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Show 1 EDITORIALS. A8 TO FU8I0N. story houre to make way for a bigger of when the vile thing la to be abated and finer structure than the locality Is gathering force. has yet known. A sense of ordinary It would have been much more fairness ought to restrain people from to have convicted Rojestven-skbos ring 'false witness against their than to have acquitted him. 8toes-seneighbor, especially when they prethe gallant derender of Port Artend to be Christians, but the virus of political hatred seems to overcome all thur, was treated In the same way, Kurapaikln Is not out of the woods, other feelings and considerations. Mayor Thompson Is the second and every thing goes to show that to heaviest taxpayer lu the city; and the do the best that can be done with the newspaper chatter alsiut his wilful dis- means at hand counts little or nothing regard of the public welfare by wan- with the Muscovite powers that be. tonly Increasing taxation amounts to Yes, tard Beresford Hope tried to nothing In the light of the showing get The Rural Republican into one made, a great share of all the bin or his gigantic schemes, but an inkling dens falling directly on him. of his true character was obtained Recently a hoy, the son of respecta- berore we were committed to Investing ble parents, was sued without sum- our little accumulation with him. The monses or notice, fur a debt he claims loss of a million to us, paltry aa It not to owe, in the Luke annex at would be to some others, would seMurray, Judgment wus taken In the riously lnterefere with our business, evidence ant and how glad we are we didnt usual way without when the lime for appeal had expired The Sun Drug Co. la one of the the boy was cited to appear before the annex and testify as to his posses- latest incorporations of Salt Lake City. sions. Through an attorney he took The officers are: President, George T. an affidavit showing his status, par- Brice; vice president, Ernest Austin; ticularly minority which In a court or secretary and treasurer, Fred Anstee law would have ended the matter at these with I Austee and J. E. Brice once, and was told by the alleged justice that he was not wanted any more. Luke seems to have concluded otherwise, for he had the annex Issue a warrant fnr contempt a few days later and the boy was actually placed under arrest. This Is only a type of what Is constituting the board of directors. that the proper expression la not "polThe capital stock ns f 10,000, 100 itics are but "politics Is. hares of $100 par value each and all Is to be fittingly The Twenty-fourttaken. commemorated at Liberty Park, Balt The Young Americans la the newest take. An emigrant camp, an thing in the way of political organisa- Indian attack and other realistic tion, a club having been brought Into features will be given. existence Tuesday evening last. The If the Democratic National convenobject Is, of course, to give an aid and tion were to be held within a few comfort to the American party, which, some people sre bad enough to say, It weeks, any of us could tell one of the things that would sure happen. needs very much. e h y l, There in Hume talk of an effort to unite the elements not at present in uniaon with the American party against that organisation In the coming campaign. The talk und the printed utterances relating thereto have nut so fnr been traced to any authentic source and probably have no substantial foundation at all. We hope they have not fur several reasons. To make a contest whose object In chief la the overthrow of a new whose existence so far la chiefly experimental Is to dignify It by admlting that with the other parties standing by themselves on their principles they sre imwerlesa against the interloper. Such a contest would, besides tha timidity spoken of, be sordid in that it would amount to a struggle for the iMissesslon of the offices and emoluments It thereof. would be in that It would cause a practical return to the condition from which we happily escaped shortly before statehood, when social and not political differences made the line of demarcation. These are generalisations, we admit, hut. there Is now neither time nor space for analysing. The owners of this paper and the going on all the writer of those lines are for Utah Her first, foremost and forever. Nice homes friends are our friends, her enemies ure our enemies. She has within her Cheap Iota any boundaries a cosmopolitan population, loans. largely enterprising, greatly progresC. J. sive and unanimously Intelligent. In A. time and the question on easy - OUR MOTTO: HOUSTON REAL E8TATE INV. CO. Quick Sales In Real Eatate. If you want to buy or sell Heal Homes for rent and sale. Lowest Estate, list your property with us for prices. Easiest terms., 251 Main St., quick saleB. Wo have the buyers. Salt Lake City. Anderson Real Eatate Investment Co. WiMMtiMMMlilsMMMMMtiinilalslslsiSIrtstililalslBWewsWsMirtrtsMWlSMWnrtia ; paign cigars. mean another. (By Our Associate Editor.) For the benefit of several contemporaries who manifestly need the InWitte la coming here again, It will formation, they are hereby informed seem like home to him with all the blasting that Is going on. Allegheny. Pa.; Is being treated to a dose of "benevolent assimilation, West First South, m rn n H A V Salt Lake! t! 2 49 S. Main St., Hooper-Eldre.lg- e Can. FOR REAL ESTATE W. J. HALLORAN, See Peterson Real Estate InvestReal Eatate and Loans. ment Co. Large list bargains for Telephone 823. Established 1887. which we are exclusive agents. Spe14 W. Third South Street, cial attention to property of estates Salt Lake City, Utah. and Old reliable $350.00 buys very choice Main SL agency. Correspond or call. 330 So. Lots. Main St. Salt Lake City, Utah. HINT TO THE INVESTOR. TH0MP80N REAL E8TATE CO. Homes on Installment Plan a Specialty. 315 A 316 Atlas Block, from $7.50 to $26.00 In Why pay Salt Lake City, Utah. rent per month when you can buy a Vacant lota, modern homes and home at the same rate of me? Farms and homes for sale or trade. justness Investments. Horses, Buggies, Etc., Bought or Money to Loan. Exchanged. Room 8 OMeara Block. Nineteen years In Real Estate BusiNo. 63 W. Second South Street, ness In Salt Lake City. Salt Lake City. EVERYBODY BOOST ' BUY a LOT or a HOME before advance. We advise you re prices Real Eatate and Loans, gardlng localities and make your Inours. Investment, Securities, Trades and terests MARINGEU INVESTMENT CO.. Business Chances. Ind. Phone 1101. 40 East Second soutk.. 41 West Second So. St., Manager Seeing Salt Lake City Salt Lake City, Utah. imBSSSSSSSSSSSSZSSiSSSSSSHlHi i! EGAN, REAL ESTATE. If you want to Insure, sell, buy; build, or borrow, let us know. GEO. M. McCONAUGHY, E8TABLI8HED 1893. , The beef trust men assume great innocence, but not one of them has yet offered to make a public exhibition of eating out of a can. Is more A. L. Brattain, Manager. Have you ever thought of gettlug into business? For Instance, a good 1 laying rooming house, grocery store, saloon, cigar store, restaurant, or, in fact, any business enterprise? If you contemplate such a move, see me. I have a number of genuine bargains, guaranteed to be money makers. Correspondence solicited. Business Opportunity Department. A. RICHTER, REAL E8TATE. BOWMAN, We have all kinda of Investment! In Now Is the time to invest. A rapid advance is certain. Choice building real estate and we write all kinds of insurance. lots all parts of city, $100 to $500, YOUNG & YOUNG, $12.50 cash, 7.50 per month, 7 per General Insurance, Real Estate and cent. Loana, 202 Whitingham Blk., Salt HUBBARD INVESTMENT CO., Lake City, Utah. Ind. Tel. 1077. 78 West 2d So. St I Another delightful feature of life In France, Mr. Rockefeller may have not- ed, is the absence of process servers armed with subpoenas. Speaker Cannon should handle with The other Republican recently apoke care the pure food measures, as political talk In proboom may be made or portion to the amount of political of the two Democratic dailies here. action going on In and about Zion just Some Democrats that we know claim unmade thereby. now than ever before In her history. to be unable to see one such. Several congressmen sre strongly In: As a Milesian friend observed Its They say the weather is quite favor of passing the pure food bill,, a great tolme we do be having. warm, and for once they are right since the country Intends to force them to do It. One thing of an Important nature Another circus coming. However, politically is settled, Preisdent Roose Apparently .too, the nomination Is velt will not again be a candidate for It wont stay. to Mr. Bryan without the excoming He said himself has It, President. ELECTRIC SPARKS. penditure by him of a cent for cam"and he doesn't say one thing and There Salt Lake City Utah. payments. Farm part of city. e - Richter estate. 14 Room 5, Eagle Blk., 8a It Lake City, Utah. SALT LAKE REAL E8TATE. old-tim- without the consent of the MEEK8 A LYNCH, Sait iake Real Estate is me Barest, surest and best thing to buy In the whole wide west. It is cheap, tqo far cheaper than it should be, consld- - erlng resources, geographical location, rapidly developing tributary region, a climate and the attractions of Salt Lake. The country around about far ahead of Salt Lake. Salt Lake must and will catch up, and while it la catching up la when values will double and good money be made. Boost, E!LriOear li3Reader,riJffnBoost!fi Help to Build up a. GREATER SAET LAKE CITY! j THE WAY TO BUILD UP A GREATER. UTAH IS THIS: DONT USE Imported Goods Unless Bought From If, In DEALER! this List of Business Houses, You fail to find What is Wanted, Wait until Our Next issue, and Perhaps You Will Find ItThore. efesssssssssas the center of this great hive of ind entry and field of growth is the me- $ TRUNKS, TRUNKS. tropolis. the nucleus, the converging R. and radiating point for all its KtiroumiingK. This with its great Manufactur-- f lKipulatioii make it very nearly the preponderating power In nil political er- I cMiioKts Involving the whole state ami 155 Main St.. Salt Lake. the inlluenre which decisive iHiliticnl $ is action here exercise upon the body to be a factor politic ns a whole is seriously considered. The voting cleUTAH BC DONG ment here with the dominant church 'fire COS COTTON FELT as the dividing line as tt was formerMATTPES3 ly. in nearly equal In the city, the (.entiles speaking convent lonully are In the majority, lint In the county outside of the city they probably are not. The American party Is composed almost entirely of that elemein and how many of them does nny one suppose would not flock to the support of that organization when the paramount issue was for or against it with 8ALT LAKE CITY UTAH. all political lines at present in exist- Oliver tinme-(lial- i few, jsisstlily. ami their little strength would be rendered nugatory by those who would go the other way. The control of Ihls county amounts to a great deal besides the consideration of the loaves and fishes, and i hose who really have the welfare of the state at heart will think Iwlce before consenting to the benefliccnt revolution which set In a dozen years ago going backward now. We are not addicted to American-phobi- a nor to parly manta ns relates i.i. any organization: but would rather si-things become more normal than less, would prefer to go ahead a very little, or even stand still. Ilian to go back the whole of the distance so Tar traversed. May the November election prove a victory for the Republicans or the Democrats! ence obliterated? FIAT JUSTITIA When one looks at the great Improvement In hiistnes bouse building Thompbeing pushed along by Mayorwinsome-ness son. thereby adding to the commercial our of and stability districts as well as to his own already hardly great tax burdens, one canwhich afpapers agree with those public-spiriteor see to nothing fect and methods. patriotic in his work referred In a The Herald recently "one-storto the mayor's way sneering houses' in the business zone, thus seeking In a contemptible way to he belittle the really big work thatfour-storIs carrying on. among which is a with the prettiest front In theand the demolition of an old twoy y l KassmBSBggsaggsBB Trunk You buy fresh Eggs, Why not insist on HEWLETTS FRESH SALT THAT'S (Incorporated) li tS BELIEVES IN BEING 5S li Its 2 i I object of the organization is to promote the use of ALLjj UTAH-MADGOODS in all lines, in preference to those manufactured outside the State. Kj j E 3 Interest Is State-- i jWide. i '3 ;?The betterment of industrial conditions in every city, tewn, village, hamlet and district is its aim. For lull particulars -- rite to !THE MANUFACTURERS AND CHANTS ASSOCIATION. ii P. O. BOX i4, . H jj MER-f- j SALT LAKE CITY. li AIL SALT ROYAL CRYSTAL BRAND MEDICINES BY MAIL. Mail orders promptly filled. Write for information. Rubber goods a specialty. Golden Seal Compound cures catarrh. G. S. Kidney Cure and G. S. Illicumatlini Cure arc guaranteed. $1 per bottle or 5'c per lmx. We pay the postage or express charges. GoldTHE BERRUM PORTLAND CEMENT en Seal Medicine Co.. 112 W. 2d South STONE CO. Street. Salt Lake City. CONCRETE BUILDING ROCK MANUFACTURERS. BELLE PHOTO SUPPLY CO. ROLE AGENTS FOR A FULL LINE OF KODAKS AND CAMERA8. A CAMERA IS Concrete Block Machines. Want to WHAT YOU WANT TO TAKE establish a plant In evciy city, tow a VIEWS OF YOUR CLAIMS AND and village in Utah. LOCATIONS. Block machines from $100 upward. Developing and Printing. Start a small plant and become InWrite for Catalogue. dependent. 21 East Third South, Salt Lako Correspondence solicited, P. O. Box 1131, Salt Lake City. City, Utah. Ind Phone 3806-7- . Dept. M. Manufactured only by INLAND CRYSTAL SALT CO., N. W. Clayton. Manager, Salt Lake Citv. Utah. Souvenirs Stolen im Hotel. The average high-clahotel In New York Is said to lose $15,000 a year from the practice by ltn guests of the arts of spol'-tio- n. There are many of Colleges. 62 E. First South St.. Salt elegant ladles who carry from the tables the salt shakers that charm ake City, Utah. them, or any small article of table furAFFLICTED niture that arouses thel- - esthetV adThe great transatlantic Get the benefit of recent dis- miration. liners are also sufferers from the beaucoveries in medicine. . . . tiful and orten cnlilvs'ed grafters. THE BEST It is generally an easy otter to arrange. A tip to the wa ter, who sudis none too good. denly becomes blind, and my lady la Dr. Orrin Powells Nerve Tablets. off la triumph with her spoil. The very latest treatment for Nervous Debility, lost Manhood, Insomnia, Mclaneliollo, Failing Memory, ImWanted. District Managers to post paired Energy, Physical and Mental signs, advertise and distribute samWeagness. A positive cure guaranteed ples. Salary $18.00 weekly, $3.00 per by the manufacturers through their day for expense!. State age and agents, who are under Instructions to prevent employment Ideal refund your money if not satisfied Co., 39 Randolph St., Chicago. Shear with results. Price, $1.00 per box; six Wanted: 10 men In each state to boxes for $5.00. At all drug, stores or by mail, securely sealed. Address travel, post signs, advertise and leave Doull Drug Co., 238 Main. cor. Market. samples of our goods. Salary $75.00-pemonth. $3.00 per day for exSalt take City. penses. Royal Supply Co., DepL W Atlas Block, Chicago. 8MOKE THE BEST. MEDIUMS GIVE VERDICT Or ,IIIR BLUE POINT PERFECTO CIGAR. In the case of J R Va- the DiaWhitaker and Dallas. Makers. 134 W. mond Coal and Coke company of Wy3rd South Street, Salt take City. oming, which was decided in Judge Ritchie's court in favor of the defendant we predicted the outcome 10 days WASH IT AWAY. before the Jury brought In the vertaad and uremic poisoning cured. dict Castilla Hot Springs Water does the One week before it went on trial we work. Rheumatism vanishes at its were consulted about the outcome and; touch. For rates apply to C. H. said: "The company will win without Then again In our meeting Room 222 a doubt. Southworth, Manager, Commercial Club building, Salt take March 4 some one asked about It and In we the presence of 201) people again City. predicted that the defendant would win. On the back page of The Tribune CLIFT HOUSE. March 8, under the heading Not Due to Third South and Main Streets, Salt Smoke, la an account of the trial and verdict In favor of defendant Lake City. Again lady occupying one of O. Eng-dali1 All New But the Name. came to us about This centrally located and well damage cottages suit with known hotel has been thoroughly re- her how It wouldthe R. R. We told etc. novated and refurnished throughout which it did almost terminate, to the dollar ave such a record Under the new management reason?edIum predictions able rates and first class accommodaArnoId-DIckso- n Bros., 269 East Third tions will prevail. South St. Salt Lake City. Can be reached by street cart from Private consultations dally. all depots MRS. A. L. MASON. Prop. For Plica. Burnt. Korea. F-- -- All the Time In Utah1 jjBusy sSl J-T- Men and women to learn barber trade in 8 weeks. Wages paid every night. Graduates earn $15 to $25 per week. Cat. free. Write us. Moliler System The Manufacturers and Merchants Association of Utah, ROASTED ill COFFEES. as 'Western Goods for Western People! Meredith, A 0 city, sv UTAH SO CLEAN Is a granulated sweeping compound that absorbs all dust on all kinds of floors. Bustness men. painters and housekeepers that dislike the dust that arises from sweeping should give this home product a trial. It Is guaranteed So Clean Mfg. Co.. 261 South West Temple. Ind phone 783. r la Buy Made Trunks. Hoggan, L. G. 21 E. Third South St, Salt Uric CH$i 20t,nr Dewitt's Salvo |