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Show THE FIRST COMPASS. Investment Worthy Investigation IBOHE ENTERTAINMENTS POSSIBLE IN WAB-- ONLY WEATHER. Mit p it iq tb tank Nrlmr a low rmto of hm. how Inioni tint Ufiouvnilif Mir. Thorn tNiimlljr m Mira ion vir. o'I'.or ifivoftittiPtiifc We IIni a lull Mm" of Ihaftil-tontin- e NNiro iimmImi' iva. inckii." and rermnuiend thorn to roar A Most Aesthetic Daisy II H K K. miii .s fr M.imm. O'lvi'f V I MrH!iwft. lid Uod iNOket puiupf. Uni (fli I'liiWH. m & (' winr W.ijroiift. II n v.i 'ii.hu rneltm fur nU pariMMM. II i n uiii imiw irinilirN. dilHmmt niie. Tlii !. on iitih ivniniiiirnllniiN nutria. I .1 t lire In ntf iiKictilnen. enclnee end ';! tiir'M1 p iHcr-- . !(!( llm of Until vehicles of- for .1.(1 ny m i1 nl wim ot nnniil'i. ' linnii'i't for ilniuitiiHtrNird tui.iiimiiiiOH it ii I lilli Hlinhlwf pnijiensllliw itiir.lh i y and the Tin t.irmor rnnrlior 'Hilly Hi liivi'o.l t lnsHct onr lls' pul. i ut Mn I s nielli l..ikorny hitiM'ii niiiI ItivrNii (iuiii M.ii.n KMU uml M mijoiir, IdNho. and i ii. iip'iiv ltd li'nniNl iitnriw we have local ml hi on;.': ii' hi ('mil. Idaho, Wyoming iiii.l No.' si i l lr wml to HmelNive lonoc point sp'.i in your nimilviico or shipping iiokii's1 I..i I I poiiit :li k it reply. 'in i ii nil osui Salt Ijiko City will lie .ii p in isnnliivwin now uiUtlHept. ImI. I.o'ii1-- .. . .iwing I. Mi. run that railroad, wi't uni ioo ivo treiuht Hfinrthnt hour. s iIiimik Hie tmrrest sea-mM Pmui'it . ..ini a ffiun f incii an nl work frutnlOa. ni. ill'll Y p. hi ll'lirg onliTh for niHchine extras. I mil p .hHiiI I XI anil liil. Bell 1USL To'i'plum.. dining i Ik hiMiis iijiiiihI. WhIoIiiiihii on the prouiiHOH ulghlly. liir ii Consolidated Wagon & Machine Company Impfcnu-n- t Dealers Utah and Idaho George T. Oden. General Manager Lcsdlsc a. MOCORNICK. VI01 PNaOIOHNT JOB. F SMITH. W. FKnSIOnnT. Mblvin d. wbllb, ancnoTany- Cant You - Tell The value of a diamond, ao you ought to be careful from whom you buy on.. We are the people to eoa. It a our business. ions and Refreshments for a Lawn Party A Wedding. imiM.t. firmly oellovliiK that Moeoeurltr lwln do nritik rebuilt lu ikj hiventor ther oonuot be M'KSiimlfli numeiii. Uimleri. headers, reapers an sikcs. In'orim lintii lliirvettm end Uedllitf blua-Ih- i' in'll! nml niH Luncheon-Decorat- A Daisy Luncheon. Now is the season for a daisy luncheon. These must satisfactory of flowers are blooming In quantities In the country and outskirts of town, and may be bad for the plucking. Tholr lasting quality makes them especially adaptable for decorative purposes, llauk the mantels, fireplaces und corners of (he room wilh them; brown earilienware crocks und Jars are fine Facreceptacles for this purpose. simile daisies may be made from cardboard und wuter colors for place cards, or two or three natural ones may be thrust through a plain while card; the lettering (lone in gold is effective. A charming centerpiece Is made by filling a low glass dish or yellow jar wlLh sand and then planting lha daisies and make garlands of them to drop to the comers of the table from the chandelier. The candle stlcke should be white, candles of yellow, with shades of yellow trimmed wilh artificial marguerites. This makes the prettiest table imaginable. The menu can be kept nearly all while and yellow; If grape fruit Is not procurable, oranges may be served In the same way, or white cherries dipped in powdered sugar; cream of celery soup with the yolk of hard boiled egg grated over the top; sweet breads with new potatoes, green peas lu yellow ramuklns or pastry shells with tiny carrot straws, hot biscuit, a fruit salad in banana akin boats, and orange ice with individual sunshine cake. Provide a knot of daisies for each guest, and In this day of the popular "all while" gown. It Is most likely that the guests will complete the color scheme by appearing In white costumes. fcley Be Boms Asian people, perhaps the Chi neae, discovered, many centuries ago. that a kind of Iron on possessed a vary peculiar quality. Wo call this on magnetic ore, In non common language, lodestono, and It la very widely distributed, especially in tho older crystalline rocks. It was found that If a bit of lodestono wen placed In water upon n piece of cork or straw braid It would turn till the axle of the stone assumed a north and south position. A phenomenon of magnetism had been discovered by means of an ore that Is peculiarly susceptible to magnetic Influence. It Is an open question whether tho Chinese utilized the directive power of the lodestono, hut It is certain that tha first rude compass was not used on European vessels before tho twelfth century of our era. By that time the true magnetic compass had been evolved through the discovery that if an iron or steel needle were stroked on a lodeetone It would receive tha attractive and directive power of this ore. With this wonderful appliance placed at the service of navigation, the vetwela that had hugged the coasts soon dared to venture even out of sight ol land. A new Impetus was gradually given to cartography, for now tha true directions of the coast lines might he charted with some approach to accuracy. It was the hapy fortune of Italian sailors to make the surprisingly excellent surveys of the directions and lengths of the Black sea and Mediterranean coasts and along the Atlantic to British waters that have come down to us in the Portulan maps. Cyrus C. Adams, In Harpers. Aa eoon as you learn to breathe deeply all the time you will grow tall- BLOATED pre-red- es DROPSY. Mrs. Elizabeth Maxwell, of 415 West Fourth SL, Olympia, Wash., says: For over three years I Buffered with a dropsical condi- tion without being awase that it was due to kidney trouble. The early stages were principally backache end Onion Assay Office . WITH The Heart Was Badly Affected When the Patient Began Using Doans. MAIN ST. ct bearing down pain, but I went along without worrying much until dropsy set In. My feet and ankles swelled up, my hands puffed, and became so tense 1 could hardly does them. I had great difficulty In breathing, and my heart would flutter with the least exertion. I could not walk far without atogiplng again and again to rest. Since using four boxes of Doans Kidney Pills the bloating has gone down and tha feelings of distress have disappeared. Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. fbster-Milbur- n Co., Buffalo, N. Y. 1 - t- pr'-w-- ti-- l !; Ilr-torial- . Obtained by Deep Breathing' and System of Exercise for Seducing Superfluous Fat. er. At soon as you get Into this' habit of pulling a breath right from the oottom of your abdomen, you will grow stronger. As soon as you have! acquired this peculiarity you will growl thinner, it exercises the muscles of the abdomen so thoroughly that they grow supple and able to throw off their fat. It Is a cure for nearly every 111 there is. The-- i come the bending motions, for. It Is part of suppleness that one cad bend double and lay ones hand upon the floor. Of course one should not beni tbe knees. The Idea la to bend without bending the knees and to lay the finger tips upon the carpet. This is tbe beet of all known exercises for making the muscles limber. The most Important exercise upon growing taller Is the pole exercise. Thd pole must be a long one, and about as thick as your wrist. While It does not have to bear your weight, it must be stout enough not to break wbeu your Strength Is thrown upon it The exercises are simple. The first one la that of touching the ends of thd pole. Reach out with your Unger tips and try to reach the tips of the pole. Have the pole ao long that you cannot quite reach the ends. Then keep on trying to touch them. It broadens the shoulders and gives the arms the exercise they need for the second motion. "The second pole motion Is the real one when It comes to being higher The pole Is set on end, and the game Is to reach up as high as possible. Try to touch the top. Don't climb the pole, but simply leach up. Keep oh reaching up and up tor five minutes. The way to do It la this: Take a deep, long breath; grasp the pole firmly In the middle; then travel up, hand over hand, until you go as high as You can. When you have reached your limit, make a mark, and begin over again. .The highest mark will record your progress for that day. Next day try again. But don't keep on for more than live minutes at a time, for It is easy to injure your muscles in this manner. . PIANOFORE Oirl Horaebraaker. ed thought of the knife and the operating table strikes terror to her heart, ana No Improvement In one of the Sunday schools In our hospitals are full of women coming Malden, Mass., recently the teacher for just such operations. of a class of small boys Inquired of each one If he thought ha had been aahetter boy during the year. Each answer was In the affirmative except one little fellow about eight years old, who was conspicuous for hla Tho teacher put the question to him a second time, when with considerable earnestness ha replied: "I am Just as worse as I ever was." Osman Patent Office Faults. Tha German patent office cornea In for much censure. One would auppoae uch an Institution to exact no more of inventor than la needed to pay current expenses, hut In reality tha charges are so high that the state pockets half the Income aa profit. It la pointed out that for pqpr Inventors matters are almost aa bad aa they There are cases where an operation were when Gutenberg, after inventing the art of printing, lived In poverty lathe only resource, but when one congreat number of cases ol and finally had to pawn hla apparatus. siders the female troubles cured by menacing Lydia E. Finkhams .Vegetable ComBROKEN OFF SHORT. pound after physicians have advised operations, no woman should submit to Live slowly if you would live long. fret trying the Vegetable to the one withoutand Baldness la seldom becoming Compound writing Mrs. Pinkham, nun who la becoming bald. Mass., for advice, which Is free. Lynn, A mans good intentions are all Miss Merkley, of 275 Third right, though they seldom add much Street, Margret Milwaukee, Wis., writes: to his Income. e man may still prove Deer Mrs. Pinkham: The Loss of strength, extreme nervnusneM, to be an easy mark for the machine-mad- e shooting pains through the pelvlo organa politician. bearing down neine and cramps compelled me to seek medical advice. The doctor) after "Tha Romans had email regard for making an examination, laid I bed a female and ulceration and advised an operahuman life In their amusements." trouble tion. To this I strongly objected and decided man violent of the answered "Yes," to try Lydia E. Pinkhomi Vegetable ComIt's a matter of great pound. Tbe ulceration quickly heeled, aU prejudices. bed symptoms disappeared and I am surprise to me that they failed to dis- the once more etrong, vigorous and well Star. cover football. Washington Female trouble are steadily on the increase among women. If the monthMrs. WIlow'i Soothing Syrap. rnrchlldm teatblns, loftani tbs gums, tmmm IS Immitloc Uaftpaln.euia triad Mlk). SesbatUe. ly periods are very painful, or too frequent and excessive if yon have pain or swelling low down in the left side, One-ha- lf the world doesnt know how bearing-down pains, dont neglect your the other half llvea, unless It la by self: try Lydia E. Pinkham'e Vegetable not paying their bills. Puck. FOR MEALS. Affords Much Mora Protection Than a Mere Bib and How to Make the Little Apron. These pinafores take the place of a are really more protection to the white pinafore and dress over .which they are worn. Diaper, linen end crash are all suitable materials In Which to make it. The edge la buttonholed round In scallops, a small bib, and self-mad- nine-tent- hs euns rays. , It la well known that ordinary OF PEANUTS. Miss Wlnnonah Von OhlN a Now Delicacy Relished by All Animals " Jersey girl 20 years old, Ir making Even the Hippopotamus Devours quits a reputation aa n horsebraakar. Flv years ago, a slender slip of n Them with Pleasure. girl, she went to South Dakota with "The peannt la a delicacy relished by her mother, who had been sent thither ell creatures, said a New York animal for n change of climate. Mias Wlnlover. "I have come to this conclusion nonah learned to rlda bronchos oul after having offered It to every animal there and on returning east she took In the Central Park ioo, and having it to training and breaking horses. In refused by none. which work she has been remarkably "Oh, I know It Isnt allowed; but Im successful. She has never sustained not one of those Individual who offer any Injury while thus engaged. animala Indiscriminate numbers of hard-boileggs, frankfurter!, cheese Accept Signatures In Irish. sandwiches end cigar stumps. Ite for Irish language revivalists have Just that sort of nuisance the rule about scored a notabh victory. The dlreo feeding Is made. A single peanut can't tors of the National bank have agreed ruin the digestion of a camel or of o accept checks signed in Irish, proany other creature, for that matter, vided the signature is repeated la end I never vlBlt the zoo without a English. One of the advantages of bag or two of those legumes to dis- this system, as the bank points out, la that it acts as a double protection tribute. aralnst forgery. Yes, the camel la fond of them very; and ao are the peacocks. The hippopotamus obligingly opens bis AVOIDED mouth to let me toes one la, but the OPERATION mouth la ao large and the peanut so small that I doubt If he can quite deEXPERIENCEOFMISS MERKLEY cide whether he likes it or not "The kangaroo pokes his funny, She Was Told That an Operation Wee hons-llk- a head out to me, munches tha Inevitable. How Ehe Escaped It. peanut with relish, and then begs for When a physician tells a women sufmore. The elephant, deer, ostrich, and even tha lion, are all lovers of the pea- fering with serious feminine trouble that an operation is necessary, the very nut Olass That Keeps Out Heel As Austrian Inventor, Richard Self mondj, la reported to have made a new kind of window glass whose chief peculiarity Is that It prevents the passof the heat of tha age of win- dow glass allows nearly all of the heat derived from the sun to pass through, but, on the other hand, intercepts all heat coming from sources, sttrh as a stove or the heated ground. This Is the reason why heat accumulates under the glass roof of a hothouse. If covered with Szlgmondy'i glass a hothouse would, it la claimed, become a cold house, since the heat could noj get Into 1L One advantage set forth In favor of the new glass Is that a house whose windows were furnished with It would remain delightfully cool In summer. But In winter, perhaps, the situation would not be ao agreeable. TAKES THE ua lace-cover- r ALL. FOND HEIGHT. Wee Knows to Ballon Before the Twelfth Century Indispensable Adjunct to Navigation. 170 A correspondent asks for a description of a lawn party, how to decorate, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. what to serve, etc. There Is nothing that will make a lawn party ao pretty as quantities of Chinese lanterns, und there cannot he too many used. Then If without much H. a. HANAUIR. r. O. SOI 14.0 expense the grounds could be wired a. V. ItOlM. SALT LAKfl OITY. UTAH with electric lights, they will make a veritable fairy land glimmering In the Pottery Toot, trees. The colored bulbs are very eflu the general overhauling which fective. Have of rugs scattered the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New about, with plenty a fern decorated seats, .York, underwent through its change table with a frappe or fruit lemonade, In management the Japanese pottery 'exhibits received their fair share ol a tent or canvas awning for the servof light refreshments, a platform attention. Prof. Morse thoroughly, ing for with a stringed orchestra dancing, but rapidly, tested the catalogue Idenor five pieces, will afford 'the tification of every piece. It la report- at three for a most delightful party. ed that In most cases the touch of hit requisites A bride-elewishes Jo know what .fingers tells him what he wants to to serve at a 12 o'clock wedding 'know about the date of any vessel Sometimes the sense of smell comet luncheon; If paper or linen napkins to his aid, rs In the case of certain should be used and what the duties of a ring bearer are. forgeries, whose beautiful deep tone In the first place, If this bride wishhas been produced by boiling In oil es to be strictly she should Pottery Oazette. call the repast served at noon a "breakfast," and not a luncheon;" LOW RATE8 EAST. the hour for the latter Is from one until two. Via 8alt Lake Route, Utahs Most An acceptable menu for this season Popular Road. of the year would be a cold mixture For Elks convention, Denver, Colo- of all the fruits obtainable, with a rado. Extremely low rates for the sugar sirup and served in tall glasses; round trip. Tickets on sale July 14th then breasts of chicken or sweetbreads, potatoes, creamed new peas or and 15th, good to return thirty days. ssparagus tips on toast; a salad of See agents Salt Lake Houle. cherries, the pits replaced by hazel nuts served on white heurts of head lettuce; an fee or cream, wedding cake Doing One's Hair. Knack" ut doing one's hair will re- and Kreuch coffee. sult In a better coiffure than cun bi I'se linen napkins; paper ones are made by the hulr dresser. There an only permisaable at picnics, on the even tew French maids who can dt jxirrh and at piftllc affairs of an Inthe hulr as becomingly us tbe wotiuii formal nature. who has once learned the art can dc The ring bearer immediately it fur herself, lly putting thought In H the bride, carrying the ring always and doing It carefully every upon a silver tray or a small day, whether It U an Important occaspillow; at a recent wedding ion or not, a worn in will lu time acthe circles were carried on the long quire the gift or doing her hair well golden stamen of a large ealla lily If the locks are kept In a healthy con- by a tiny white-dresse-d page, and the dition, trimmed and hurnlshed and Idea was a lovely one. waved once In a while by the halt MADAME SIKHII1. dresser, and If (hey are scrupulously clean and glossy, I: Is comparatively DISORDERED DIGESTION. easy for a woman to achieve a good licrseif. coiffuie Simple Diet and Active Exercise Best Means of Keeping Vital Organs We Make Travel Easy. in Proper Condition. Five n:, ins dclv ill III Atchison, to KanTopol, i & S;jiii:i I'e. Color.i-t-Much of the sensitiveness of the sas t'ily, M. .Inc. Chicago, (lalveston, K1 I iso. City of Mexico. Ask tile body to changes in outside temperature aiioio re. I in c I F. Warren, comes from disordered digest ion. Inward congestion, dm; to clogged, torI! T ft rt. F. Ity.. 4 1 Dooly Block. t? il t l.nl'.e City. l'l:'h. pid bowels, produces a sense of chilliness; mid (be same condition riinxcj one more readily to succumb to the Man IV.ouie in England, cem lo me iliat every heat ol summer. Simple diet and actIt does iu lfi-hitidtviuc - put to girls sue ive exercise, keeping nil the vital ormen celling know each other at al gans lire to perform their functions, welt. Ai an wilt nnsm lea dots no. will enable one to enjoy the cold of meet unuiarri' mmi a: a!!: at gardet winter, and to be fresh and hearty in midsummer's fiercest heat'. pariics one i v liai.ci'n . tew rummon-plaiWhoever tefierts, will be able to see of the met rein irk-- : wiili h we '1i!ice-lntnidnrc 1. .. tt the truthfulness of these words or - wl.-h It Is the vice of the last piisM on If one docs ai.j draJ Thoreatt: A- atlenllon to tin season wVrh compels us to arm ourmen me few nii.l far and an selves for the next. If man alwaya ((informed to Nature, he would not hardly ever rvii hare to defend himself against her, but find her his constant nurse and friend, One of the Wond-rs- . as do plants and quadrupeds. He What Interested me ni'-.-In my himself was a proof of this statement. travc-U.sai.i llrnpcrk. "was the mutu-OiInvitations for Dinner. of A qie, II I saw ill i:)his,!. . for a formal dinner, invitaExcept "Wonderful, di?" a. frind tions written In the third person are Yew. It s wond- - rful how tfc.-caul I mnko a woman dry up ami stay thal out of date. Personal notes are ent ten days or so In advance and mention way." I5nr.is made if cards or any other amusement will take place after dinner. For For Hollow Cheeks. each the fare Cleanne night with a formal dinner invitation the enused and cleansing cream, wipe It off at once graved card la generally with a soft towrl. mass.ige with tbe mention Is made if cards or any other massage cream for ten minutes, do amusement Is to take place. this with rotary motion. MORE APPARENT Best is Blllvllle. "Bill, said the man in the ox cart to the Blllvllle postmaster, ain't you gain to open the ofllce No, I aint; what do you take me fer? The postmaster." "No, you dont. You take me fer one o' these perpetual motion machines that kin run the government fer yon six days out the week, an no rest on Sunday that's what you take ms fer! ll.Al'K OF A UIB. itar or flower being worked In each alternate scallop. In the transfer papers there an any pretty edgings suitable for the The design may be worked mrpose In coloied flax thread, mercerized cot- For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have ton, or washing silk. : A band to fasten round the waist Is attached to each side. AT . A HOUSE fit WEDDING. J. fft m OVTTWOIWI ntlHI tlWVDWf IWRlifliNlil twpnj slmilathig theToodandRegula-Un- Arrangement of the Receiving Party, Usually No Special Form of Entertainment Provided. llNl.VSlSX! ?" Bears the HlLDV.l.Y PromolesT)iestioTv,Grful-nefisajv- d Rest. Con tains neither I Always Bought g the Stomachs andBowels of i At a house wedding the bride's mother should stand near the main entrance to the drawing room and receive tha guests as they enter the room. The jguesis who wish to remove any wraps should be told where the dresing room Sb by the servant, who opens the front jdoor. After rentolng their wraps they khould at once descend to the drawing room, directs Elizabeth Biddle. As a rule guests are not seated at a said the other, Bill, Ive come jbouse wedding. The near relatives fire miles and better to git my mall! kind intimate friends of the bridal Well, ef I open up fer you all tha jronple should stand on either side of res 'll want their'n, an' Ive done noti- 'the room near the place where the fied the postmaster gin rul that It'a my marriage ceremony is to take place. week off; 'sl.les that, thar aint no you are to have ushers they should mall fer you''cept a letter from a (f the guests to their places in the lumber man Bayin' that if you dont oom, taking cure that (he members of he'll an sue, another from your the family are near the bridal pay up party. wife tellin' you to send her money to After the ceremony the guests are cmne home. So go 'long ah' enjoy yer expected to look at the presents, if Atlanta Constitution. honeymoon. Xhey are displayed, and to partake ol It's almost as difficult for a woman !the refreshments in the dining-rooto keep a scrtt as It Is for her to see trhe bridal party should remain in the until they have received tha point of a joke. She coiigiai illations of all the guests, (after which they may go to the dining- - IF Xtoge tahlc Prep aration for As -- Opium, Morphine nor Mineral. Not Nahc otic. Signature of Abva tfO(& aSMLTLhiXJBUl W JWJ AxJtnnm AoiaJiAr- - In AwM mcutrnmStJrn ftirmJcrd- - I Itcmedy for Constipation, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoca. A perfect Worms .Convulsions .Feverish- ness midLoss or Sleep. Tac Simile Si'.,'-'d',r- NEW e Use For Over of "YORK. Thirty Years Vooin. father and mother should (introduce their friends to the mother and father of the groom, but no special dorm of entertainment Is expected. , The bride's t street address, without town or state. If vlait-g friends In a distant city one may E-- rite the transient address In lower roe' ot card. A woinauV card has her For Freckles, Use a weak lotion of lemon juice and jwater followed by an application of 'cold cream. Cucumber lotion la also it goo thing to use. FREE 150 PAGE EVERYTHING The Proper Card. FOR ILLVSTRATED EVERY SrORT IN EVERY SEASON BROWNING'S PATENT CATALOGVE FREE ON REQVEST THE OLD RELI A B L E B R O WN In C B RO S. 'c o Og'd e n , Utah |