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Show jSubSi iiVif.. r.'Ai r. F-- aup-pfiratl- ! ye ir-- A 0 1 E; II ot to Tan avrhidcr . . i . al, . .ut . -- ., t.. - wnr-ranfed'i- iot into.-.halter- .e s s .; . - - - sf-edt- - : - - - half-a-baskej- K' : , - - 1 lo1' M -- 4 : and hicely.-fill- It'wOuld'ba netessary' to make afree into thb abeess Target enough to' Setting man's if In the Course . ' of a llay jors two fingernd the opening rihoald partly dose or.; contract, itj.muatjbe dieted with r a knife So soon ssthe abocs isfaid oenpall the matter must ho ' - equeeze'd ont I . i f - , . -- Whjek proceqsr . d . - AMEBicAw Tea Plajit. 'the Williams- - port. Pa. Bulletin, states, that a plat, said Chinese ya Gliina anTo bar' the genuine In the yet wild tel plant; is found 'growing uncultivated - portions ' of-- Clinton, county, Pennsylvania This county isa trifle ncrlH of tke centre of the btate, about latitnd, 4 and nearly; pantile with the best tea regions of China. It wonldbe curioup f, after many efforts to introduce and na turalize the tea ; plant,, wq should find It to our own country. t lf . To protect hark, Babe Wocsds. wtiutids against the decaying influences of the atyf cover them with. a thin coat', of cum ehelliio composed of one. ounoo of the'gum dissolvea in one quart of The alcohol will soon evaporate and 'leave the. shellac, ooating dry and hard but.it should b6 thin, or it may ;: ; ctaek and peeloff ; To Ccas a Fee?. An exchango telle us, upon ttfe.aifthoTitJ of an old physician that a strong tincture of lobelia will drive away this troublesome ; and or finger painful .disease of the thumb if several thickfieqses bf cloth wound around the limb is kept well saturated with the 'tincture hntit the pain and swellmg' disappears. . al-coh- oh - . , - . i . i . - V .. j and Ashes vex Awimaes.' A. mix. Salt thre-o- f wood ashes andpalt three parts of ' the former to one of the latter, constitutes ; an.excellent'm'.Etura for all domestic animals.- ltsalkaleacent and saline qualities ayq bqthcor.gecial, to theanlmal system, andwhen used in propeiquantitics, and at proper tlmesure highly promotTvoof health. . t fi , , AcorrespoiiAeat of 'the , hlli ne. Farmer eurqd a coltfrom breaking by tying him to a post, Hoar the wnarf , where.there yas about seven feet of waters 'He pulled;' and went in backwards1, t warn' out, indh'se ffovef' v"' i ' pulled siriep. . . , ( ; Peevext. Hobses- Dhooliko.' SamT." B. Tfirtifr, of (JaincyTll., feods his teams with data to proven this unpleasant condition of tbe horseg mouth,--f ..To - ; , eftce daily f( ennhit derden;Is be nitriy arrang&l. Itisoi the first importance hat the outline of ths bods, and; their,- relation to each othey, should he good; but if ia bf much gfefater Importance thatTthe'Jcplprs ylth. thay ,o re. filled ehoqld eltheT'harmonize .or , (iontraBt with mnat'-ala-o -- In'ha . tAtH the j pie; plnc,vacarlet and orangw should previviL yaili,rWhfte;hpweverjie elpwlly suitable Ikgbatitode. Man isTnCllned jto thank 1 jejp.gartlsas of hath descrlpUonss.and unless God for an outward and tangible'iece of is he to be grateful gobd forLune.' Bat-slo- sCveIdayA,mr f : f . ditettlens,' formidable :,r '',:V.iiabta j 1 Weeks out of .the In fresh soil. r V J '' . becomes-idryj',Half-anfoanc- . '5 1 - ,.-.- s . ground, amLthen be To make carnations well; ,iheyah ould.be firmly tied tip' to the rod and watt red in dry weather. When - pjnjcs are in blossom, their hearty, m by be .prolonged iy giving them a 'little shade; at mid-da- y Budding and Inoculation of joses may be preformed inJulv. Lately planted shrubs should be frequently-watereLi dry weather r r J' j , ffew the hide Is fiVsitakenffom the aai-insprcaJ it ftesh sideup, then put .two, partj'of eaUttwe parts ofsaltpetre and alum combiued(or attmacli saltpetre and alntdas salt) make it Jiae; sprinkle It erenly over the surface; roll it up and.let it lay afew days until dissolved.. Then, take. off what naii theakyi.o th. side sun. er In . dry ; weather ed 7 r r wo driving pegs la by ground hM !4t the edges of the skin. Ij ,mUst beelrmched may VuppuraUon tblfn become prolraeted aud exhadsted the j light or there will be lafge ugly. wrinkles the patience of. fall fcoricefrrtrftl.; Excessive you Cannot get out.'' Afle drying and .the friction dq the nape: of the' neck, 'from fleelf ia 01101816411 off It is fit. to cut tip... bridle orhalter; or pressure from either pne, ; - But. to inske it soft tind pliable like' harby beip fastened tSbov tightly. ness leather, ' neatsfdut oil; fasten it And dirt and filth:; are operative in, pro-- , or two and let it remain a up:agaln, daring this malady; it Is well known .that in the. mi.- - Then take a stick day about three . th polios a'pzrt winch very seldom makes to Wexk with end inchea'wide, long enough tbs acquaintance ;.f- the brush 'or curry both hands, made like a yredge in ?he end eomjyet itjs the locality of considerable and rub oat , all' the. oil hgt can be,' and. dust and scurf,, and- - aemetemes owing Jo if is tanned. with the hair on atcumulattuns of I lie sameacutaneons er- Soma persons says a calf skin, tanned In uption arises, the Itching somatic. hconse- - this way,' and the hair taken off, and after causes Ibe horse trfTret.'knd rub blacking, makes excellent boot leather, Sufcnt; he cah get a chance. to crack. The only trouble is 1 ITho buegllng manner of will jast too long, it I GJWBklns are stronger and heavier, atad leg a i8malIfcellar oa to", a large horse, often does, misehief, and lays the fouhde somelimea uhly salted and stretched; are ' ,1 tlen for poll evih q yet &; that flesh Taken, oir, cut into string add r Some pecaoi.rare In thehabit ot .'braqing braidad r and other useful thq horse's head downward, with'the mar- - things ; thebeir; shaved .off with a sharp tpigaie, so aa; tp.briug, the lips and chest I knife. To maks .these 'strips soft they close proximity yet. forget That the are oiled, DurieJ, in; cow manure fer a few 'in strain-coiineb'ui?e tb daye,;then yabVed afnd worked till dry. , PlV Thekln.olTa white animalijinot No. J Should ffieiiimfor be dbcqv I nbrbf a red and while, nor a black and its early- stw before 'matter has whit.1- Avofd ' sppfie-- i 'skins or any i'- kind ' firmed Red. isgocd, bdt black is btes. with' ox a these "cat 'about 'strings whip for parts f hr- ciae a cold water dressing one incht wide at the top-- ' add about bight should .. which, bs'wettqaaa hr ten feet long; ranning to a point, with may.be applied ot-.fast is it a buckskin cxacker ons . inch wide ana eight powdered nitre should? he given? night. and Inches long. Hang it to. ft etiek aboat the morning; this may.be Aia'aolved'.in f a.: walking. cane .The, Stick of water, which tthe horse : will length; should be the tep of a little pine or cedar. drink. Ypu- canjcracx-i- t so that it can be heard as Just as eoop.as paatter can be .detected far iqu can hear ohe of celts, piatpls. at its. basJ, ?It,aWnriast the.ahpeas rimit be puhetured ' aslongas thaaterage couiity. bjrmaan?- of- a thnm olariees- - if wili,not' do" "When ft : R e thd-pofl- y 0 B. S ter. decrease, thdb-thchances are in fa'vbr of a cure. Geo. 1L hild - ! I: .1: ee ' I - lntsnsf aud-vitt pit be cleansed and svriyed. as. just alluded veria. Autumn .flowering bplbs should tll be to, so. Jong as neejjsary. .After.the lapse of a few days should the fecretion. of mat- iiftodjas soon as the fzo'Uge is decayedkept pivalent-'i- M J - should :L4 and the ranting rings smaller England la jCbnfcequucepf It bping-meriti at" country thanVia some others, hence, it vm 4 great evil and occurring ahout -- the nape pf the seek or legion of the poll, it was called poll evil.' The disqMe first makeaitatippoar nce la the form of. a local- - tumor of an iullamina-tor- y character,, soon it.. runs into the Is secie ed, stagO;pus aad we then have a Common bcess, 'which J i in fiafula'ef , i. , nay readlt Joe disease piay arise from, blows and bt nisei; herserwliOff IdCated In tOW roofed Eatables are apt Co strike the. poll against . Jbe ceiling, or a beam Or the npparrpa rt of ' the doprWSy and frequent repeuction of'the .ct, either ends la Induration, (hardening,) ' W. A J i . r & ' ' ta -- V-7 C . nbi.rCftise and emaciated' touic i and 'ft imulan Is are 1 Vanins eV fgn?-5t- Cisential.-':lsYrWl- Sometimes H is Sdrisableto put sepal1 r. saw.. 'A".'1 W .holy 'beautifu 1 feelings which rise U the spul, a benefit to his- - innermost .U?e V urhich comes not Jess from the , Father f. fojf - F.r.gr1--i" v , ' V , Afc a': 'h: ' ; f r : - 'f V . , f - f |