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Show l THE -- 4i. M hr.ibi Iumt'iOwU 9y f . . - . - fnan'a fki plovj (ha phv! t fk vflHrtra.mU i )Mp(i aii itill ii iod It M wu m thaud f A4 rtadyfaand fallowanaaround. rana along Via anoath ' tha ' ' BT BATABD 'tIYLQX' . V fiaherman wadea in tha anrgaa, . ; r e . , . I . r ui . c t' i . : i ,r i ."(j !l . . . The aailor aalla over the aea; The aoliliar atepa braraly to batfa; ; ; The waodman lay axe to tha trpb. .X hay are each of the bread af tha harcao, .The manhood attempt 4 in' atrife: Strong hanta that go lightly.ta labor,- True haarta that taka aomfort in life.' In oaoh lathe need fa rerieniaH" The world with tha rigor it aaeda The aantra of honor t affbetione Thaimpnlaa to gaerona daada.Bat the ahark drinka the blood of the fiahor, Tha aailor ia dropped in tha aaa: ; The aoldier lien cold by tha cannon:' ; Tha woodman ia ernahad fcjrhia tree. ; Xaah prodigal Ufa that la waited Ia manly aohiaremanta aaaaen-- ' Bnt lengthen tha day of the eewarJ. .And atreagthen too erafty and moan. blood af the fioblaat ia larlfhed.s 'Jha That tha aalfiah a may find; Bat God (to the lireprofit that are ainaadarad, 'And wa te Hla iriadom aro bit nT.:; ' ' 1 J' ' '' ' to . se - ' - . f A ! - - . ! '. - ''' Tn r ' f' . . - . ; -- . - " 11 - . . ! : . ' tl i 6QUANDEREDT LIVESL . ?i -- . JTha ' - J : . JohnOid To-kce- p - . - ; WiTes. Hints to Farmers &' r "j ' v j a Laad Bu ?. : ; ,. - " ASmith..-"- -- L will-make- Housewife's Corner.1 as f. . " Horse.-Thom- tte rth a am de ing epteabe f Orti Fafin Prodncts-T-Rra- in enl Vegeta- - October, is best" for; winter use. Lstd R icherdi ones , Lorenzo W.Ruun should bts.hard and while; and Athat which t bl es f ia taken from hognpt oVer-- jeir eid'ii and Edward Phillips,,, f dt On Fruit Da ulel.Cafttr,' Joseph Eg t iSf &.. J'brt and Zaccbeus' ChehtP3rr Brokdbent ' Rich sheas feels soft under thSp tea- . Qn Earmng .Toplfir'Eeaben ' c sure bf tlie finger. . That ;wiuchTawery Tbotoaa.F. Fjfihiiraid I a Oriatt. On' liojne-rd- a da' OiolhVYarn,' id;1 Mra sro.g is neilpertaod prhepltby, m J.VP. Barnard', ilra,P. G. SeHini,Un oudiinit is cut?JUe it up InvA hag'Uhaf Will f ; HUW Illilier, ilri, A- -' B. Oueney and not admit flijp,indjfaug it Jn a cool dry place. lf mould Appear Mr. E. Phillip. ' j nhit' wipe iti:'oa J . ' j.On Ntedletiork, EiobroYlrjy, &c Mrt withudrycliithi , I H. C. Haight, Mo D. Carter and le y FlPprana jmeal cf 'all . kip i should ' i T. S. Smith. , .. .. .. . in T 'j place.) kepi dry acqo, odd n ad aid On Horfie ra d ngiJ to L.St .. Lott Smith and William Atkinson. To eelecthutnjiegi prick them wlth a pln- -. 2d Monday tillthg inapember Adjourned If thoy aregoqd'. they wUl'IafiUnjlykpryid IlEfTba O. HAiHT,.Preaideift arnund the-p-- fif ctureji ,t V ' - SecrataT - ,l- - , Astbuk SJatbes, ' r t Keepcoffef py itself, af .ita.pdor.affepta articlek- -l Keep tea in a cloee aliest' Read bo Xxb Thinking. -- It good'to other ' ,".- -i read" mark, lfiaru but it .j is bette ta hotter Inwardly digeat. It ia good to read',thin wiep aj cBkof molasfces is fiTd'ttghtidraw to. efT.a to think belter to think one hour, few quarts, elo the fermentation proread ten hoiirs without ihinkirg: Thtuk-iugis':- duced by it will bursfhs cask. IBovljig reading (if 'thoUook' read hayo . Bread nud cake should.be kept in a tin anything in it,) what raintlie'End. aunhln are to the seed, east into grolindtho box or a tone'jari ' ' " ' ' ' ' 'i influence which makfilh it bearand bring foldt r . Soft fipzp aflauld pa sept in a dry placf ib' thirty, forty, an hundred the cellar; abd Should, not le usedtill three read, la to gather' into .the barni or atore-fionV1,t ?? ''4 of the mind; to think is to cast see months ofd.i : . n twrn Into the ground to make it productive. p t j: t .s ;! ' be To. read U.tq collect information; to thnk shold in Potatoes the cellar.:as put' ' ' 7 soon aa'tlfey .aW diig. Lyin' exposed .(9 it. to involve' - ; power. -.- r.'.M. them green, ana makes ' thein 'j' Imagination. A contented .clti wn thasua tilrps 00 d. house kyCers j.SiOirte watery im- Mlan, who had jp?vcr paased beyond . the sods laid ovr barrels bf potatoes not inhgf walls during the' course bf "eixty 'jreara, mediate nse.- - To prevent "it from apfent'. being ordered by tho gevermeht npt to atir ing in tljd spring,-turn- ' tbfin ooi . Upon the' beyond its gate.fi, became immedately mis- oe,la .ii I erable, aijd felt ao powerful an inclination r" f ' in; ' contented whichheliada6 that Iocg To tMr iwien' tojdo potatoespktthem ly neglected, that, on his. applicatidji7.for hst. watel- put releaee. from this restraint being refused jhe them( in old jwatcr. '. Neither; will heap an'd Jatt at died, its melancholy,' r. 4-- 1; '.. loag: after' being Treisn.-"'.- ;' bright I a aadeacatrith tba farmar.'a aaag. f .C Tha farmer ia a nobla now ; A Ciainnataa dcara hla plow,1 Tha apodal 'dha ipade! tba d, trine apodal Tha gardancr haa a1 nobla trade! , Tha apod will make thefortile grpnad vt Ia roou And Verdara to abound. aad flpirart to lloopt Jt anakaa tbatna plant riahaat And bringa Than a tha apadrm aangofperfema. wa'll al'nf ; : ' ' ' Tint eonain to tha plow-th- a king. ' Tha boa! tha hoe! haw awift twtl go. Among he woadf . new ta and fra, Ta alaan tha anrfaoa, draaa the iMwara, ' And fit them far the earning ahpwara. . ' The apada, tha hod, tha plow and rake . A naaful kit tha tool a If freely naed, they give na wealth, Comforta and bleaainga. life and health. ' 4 Vi ah a aunty, July.KHb, 1862.1 C L O-R.- . On Sbep Jefiaa lf. parkins, and Edmuud Vebb. .' -- , EX S Kant and John .amicus. - 'Z 8. Smith ..Christo W. Sessions, and. Davit phf. Layton. Oii.Cattle WilliamR. Smith, 8idhey B 'On THE PLOT. ji ' J ' X r . i 4 Corrcspp nden c e. pa A.M. Society at Farmington . A j 1 - -- j f M rf f 1: HowTi Cook AeTASAous. Boil insalt andwatef f Af helr ybang it vill cook suffl- (Seiitly U lo br 20 minutes: Toy st White bread andldip It 19(9 Jhs water, the aspara the us Hector? C. ' Haight was unaninously ra in. .Layonthetop.toaatintd Mie taken Euonomt. -- No language can 1ieh wakhpfled of irkddlng. 'and eparagus elected Kejident. ., a Iitlle batterhs Vou!Pocetf Judsod'L. S.oddard, of Farmington; Lo --' express the cruelty, aor folly "of but a. which leaves childv omy. fortune,; a dish, with qome trifling StcompanU bf William rrS2o Vi Iloandy, Centrerille; .his iutsllect and impurerishes his ments,wi)l mKke au excslleut dinner, three S, Muir, ;bf Bountiful, an.4 Christopher starves There should be ho economy in fouMiiries k wtek 'f Layton, of Freedom, were reelected. Pirec-tors- ; heart:' Money should never be. weighed of .v as also James LetUiead Treasurer. ,r soul of a child, Itshouldbe agiinst-lhWasts. It is saldj that (SgCHAikiroa .It being thought advantageous .to have poured out like water, for ' tho childs Intelonwarts-thechalk . frequently paorc Directors, tha followiiig'named'per-.iien- s rubbing by ' ' . ... In several instances known were chose.1 .and' appointed to act in lect4 and moral life. j aM .a f ..! thht pesition: in: which ths:Temedy .was, nsed and not life is. A.ftw. At veryMong, best, K. Crosby, Jesse Peikips apd more smiles, a few.lnpte tears, and' soma IJarry ? Tingay,? at Bountiful; S-William' Cent'teville: llecres, at Thak Smith pleasure, much pain; sunphinq and.songs, and 11, W. Miller; at Farm inp ton; Joseph clouds and 'darkness; Hasty greetings, ab Ohe then our little play .will rupt faiewelt--an-d pg"FiNT CAK Egherjt and William Paine, at Freedom.. l'he following fasblutions were'.' then close, .and injiirer and injured 'wiirpLs teacupfui of augar, one teabttpful of butter. to Ihate cach three ergs; one 'teaspfcnfifl.' oft poaiitah. 'i. avray. 'Ia it worth while unanimously passed, viz n .! wlttfvtte addition': hf some iratelags-anThat .our Annual Fair be held og.&iday-ag- otherlisai i ; SAturday,'25 and S September Tnat: President II. O. llaigHtbe a comKikbE'SB.'We'ohce.TiadiA very awk .pW mittee tosiitdn the Gsunty.-Otiu.What, we call heaven pesv not lie onl and re- b orse To shoe' said a.amithVauiL I .was to on use of the other side of .the grave tlt is dif--: j the stand it. sdyerely Court House for hold- punishing make.it quest the still. Vaa Trout irse theJeervIin test to of the and.also shop -' the.Fair, My req ing j over pature here and lU light dawns just' css of. the Djsst Bcaes Band f Farm jag- - kitchen window? jand hijr wlfe. who is a upon ertry pare ; .sifA, ton during Ihe tliiie of holding the Falf. j kiiidtoare4.woman,' came out, add pat-- . ' a N'lf-J. That the following persons be requested I ted thd animal, aiid,'it stood qinet as a Ths cqnlr".ba nde in enmp st WaslMrgtoi to act as J udges ..on theSeveral classes' of Iamb,1 and we could have done 'anything have cczrinun-cworking tho abandoned ' 1 , v .3 iat-e'cb- J;-S- '1 : :s edu-catio- n. 1 1 -- e , . . v- . s- - - , rt wq wlll-disappeaf- . . 1. . V .' !: - . - I 4 j .: ' ' ; I -- with it.?. - .BeceBh Cixms. a rrm t1 " : , ! ; 4. 4. 1 .1 . j Jwf' 1 rt articles to be exhibited; ! - okrOBlhc s'. otomac,. -. . |