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Show ' Is. r I. - , : .V.r 'y'Y.' e r' - T. v- " ' - - V i y - . i i 7 , " ; "r 7 ; s. i r: 7 t. : ; f?- -; yj -i ts I es e ea nil ni r nd els nd TAs Aand - too. ... , . :. ? b ir vir. spring Lake :. . V trrAU ! Tlio first step nd ind it uld f.-.- j' i ::..-r- ia hsmp eultars 1 . telut -- k -- When the plants reach six or eight inches high they phonld be thinned t o three to four plants in, a hill. Hemp plants "are divided into what the farmer calls male and- - fem≤ tho f ormer producing the pollen, or.impregnatidg-pow-der,'tne- ' : latter bearing seed.; tender and ncculent ' As soon as they can be distinguished, four, months is required to mature the.I ?r grown . the male should oeidrairn ap by the root, exespt here &nd there a solitary plant, , riot; short, qdickv foxing ....oo. of ?-11S irelK .r?.w04,F that the female jplants may.be properly growth. ra of all, best adaptad to" tho , Natty. worse to. strips tljan forei gn gr.pM.ste, to be oneiij bnl , lUh of impregnated. The female-igrMt.topte.:;,trf the because ere i grown foreigu its seed is perfected, when it plinto vof. ,The maturity the crop is .indicated wood is, therefore, more Spongy , is to :be harvested by;: cutting at. the by a change, ef color in the. leaf, it grad- andTotpe ground and removal to. cover. c. When ually fading from a deep green to a, paler end have roses ii full perfection of si SC: color, proper planting nd exposure a cured, detach the seed witiblg. stout stick hUfr-aj- sa of the leaves, be are absolute essentials. The rose rc4 of 'eonrehient leigfh, winnow and put ginning at theshedding eX bottom and gradually up in b&rrels or sacks in a dry place, , tending ap to the stalk. The male plants quires abundance of air aaddight' and veryjbest judiciciiigroup attempting the caltivation of hemp ripen fully ten days in adrahoe of the most effed-- " . . yen must have a strong, ealoaronsjdeep, female. The male plant is. oovered with III tual iS,ina1spenBable.'Th Waj0f accomplibxng thIs is to fona , warm, loam v, perfectly dry soil, deeply minuto pods" harinir'nolIn. whick at and thoroughly prepared by plowing and maturity bursts; fend fill the whole at- - a rose Pyramid, Wising gradually vln. f the; mitest dwarf at ,fhe T mosphere; it may be seen when the crop' e e Wlest standard et the to.' vThe grower miitt hasten the operation is stirred by a brisk breese rising ln im- - i of seeding jrith the utmost despatch, as mense clouds And floating s,way from the f- FPer di.8oriiiunaUon should be raam-- f the earlier the seeding, 'as a rule, the field. When this is seen, in addition to I feited in regariWo the tiine and continu-- v heavier the lint of the plant." Mark off the indications previously named, the ?nCB o bIoomjAJ so ai to J'tsecare the finest possible effect. the land with a email plow and very shal- - crop is reqdy for the knifsT trt , low f urrowor it may be marked off with The perfect dststchment of' all the SuoAK I TKOX The THi Dxit. qiiestiod I should-ino. vrise be omitted made of a leg of woodmnything thei to mike a line to guide the sower accu- Ko tin. ahauld be bet. f ter the etelbih broad-carately. .Then proceed by hand to wrei, in ghwhg the woo up ' 'J' 7 . J tion.l deje yonr seed evenly, Xt the rate from neat ehooke. frery to to of seed fifty 'seventy pounds per acre, expoeur. fheeanr'ladnlq. keen ennpqeed that end ptnentj, it according to the strength of the land j the ie deteriorating lie dtffyeaee In ifo elimate, e.il,.t aS thick a. growth ita object being te thlbrighter thU!8 eeedrel etSketoM of plants as theproduce Thf be the hitur. land will sustain. If the ?i plants nre. set too thin' on rich soil, tho stalks, grow. too coarse, producing coarse thei end. inferior; lint; on the contrary, if Weeded too thick, che growth proves so po.iible,eeleotingideu,dQ1athwforf''jtj1j'eenM.tin operation, preenreTfrem EurepeV - Hie .octet 1 short di to materially affect th value of I . the crop. odnetioiF rf .near' rx. enne rolM to.be obaerred in. eluting u JJ,Tthl scents itself the Although seed; vsry tender, and its vitality easily affected, scctfrc and, dry .until' the proper in a single year to; and its germination after sowing often for retting ; arrives. About : the portanee. amefinting tons. tR.New torket.v cirmiddle of OctoHsr is tho proper time. seriously disturbed" by- - nnfavoable H i fccumstances, yet wheq ench above ground The crop must be retaipedyd the rick or Wiik, Spirit if th Hmn qays 'a gair? and fairly, set, no ordinary.. frosts that' tack, until the summer heats and rains tlemaa whoa' hontf were fa plri other vegetati oin seem. to. affect it have passed, and frosts appeare insfeaJ I from being InVbuMdiQg M fire,great destroy haying Jo hence-but I of be need hit. little danger dew.; The whole crop s thru removed vain tried tp save them, .appreapon the .eSt I back onto hended from the frosts, frora the tick, and that prove so rlmept of 'haring, them harnessed, when , trf corn. The seed being the same ground on which it 'gre w,there I hie astoniahmenti they were le frcm thU to cover them Up with light tqi be. spread jn thin rottinj, ctable without difficulty - -i- i y, - . ; i-- ity ..... I- -' inti h; - -. . . &?& -, ent j -- i In-doo- rs, . 'i r.-- 1 In- - i ? herrew by running both ways to seCtorC j where it remans; without turning until.uniform results. The shallower the seed properly rotted. This is indicated 'by is covered in a moist soil, the more cer-- j the fibre freetyr parting from the Itdlks The hemp is to be carefully abd neatly tain the vegetation; if the season and I soil bs dry a somewhat deeper Covering handled, all tangling to be avoided j, ana may beneeessary Upder favorable cir-- ' I placed again in neat shoeki and firlnly 4 cnmit'inces the crop make its appearance bound at the topi ,:Theb comes in a few days, and with propsr sun and end cfoWhibg operation, the breaking moisture, it rapidly covers the ground. M and dressing the fibre Or lint, for. mar After having, once covered the- - ground j kef.- - Anthony Killgore, the crop is generly oonsiderd saf s by the Mnr "Otit tne Roie. , doomed Jo' grower, yet he is sometim f i11! disappointment.- Hailstorms prove very befOrV the' are the taken. If cuttings dsatruotive te the very tender, watery : 22 vfi growth of the 1 'i el :v, i ; - is the proddotionlof good, soaad, plump seed. Land intended for seed mutt be in good tilth, end rell prepared for planting by the time of early corn planting- - It ehonld be laid off in straight rows, four feet apart each Way, and planted in hills, apren or , eight seeds to the hill. U'. f countx, utah, Tuesday," fuj&jwistf '.I.' '.V'-'i'f- llxzip Cnltnri. ru r of Induffrj make th Ihttrl to budi bloom and btar'frvit, and natsfht prdudcsi ttrv 'k1 ' :! 1 . ; ES-- : -- reri' ittd r- - hr 1 Iful 11- - . ; S. pED cross-plowin- t lfo g, . - tifui de-f-- " - - - . l i; siJi b . h-- fori im . -- Trier . 5 to Thai .tho ota' ; trill' Of B ' i ' ; - ! .- -! abiV .- - . -- f N-- r -- V Is - A a !-- ' Iher; reou,! mtifuW - I4 with ,7 i j ss - .' I st i - . I for ICO.- ni iH -- ; ar- - teuerirom n ' : . . I I tf O- - .. N- - I - -' r 'S . sewn,-procee- re-haul- j ed d ; -- j . . eto ON. v r iiratar t - . r - . r' y J .i V;' 't. v ' 'r W . fsr 1 |