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Show i ( .PAR T H S .1 lot of lusoious na . -- , i D.r ob hay-rakefpit- issno we havo ascertained satiafactorilyby the following results there are sueh places as Ogden; givng usyivs subscribers; !CoaJVile 5, Logan, 4; Richmond, 13; llyde Part, Cj Smithfield, 12; Iliram, 5; Monntdingreen As. to the 4; Grafton,' 4;Kanara,3. Couic. Sincelast : Th&ks yellow currants. j Afkicots. At a meeting of. the. Gardeners Club at Paysonj on the 18th inst., Mr. Kebeker exhibited six apricots of his own growing, which averaged, six inches in ciroumfcrenec, and were of lus cions flavor Who can heat them? principal difference in our views and aeem to bt this ha reokona on timaa past, wo apeak of the preaont, when every article produced by tha mechamo aella readily at a high, price and for tueh Ve oftan inquire pay aa ia demanded. for artiolea w.a need, bat full to find them short of the City,' viz.t forks, hoea, oooper waro, chairs, tables, bedsteads, Ac. ' These are'only a feif of the necessaries easily manufactured, bat that would sail for four times the price they sell for on the Missouri river, where tha nominal prioe ef laVor is much the same as hare. Under uoh a state of present circumstances,' what is to hinder a mechanic from prosperity, provided ha be industrious and economical. Our correspondent forgets that tho man of a family has help his wife to make his clothes, thus 'saving the expense of purchase; his boys to herd stock, make gardens and do oifttjmes the labor of a man; thus farmer and mechan-i- c' .arc both realizing an ircrease of po-sitio- MB R'S j CnaW-Th.- raj ir.rV from h. number, w. m . hw . tbi. .eU.n bg ,t,h garden of Mr. Tenney, ti&yiou, ..Ibey were of the black variety; and measured a cireumferenoe of 2 inches. If any one oon do better we would like to knoWit. h l.gbt.ed,-ft..s- , V 't. 'I Oar Table. - ri I J- Godetft LadyrsBookt July presents its old and famijiar countenance. on ouf Harvest Apples. From B.W. Drg.s, table, losing none of its. fresh beauty of. . of Pleasant Grove, we acknowledge the sweetness moun- over the iMb its ; by long reipeipt of four, luscious harvest apples, L . j tains and desert plains. 1,. Godey isi never ell npened, onthe 8 th inst. They wefe I or uninteresting, but, on this con of geodsize, color yellow, flavor tart insipid a genial, glojr over ever . diffusing a fine speeimen of I trary, . and pleasant. " Also . or its sparkling with ! gryugeg. plum. He wy biiiwHhuieni wish con have r , ... buds. vi an d artistio merit.! It ia ever a welcome Me lows. The first ripe wsf from our giiest. The number before, us contains , l vine a watermelon, picked on ther25th ah eighteen fuT elegant fashion-plate- , some inst. We picked 100 cf and choice. readpages page cut3,' f atock, fruit and vegetation days j previous, ing matter.. Subscriber! ges 12 'siich A mechanio. should havo a shop as well books far $2. We wiU take pleasure in Tax CucciiBEa CsAtuMtax Takzn. as tools, so when he is not able to obTV. ir. ia formed tbit Daniel Or.T..,Vf i3IW"d.,nS .rdef tain pay for. building, or Jobs! out, .he beby ee,ig ,$l on ..eh.ungl. Oottag.,vPriVej ha. .certainly can for hia Jobs; indoors, and e ! the eballengeof O. TWelrei, by fhis 'course .of looking after his own eeptod trilb of beoribra ; Uudjinf aaiine, interest the scale of .labor and remun- dener, of Proro. The eluZllenge at Ko 3d the; of In this ' eration will regulate itself. A m an must published paper, The Council Bluff t Bygli (a favorite make bis business, not wiit fo .business Mr. Twelves offering to pay-- the Utah Association ther sum 50 of County it bantlicg, claiming paternity, from us),1 to make the'man. Supply of it good creates a demand. 'Let mechanics, any one would produce at tho Fair in this is doing the oause bf human rights good I go to work and increase labor saving fa- county, a vine with half the weight of service in Western. Iowa; and has, all. cilities to business, and thus bring down cucumbers attached as ono he wili ex- - j through tho darksisa.of Abolition reign. , I the pries of manufactured articles, and Libit, t Le other party forfeiting the same shown a spark of jDcraocratio liglifc. We; ' at. the same time the 'price of farm pro- sum if it fail to win upon Lis proposition look through its old familiar pages- with1 Publislhcd by BaSditt & fciii- -' I., ducts will proportionately decrease, a'nd V: A. L. Silrr, of Fouhtaiqgreen, rrrifts pleasure. ' ? thus, by a division and equalization of that several calves and colts in frktxr,' at $3 Sanpete labor, we may all be accommodated and The Ohio Culxpatar'i published by havff been bit by wolves, und incounty get along more pleasantly, and happily. lit Cl eve- -Messrs. Harris b '.Faibcuilo, , variably die. ' Wants to know whit .will serve as on antidote or cure..;, I , T land, Ohio; eontaini32 pages of useful!: Help. Will our friends in Sat Lake City, If the bite ia poisonous, qua ammo- reading matter.. Tlie Juljy number is be- -' Amcri-can Provo, .Ogden, St. George, Lehi; V nia will probably give' relief by neutra- fore us. It is on y dO nents a year. Fort' Fork,' Union, Spanish Fork, the poison. Should any ono have Tho Califor nid Express, publ 'w bed by: Manti and in every town and settlement alizing better remedy let them say so. En; J Messrs. Hicks, ' Steel A Co.,': Marys-- i where very little has been, done for ns,' viire, Cal., is a sti rljng Democratic sheet V endeavor to increase our subscription Sorgo. We notice Ithst Clarks Sorgo takes d consistent and just vie w.ofour list. Let every subscriber obtain oim Journal f the leading periodical upop national condition,' despising .the fan&ti-- f. name certain, and as many moro as o thieaubject, both frbid propriety and oal Abolitionists j.is bad asjare. do. Itj be had of paying subscriber?,' and thus eonyenience, drops the ,fh and. spells insure tho perpetuity of a paper devoted Sor-g- o instead ef gho. This is agreca. is d moat excellent Newspaper, paily, $12 per year, Weekly,' $5 per year. ' ta their interests. We wait to sea who ble and we" adopt tho style. trill respond. ' The National Police' Gazette ,: pub- Flowers. Of irate seedlings we bave lished by GsoW, Matszll A Co., N. y Frulrfibc now in bloom, dahlias, verbenas, double J at $2. per yearfisWjCoi'aplete record of First Greek Corn. We ore under stock, Camilla balsams,' badwigi; and criminal news; not only in. tfvs country obligation to A. Hutterfield, Esq., of other fam. diub!o pinks antiiThinums J but mueh of interosi trahplrng-izinnia, salpiossia, dclphinuiiai ropy.. Here axe the hcxfqrs rfd satsowk " S'intaquia; for tho firf moss' of green it ; cofnhiaaL. ourn (which is aheura of ours), and and some hundred other varieties- . . 1 u. - I .(' . ... 1 ..j. .. - A . ; . lg, 0t,i.hiUd . I : . . 1 . , ripe-tomatoe- . i i s i . . f?Wf " , b.crl-Pereereran- ee gH i cr-ti- de I -- t - - I 3P .. ; . . W . . - . b . , , : - -- i - j ; , n . liu-dou- ble 1 - ; ' i i- 'I " -; ;p; :r' i; ; : vr'; ' i '."v .. x??r'nr Js- V. ' -- r- I ft: 'j ' |