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Show .L iS if .n&pm. WlNbsSH. EUROPEAN HOTEL Salt Lake City, boosted ta tha koart of bo olty. Rataa Reasonable. i UAL ally, elaaa rooma Flratolaaa Mectrio Steam boat, ovary raapact M Tha Lond Distance Racord. THE 8C0TTY" SPECIAL. 8,265 Mllaa Over Mountain and Plalne In laaa than 45 hours, daman itratlng that "Santa Fa" track, equip mant and employeea are of the do pandabla kind. a OYRUI 0 faaL Regular Tralna from Utah and Colo rado to Everywhere Eaat and 8outlv Attorney A Counselor. U F. Walker BflUdlafc Balt Lake City. D. irnr IWWPFlTj tti t rrn tt nil woaL Aak TirnnuDiKin ij mo Ticket Ratea and Lit eratura. WUwtitwrRwiwtiMwtR C. F. WARREN. WIRELESS! GEO. W. PARKS, Land Attorney, Auerbach Building, 8alt Laka City: WlMHMMflMMMMaMiai General Agent. Tha Atchlaon, Topeka A 8anta Fa Railway Company. 411 Dooly Block. Salt Laka City, Utah This is a new system of telegraphing without a connection between the stations by wires. Have you heard about it ? Do you believe that this can be done? If not, it is to your interest to investigate it. Remember that there has been wonderful things done in the scientific world within the past few years. A certain number of people have always said it can't be done, and with that assurance in their minds, have allowed great opportunities to pass by, and felt very foolish later, that they did not investigate at the time, as stocks bought in the promotion days of the great inventions, have, almost without exception made fortunes for the holders. Only a few of these cases are, Bell Telephone, the commercial, success of which was laughed at by' apparently wise peo-pl-r, the Westinghouse Air Brake, which was ridiculed by the great Vanderbilt, the Morse system of tv egraphy that had a very hard time selling enough of its stock to put up an experimental line, the Electric Light and numerous other great and grand achievements, all of which had a hard slruggle in getting started, yet have made fortunes for the ones who were wise enough to assist in the promotion, by buying a little of their stock. Wireless telegraphy may be very mysterious to the reader, but like all others it has its scientific principle; which upon investigation, is easily understood. The best proof, however, is that we are doing it. Over land and sea, the Deforest Wireless Telegraph Company have their stations established, and are daily transacting successful commercial business, of which we have abundant proof. If you will think what the telegraph business of the world means, and then carefully consider the results of saving 95 per cent of the cost, you must admit that it is the greatest money earning power in the world. Let us send you by mail, testimonials and statements in proof of the success of wireless telegraph from the most reliable authority in the country. Let our agent when he calls at your town, interview you. Get some of our stock in the original parent company and enjoy your share of the great profits to be derived from the future operation of wireless. For further information, call on or write to S)S0 JOHN HAWES, Utah. Maryivale. Dealar iR GENERAL MERCHANDISE. !Mte(KJPPPRPKtrWtimatltltltRv L. H. GRAY, Land Attorney. Attend to all buelness before United States IAnd Office, U. S. Surveyor-Genera-l, State Land Board, State Engineer. Land scrip bought and sold. 300-30- 1 D. F. Walker Building, Salt Lake City, Utah. titatiiatitKewtiWtm lUWforil 2Tn Mro. A. M. Mardhal, Prqfc Weak or Uonth. eenta to flJO per pedal rates by the day, weak tea, YOU wouldnt care to rlda You prefer the luxury of 3 Probably GATRELL BO month. H R. H. Officer & Co., Aaaayare and Chemists. Id S. W. Temple BL. Salt A- - NOTHING IS CONCEALED. MATHEWS A FLEGAL. Psychologists and Phrenologists. Coneult Prof. B. N. Matthews. He gives you name and telle yoq what you need and wish to know. aka no questions and conflnea hlmi elf to the truth. Prof. Matthawf holda the secret of power and pen sonal Influence. He reveals your poa slbllltles and enables you to realise them. Everybody ha reads for la aa aured of success. His advloa on Iona marriage and business la sound anq reliable. Ha settles all disputes an helps you to get tha money or prop orty that Justly belongs to you. He tells you when to make Investments and what to Invest In. If It Is not convenient for you to ace him. It wlty pay you to write. This gentleman lq truly gifted and the wonders ha baa accomplished form the topic of con versatlon In every city he has visited. The sceptics and the helpless are es peclally invited. He locates friends and relatives and anything lost or stolen. Reading, 31.00, TRENHDLM. GENERAL AG3NT. 17 West Second South Street, SALT SAKE CITY. City. Write for Mailing Backs. 142 S. Main St., Salt Lake City. Through Service TO ST. LOUIS EAST It M-- AND THE :: THIS 1 111 1 I'M IM1 BEAUTIFUL Ull-m-- b ORGAN VIA Missouri Pacific RAILWAY THROUGH SCENIC COLORADO FERTILE KANSAS and MISSOURI Wa hav Juat aomplatad with tha larcsst manutaoturar of Organs la tha PULLMAN SLEEPING CARS, OBSERVATION DINING CARS. Electric lights, electric Fans. iing chair Cars MliBiniBR, (skats ran). DAY COACHES. Fir lirfhs, TIcfcits, Filfcn, itc., IN nCtiBMO YOOk HUP BAST THAT THE Oregon Short if kin Line THE DOCTORS WHO CURE rTI iniMItlfn Km Liver and threat trow klMi Karvena Dlnuw, Bladder Dlaaaaaa. Kidnap Troubles, Heart Diseases. Diseases of Stomach and Bowala, Pile, Fla-tnl- a tha Yamal and Racial Dtaaaaas. Dlaaaoaa of WoChroalu Complaint, man and ChSdran. Bplnal Rickets, Skin Dlaaaaaa, Daaftwa. Troubles, Asthma. Branchial nad Luna Troublaa, Rhaum attain. Hap rhvar. NeuSr and Ear ralgia. Hysteria. Ooltr (or Me nack, Varicocele. Lost Hanhaod. ate.. Blood Dlaaaaaa. Private Plaaaaaa. Beiefttia. and all forma of Rarvena and Chroalo Wa aura (that an curable.) tha liquor hnhlt In day or no pay. D and RAILROAD vt H. C. TOWNSEND, Hiimu M tout mut. t. lama. ft E. B TM BVELEY, S.P.GT.A. A&r.tt.i FUR-- tm THK OVKBLALD ROUTE) wtraa in rcruLAi S rrwim Utah; ,Maryavala wmi UNION PACIFIC ft, S. SPENCER. H. WHITLOCK, Dealer in AND HORSE NISHINGS. cuct ccroocnon sours s to ah vamssaov COMFORT SAFETY office 201 TTNION PACIFIC JL ROGRESSIVI NAM ST. SAIT LAKI ttM. nunc (mahnwru fa tk&s without area. In tha portal Scientific American. uaCtca, A handanmal eft lllnatmted weekly. MUNN & Co Unuch oOeeTa Taraaatjlr- - New York BL Wublnctou. & L THt kLiV 11 All nX c a3 ay u ISAIIi t tm Pay When Cured (THB OYERLAND ROUTS) au Wa kara " ySIawwsxsr " statwaPLrnpara fli tam" cum. Drunksnnaaa Cured. A poaltlva and permanent Wa mu you fliat and than aak a REASONABLE FEE whan you urn aurad. Tm dapaad upon Mr ward, thMaanda of patlaata kav Indoraad ua KOW W1 WANT TO CURE TOU with tha dlaUnat OM Trade Mark Ativans unking aktlrk and dtwrlptlntimeT oalefely amnan our opinion Dr. F. J. Lyon, I frankeaneaa and the opium dlaaaaIA Ikaro la no publicity, no sickness. "las treated as privately aa at Kaeley InsUtuta. ! nbooM. ThaSalt Laka City, UtahTemple, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, thf - DR O. W. SHORES. la paraaa ar hr latter fraa to all. Call or write. Do not doapalr bacaua you llva at a distance U tha city. Drs. Floras now anion of t advlca and irraimsntathema. HOME TREATMENT mahaa It aaay ta Sat eorara ovary symptom af dlaaaaa which enahlae thorn ta dlaaThalr aaw symptom bleak aaaa your nia und tall yon what your traublo la. what can bo dor.a for yat and what rail, for thalr new symplam llat and theeoetod the cure will ba. WRITE If you "notWhatkar yen taka traatmant ar not. taka adauntaira of thelREB IXAJtlHATlOld. tka advtae'aoau you eothlni. iL Jnbxceiied Off, Designs Copyrights Ac. ulck A low fan OUR MOTTO: aura, mild and palnlaaa treatment. OanaultmUon SPEED enr ncm TR. A. J. SHORES. Marys vale, Utah. way. ti DRS. T FEB uutn wa aura yon. Thla applies to Loaf Uanhead, Bamlnal Waakxaaa. Plaaaaaa of tha Vhrtoocalw prostate Olaad, Unnatural L aaaaa. Oonar fhsam OlaaL Stricture. is., CMtayiona Bleed PsIsm aad ail WEAKNESS af man. OMaultatlaa aad adataa fran la Si Suadara aad IbUdam IS a. m. la IS MORES A SHORE, Expert Spedtlists,..,, Please mention this paper. l world, whereby wa can now offer to our many patron here an Instrument delivered at your own station for what has ordinarily been known aa FACTORY COST. This la an arrangement that ahonld be Investigated thoroughly before you look elsewhere, aa we are sure It will appeal to you. REMEMBER we save you from 126 to I7S.OO on one organ. This la certainly worth ring. EAST TERMS. You can aend ua 12.60 to 15.00 per month, to ault your convenience. WE PAY THE FREIGHT. We will deliver one of theae organa at any R. R. station In Utah or Idaho without any additional charge to you whatever. Do not Imagine that It la Impossible for us to do aa we aay. Our ayatam of handling our outside buslneds la . 0 perfeot that we ean without any trouble whatever make delivery to the amalleet town In thla western section. WE BUT IN CARLOAD LOTS and are thua enabled to make the ridiculously low prices that wa do, YOU GET THE ADVANTAGE OF THIS. Write us at once if tntareatad. ' If not. see that your frianda hear of this great money saving op--, . portunlty. REMEMBER we hiv, ben fn ; bualness hare for FIFTY TEARS . . the oldest house In the State. OUR GUARANTEE aa an In- -j atnunent la absolutely good. We , fully warrant everything wa sen. If you doubt our financial rtl- tag look na up. We refer you to any Banker or Commercial agaa-- , , ey In thla State , : . Clayton Music Co.. Landing Muato Dealers. A Main B treat. Salt Lake City. Utah. lOa-U--ll iinhninmnnmii |