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Show - ';i :.f'rLr: ; jpr m "'v. : : ;. ' ;v- r. - - V ' ! H FA R JB M BBS? tE O R A C . find that those actually haring obtained lowed to stand nfter this; for some two aseful ihforni&tion by the experience o: weeks; than ' it was worked up in the yeate, entirely mum remaining plmoa usual manner and. the syrup pot into a rriminaliy ailent and ihoctire, hiding cask. After abeut two months, the cask their light,ao far as others are eo.no era ed, was lapped but would not nin, and after and wrapping iheir talent in a napkin, taking out the head it; was found that the whole had ehrystalised. only as they oah benefit tbemaelres-- ; ' At the expense of neglecting some of We are led to the supposition thatin out awn' domestic interdfts, wc hire all probability the filling and maturing started this flrsV agricultural .sheet in Of the seed is in the way to hinder granIf any of. our readers can, thietTerritoiry, not to cater, ourself, upon ulation. these important subjects, ef udiioh we through. tle:r expericnoe,.throw any faiS otim toj. be bli ssfully igndr&ut in many ther light upon this subject, let it come, respects, but as a medium to communi- for now is the time it is needed cate the intelligonco and experience of those who bare had years of experienaa Where in Spring Lalto Yllla t Why, goodness I Dear readers and apd unlimited opportoiiities co inform themielTM upon the rarious subjects of inquirers,, right here, ' all around cur their business and occupations.- Should sanctum. On the south', children, wild onr Uttlo paper faii. to do a great amount flowers, ducks h and mouncan we this of'gooid through Territory, tains; and north, garden,' flowers, fruit honestly charge the disaster to the per- trees, musical waters, and. eVeiy thing sons we hare des cubed, for all the light nice. But to bo more explicit, Spring -we hare we cheerfully giro for the good Lake Villa is not a great city, nor a oC our readers, ereir standing ready to.be mall ona either i nor ia- it a village, corrected in any heresy we prsanulge. tbwn or hamletj but- a quiet little rural know if Now, friends, you anything, plaoe, where me live to labor, and labr tu let us hare it 'from jou4 or else admit live, and hate our wives and little ones that 10 er .15. years, of eiperienca has around, mingling the labors and been robbed of any good results or rola-ab-le life with the loveliness and muthus from knowledge, experimental sic of nature, minding our own busiobtusenesa of yoor pumpkin heads. TVe ness undisturbed and uhdistarbingx certainly fael ill tempered towards; you, generally at borne and glad to see our and feel that wa ought to abuse you for friends and readers Of tho Oracle : ' We live On the verdant banka of a your. stupid negligence of a duty you owe your neighbors and this community. ; clear rivulet, formed by a great number We want to hear from- the cotton, the of springs gushing out at the foot of tho fs ugar, the rine, the ' orchard,r the mountain, distant either way 7rom the iron .and other mine rain of the and Payson3 or 4 miles- - directly the the the from farmers, herds, South; on the great thoroughfare, and the East manufactories the orchards,, tho Tine1 side s.of the rood; ;s. i f yards, the gardens of the North. .There seems to hare been some trou Thcro are many who profess to be le among- our friends coming from the ' friends to improrement and advance- South in finding us, many, perhaps,1 supment. y If they are uncere, they will posing tWo lived in a town, or city. No; apeak out and give us a large amount of wo lore-oufamily and our fribnds matter from. which; to. seleet the most and the country too.. useful for the benefit of our readers. If such1 profess without possessing knowPivitlon of Laiior agalu. ledge, we shall have .proof of the fact by Our correspondent upon tho above subtheir aileneb ject comes bsk on us again with quite, ''r i a lengthy article, in which he takes us to. :Suga3r from Sorgam ; i.;. rt' do for bur remarks on the condition and the a Gardeof At meeting ayspn prices of labor, taking for a basis; our; ners Club Jaat Saturday, in the bourse of assertion that farmers would not realize., cUseussion oh the growing and manufae-turin- g more than a bushel of wheat per day tho of sorgum and its cohorete. Mr. yeas round, and thus he figures that Loveless stated that upon two ooeasions, familys expenses per year in different seasons,-hhad, by cbaaca would amount to $500,at least; thusleav at the time the ng him in debt nearly $20$ Wb freely got his ease frost-bitthead or tassel was just emerging from iidmit his eelenliition to enough tho ebenthor bosk, killing the canfc down- - or the support a!so: : and i at .family pf ward from the head. The crop, was alj main&in our previous usseniun. Tho ; . -- l.'t..: iraV rao!); 2 (Fara In IfvWUhtd tfUJint n4 third T t uuday ' Mch .monlA. ' J. E. JOHNSON. Evjtok a Pvivnin. f 7 ; ;n'Da-JOHN80N,- - Paorunoi. : - It avuscaimox, rw imib. M mm twU ADrnTUMfum,' tairliimil u Utanl iMjauIjri aOvartiMM, tin. ItmbUI u4 Oliliarj Httita, bbA JUparte ! : t t wl -- tladmiL MMfMtNria(;M4 W&tmrj fkltl yUUfce '! An SirniralnM alMte : Ujthwri m Ut TT-TLmU ttUm .. 7 "i . ' 4 i ;. : - V' Tlua association holds ; its regal aj t' WMUy meetings on Saturdays at 3 p.m. in Paysoa The 'meetings 'are Weir tended, and discussions spirited and in teresting. Among the many subjects 'discussed, haabcen the orchard,the nur- -, sery, the vineyard and the jcultureaud monof ac turbof sorgho. ' Remark experience, practice tlydeveloped upon various subjects, til thosjresent in thedonclusi pns that, .fruit ting should . be rimmed any trees and pruned ; need titae they it, escciallyjih the earl growing months, at ,the tjjm of.the I 'moons increase, when thesap flows j beat tinaefor budding is in Jane and : September, from hew to fall - . 15 eUei-tiogt- free-ly;thatt- hs he " ; ; should moon; thatTeedllngnaraery-tree- s stripped of their lower leaves,-whof sufficient height; as this.: tends to ' ardrrldnder them tooling or t old- wood of grapes ; should netor he cuv when the sap is flowing, but thatnew- - shoots ehbuld.bp. pinched off at any time, and to mako them fruit wail ihey honld brwell pruned add trimmed in.that iorgo should atand from 6 to 12 fetalks Ihiha hill, thna cauaing it to grow wall iod sUaight and keep from atool- ing and crawling, . Theee are among the moatVimpoxtaht resulta "of. the diacoa'- -. 0 Jus j e brauebu-jvingj-lha- - . : , : l lions - ' :r Oo Somctlalxig (oroar Country MHM It eeemsn-littlhard for' ns,' after j! . . - . . e I i 'i It ; . sage-brus- . ' -- - Bolton, Pajion Uardeneti Club, ',1 ; hoTing pioneered in proriding amediom wherein farmers, mechanics, hortfcalta-rist- s, pomologists- - and 1 stock-growe- rs blight benefit eaoh other by. their ezperi 'ments, and this, too, we have donb un. dor very discouraging oircumstan"- - k? . - . - - 1 : enjoy-menta-- of r - dye-stuf- San-taqu- in - j - . - r : - - i'j . . , anr-ordinar- y o en , , bo-sma- . |