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Show Yf .. r , A . a ? si.. V ln . V - ;,.v .T'irE F.'AftUEBS ORA CL Coughs; It relieves the o?iniuip, Advertisements. quick apd magical. about a tires this rear ago, place, TjiROM T-- r i -' " " f i ...I "n. ... V i Froit-biUe- ItacXi ai - J. COW 8, described, as near as memery r allows, as fellows One a .red and white fbUr-ys- u old, well shaped :One a brindle from six to eight years old. One red.five fs3 ....... ' : 1 BCT .. jossrion! ; Berra flnd Bone Lin Imam. ! It euree - ( Ringbonee and Spavins; it curse Spraine Bruises, Galls ana Outs; it cores Jorslx years eld. Had a rad heifer cal .Burns, .... I Skia; it curse on Gout andSeajda and Cracked I seryed ; at all hours in hla with her a year ago; Each cow 'jVTfiALS Rheumatism; it curee Borea and IV I. Dming Rooms.'' Sweetmeats, Ice I the left shoulder a bread cf B having or and I Swellings ; .it: ! - ch s Creams, Pastries, and best of Fruits served oirsle, with J. in the centre. It la good for man and bsaaL Jn tbeir season- - Can Fruit i. Oyatora, 'and I Also, vevsral yearlings, with same brand Pains; I . ntrr jokiuoks t other dainties always ready. Every.dalL I Also, a roan. speckled cow,, three years branded E D on the left hip. t ; Boneset cacy the market affords, served up to order: I Compound Any parson giring Infsrmation constrn- They cure Dyipepela, ludigeation and Inf B7 f th hort stock to the Editot, Jaundice; RO BERTGREER. Pain In the; Bdwels thfy relisve Wil1 I r,ward,d ,lbraI1J cure Aguea.-ChiDAnd Ikic MATCH WORKS, Stsmack; they ELECT rurse.-Inflammation- . -- ij ...i'- ' AA v ; . oI - :.V f i ... i Pilla and-Fever- a kaw gruxr, daxaf salt naxx cm, ; j. . s v .; . j&XCHANQE $ COMMISSION. STORE. Best Hatch! Wholesale or Retail.;;'; ; .All eorts ot grain and country produce bought, eeld and exchanged. Sales low for - . . n.t In I f;.--' ' I , . VlnBOP , thsy cure all Bilious Complaints 1. Headache;, they rare Colds, .Pains .and (hey give tone,, vigor snd haalth lo ths system, thry add length to life; they are IPflSOT) tI WEN LATSON RPgaWET at the old atand A RE hxiPRBMIUM I gglT universal cure.' manufacturing the SPINNING-WHEEL- S. nirr'' CONKLIN BALYE I - VTTDTMTn , thini It is a eomplste Adhesirs . , J Pluer; .if la it cares Pain in' Iss.in connection,1 WOODWORTHS an excellent PLANING MACHINE for planing floor- the Side andstrengthener, Breast;. it cures. Weak and ' cures Cuts, Wottnds and ing and dumber of any thickiisss from lame Backs;-I- t Sorts? it is good for Burns and 8calds; it is good for everybody, every family should have it. tThe above, together with a cqmpiste illOXTHUTor man equal width and thickhe!, and FAMILY MEDICINES, .can lay double the, amount and any a better Are prvpared at the laborat'jnf ef the floor- than, he can with la thatfleoring Lake Villa,' Utah county DESERET riEINFHJMABf, planed by hand ; Deseret- - and ubld by kaimswlf and Agents , . through the State. I into JOHNSON. E. , announces the J. . . , I TR. COOKSLET , 0B Gold. 1- itXbabitanta of tL e Territory that he will P.S. A'few nod Carpenters and Cabi- Rttftntiblt AgentM, in evtry settle meat of every f net makers wanted Immediately, s rtatonabU terms. tre&t DISEASES; OF THE. supplied :Vi a- S" deecrlptienir" Those who ar blind with CATARACT FRUIT TO ; REIPT, would do well to conaidt Mr.'C. itf rslatien the eity of Provo, the STORE AND OTHER ijthe aamei1-'-iformerly... occupied by Jlirch fc VARIETIES of Native flowers d ,im!UL Btubba, situate on Maiftitreet, ear- NEW fruits. ,We can h newer a limited ; ner of Centre. number of orders for seeds and root! of ' r'' NUTT W; Bishop E.' , Apply ALL, DESERET CURRANT,-CILIB.HANCOCES LOG GRIST MILL Ftovejfor toE.W. CLARK. Spring Lake LONGAFLORA, Scarlet. ' . Ci; is In first-ra- ts working order Gene; SCARLET, PENSTAKON, Ta beautiful rai satisfaetion can be. guaranteed: to all, native evergreen,' of drooping habit. Tha tenth t bushel, charged for grinding. Thousand-flowered CONE C AO TUB. frsm Buelneie arranged (o that customers, beautiful. VARIEGATED A WHITE ' ntber ssttlsments ;ean be 'accpmm-jdateLTLY4 ' 4., ft ) immediatsiy.. And a few other desirable and beautiful tL BENJAMIN HANCOCK, mNler. sorts, Or we will exchange for other de- eira.ble ariiclee for, garden nursery, of-- or chard J. E. JOHNSON. lawn' - . ,f' - - - 't fri EE ; Si . " :i - A - . . . DATlD Jr. fc U. Respectfully .DESERET CURRANT; H. CLCI'Fj native currant is ; propagated exceedingly. irolific is a desirable ahrub for ihe garden, even for the beauty and fragrance ef ' its bloom. The fruit id very, excellent for eating, for pastries, sweetmeats, or for wine. :. Some grow to. a gTeat size from , THIS announce to; the in-- 1 county; that they Are d highly-improve- easUv- - all orders forFURNlTtJRE dispatch at their shop la Provo one I BECOME INDEPENDENT k.' HAPPY v block. 1 block nerth-e- a at of UioTIthing-ofBe- e w CHAIRS, TABLES. BED8TEADS, BO-- I wo ,to three- inches, in eircnmfarence. : V PAS, LOUNGES, dec. made in good older. I There are three distinct eortu Red, Yel-o- w ELEMENTS 0? TR08PEEITT ABOUT US! and Black. The euttings and roots are' , easily and safely transported by mail to any portion of. the United v States.' The -currant, t ; Editor has some very ebetee rfota of the . ". i MAXIUFACTUXi AND above, and will fill order for reeds, reefs1 HOME PATSOmZE v VWA5TED V : er euttings ' thehebming ; autumn; er .win, HOMIISDUSTRYT AT tHE cabinet;shqp; prqyo. make exchange." forv rsofs; or cuttings' of 1 i ; K ehelbe' hardy,, grapes, ;fina rosss or sther; i 1 YAXZXY.TANPXIVCIPLR not i : ti : lowering shrubi, choice fruit or tsots.-inlb- s 5,030 faetpf whitoae.1 ,1, and' seeds of; rare and beautiful ijj.f BTT.TKV flowera. r ; Orders .;' should . U accempanied . with S.C P l relieves . tt cum Chor moneypoitige-s tamps or articles ue abeve-Apain inetantly r. it wOI be lera and" Dysentery it cure Cholera-mo- r h : . . sLuj-Hroots orcuttixgs of tha' currant vir . ; ; v hue and Chalice; it cured Tooth-achmad in payment.? . . and runted to be received iu good order. i id 'the face; eores Faiutneea and t CLUFJ BROS. J. L JOHNSON. ' ly.vviAr. to-fil- - l -- . . - W . UItomaJcJaU, 5-- S cn -- r r . IFE -- m . e; fj. V y- t'-.- . ' ' ' ' s' , !,i ' , ''-- TM- Ij- - , 4 j : . -- |