is on the move, but men seem to ment thereon together with the costs he scarce and quite a number could or advertising and expense of sale. And employment. L. H. GRAY, Secretary. First publication, July' 8, 1906 ?!VI8TU1LDINCU New Office . PAUN!BBB!S(Atf .65 3.15 1.25 3.75 5.00 1.25 3.15 2.50 1.25 1.25 1-- 2 MILFORD AND SOUTHERN - - 2.50 1.25 1.25 1.25 5.00 6.25 1.25 Two cars of Alta ore and one from Milford were received at the valley samplers Saturday, 7th. - General Agent A long felt want has been filled by the car of Welch Grape Juice we Just received. Fur a summer drink it beats anything you ever seen. Your unde will be asking for 1L Send in your orders. RIEGER ft. LIXDLEY, The Whiskey Merchants. entitled to a subscription to the paper for three months from date, and they can retain this us a receipt. .25 On the local market Saturday, the '7th, 2,000 shares of Sacramento sold at NOTICE. ji. Helds via the Coolrado Midland. Make bund will accompany train. your berth reservations now. Stops will be made at Glenwood Springs, Manltou and Colorado Lcadville, Springs. Write 1 H. Harding, Salt Lake City, Utah for further informar tion and Itinerary of trip. Reduced rates to other eastern points and City of Mexico. L. H. HARDING, .31 .31 .31 .31 Lake City. 8, 1906. Anyone receiving this paper with On July 14th and 15th. Round trip with a red 1.25 $17.50. Limit 30 days. Elks special this,' paragraph marked 65 train will leave Salt Lake July 14th cross will understand that they are Published Every Sunday. 257 Com'l Club Bdg, Salt DENVER EXCURSION. .C5 .65 15, Jy &) , AS M a Nice Room irv go to a First-clas- s the Hotel New Southern Hotel. Dally. OFFICE HOURS: to S Sunday 59 Hot and cold running water ami steam heat, electric lights and service in every room. Rooms under direct charge of Mrs. Cand d. Hotel centrally located at J NO 144 WE8T FIRST SOUTH STREET, SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH! P. H. CANDLAND. Phones lit Agency, 45 West Second 464, So to J 1 2 3; a 9! j The New Road The Best Line to Southern California Only direct line Salt Lake to Los Angeles. Most Modern Palatial Trains equipped with Standard and Tourist Sleeping Cars, Diners Mul Free Reclining Chair Cars. All trains via Salt Lake City and Nevadas Mineral Belt. Ask nearest agent about California Excursions or write to A thorough J if Eveningi,f IX a. m. 10 9 preparatory school tor boarding and day pupils. An academic course for tour years, with a preparatory ccfurse ota 9 3 one year, corresponding to the eighth ! grade. m P '2 liL 5r...l. ii. 8 Excellent boarding department, with Christian home influences. j Small classes, with personal help from, teachers when necessary 3 When In want of help, call up j or write Strock'a Employmem . HOUSTON BLOCK, S4B SOUTH MAIN ITBXET, EALT LAKE CITY, UTAH tT SALT COLLEGLAKE U q IATE INSTITUTE. ll i l 6 o. EXPERT 8PEOIALI8TB rvirrvrrvvvyvjtrr.rrri'ryvvrvvvrrrrvryyyyrryvvvvvvryrvvr Nice homes easy payments, Farm heap lots any part of city. loans. C. J. BOWMAN A CO, Rooms 11 and 12 Eagle Blk, S 8alt Lake City, Utah. . sad Ip holldaya, DRS. SHORES & SHORES Laavao Thlatla A m. 4'444444444'444il4444444444444444444444il44444444444444 9 ............QM .UM a. m. Leavea Provo 11:40 a. m. Laavaa American Fork Manufactured THE HISTORIC WORCES John by UM Leavea Lehl TER. Laavaa Bingham Junction oom ISlI P flle Salt Lake, and! 1:31 p, m. Arrt rm Baft U)m City SAUCE-Se- e the M. ft M. BINGHAM B&aNCIL ArriVee QUEEN OF ALL -Leave Aaan of Utah. the Ask your M. A. U. F. AU.P.H. UM 1:40 IM IM Balt Lake City On the Labels. Grocer. IM IM Bingham JEMlIen MM IM M:40 124 1:41 1:41 Revere l:M 1:46 IM IM Lead Ulna rVFFFFIhRgtRatStahFJPNBFFFPFPFM FFFFFFFFFF.FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFg 1:40 IM IM 401 Bingham kil'A'A'AA'gAdAAildilddAAgAAiiAilAdAdAdgAkdg'dgdAdAAAAAdAAAAAA L A. BINTON Oen, gL. Fas JQajrt- - 8 2 on a U J. H. BURTNER, D. P. A. S. P. L. A. & S. L. R. R. In BMBWrAMiiiui'AiiisMijaiflBiEBiaAtaiiAiEiaMliiElBislaMiiMlEBBMieiaMiiiiA'AA Salt Lake City, Utah. |