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Show . Miscellaneous Young Folks.Corner I I thU lipwIMil win HMIUbiiMi. CbrdM;Amwrri n?,ciaB-tiQjwrtionwwU Cma mA jwkuj laa AiuAitM. IVatiy.'Wtail 1 W i a . Answers. ; ?" , ' ' Ho. 24, Our Baby.rNo. 25, Diligent Ho. 26, 8coWi: iNoi 2f7j Advioe. : No 28, j Marygold. V'No.'aW-a-r- ; life ; We; receireia poetic solution' of from ' G'; tfnigmiuic., ia' our 1 bat are compelled o omit : them from ': f ' want of room. --Ed - ? - : . 12 : P: . , ; ! ' jV : . . letters. if a peet. My 5, 2, 7, $, 3. is the name Of 7, 0, 9, 12; 1 j 4, 5- - ia h flower ' ?U, 6, 10,'el, a celebrated criminal. 9. 10, .11, 8, a kipi of grain. ; w 4,b, s 2,1, &, pertains to royalty: I am composed of '' - , , . V rool-greft- 'i-- 5 ;iisma. Ho ;30 W v:r - , IM r - - . v i fi-- .its ' - r ,uf' t' ' ' -- h I wjrlb f $0,000 ehori rJP PLE s., P A I "CHERRY anj other trees- 1 $5 per'100. ,. YEARUy G TREE9, i M; i ;K7.CoKora)is,elriih Lerionswnt $2,723 per 100. "' Grape vines,' Curran ta, Goo- V id1 New. - York 'Committed ior ibe relief-o- f erries, RaspborrljsB fact berries Ireland,- '"Vt; plastjrof alkindr etjualiyi t; 1 ShrubsinJ'j .; r? i Jbul T..J fha cheap. Ptrsons wiaiog to. obtain, aayof a oiuided. In tbelate orders e51 the please kend their, fore Vicktburpireto be sort liomo instead eirlyaboveVivjll GRA-VEva D. , J poailbie.i of to the government hospitals ; ; p.- , ; of STOLEy. GST RUsieli. the wa'rbtresponieAt the to to fJ'BOM Polsbd lias SorliigtiUe.ltah'co. pastiwe; .gdjM theLdndon'Tjmej, V JnW 15th, AHORREt BALDlPACEB report the ei feet wWljj one gliss ye.' supposed. V'. HORSE, country, itf be 1 0 or 12 years old. Had on, wbefc negro lipops .now. in ukenva.heavy S3Tha uumberia ofaiatoi of,.sh9es.3lPIaIa:6d.:' at 35.000 men. dle, IIarpM3 anil Collax.maiki. the federal army .Diamonil i It. brand! chthe.l 4 in so thigh fcte ftsjrCp Nisbigap GSrtabeserti ha vi been atbltjn by Indians.1' Aifyode that in some localities wdti,o.i hivebeea returning or girliig noliev of th V obliged to labor in lh ileldr & n . bouts &f said aulkal, will be;uUsW reJt. ed-i , ; qYRUS, SAH0FORD.4 .V :ggp"In Neuth Carolina tnpenny; nails ward .' are paising current .at fivo; cputs each . A.L1'1-i''- i - wO-- r jl j - 'TTTILL, bp,iinporlediiejct Spring, up.; .; f : Kgrbalionm isVashiS thTacifie sular.ii.iitte i Rtl-road'$igord6s- Besides. the aid. several cbaaties lraye also voted, . stounfee;;--''"-1- p .1 RE 'Or Tlftj8ER Grod-,0 ; rapidly, irisf e$ goejd ' w hedge 15 five years. , Bplits welir and ia the beat soft. wood fprjfuel.; T3umngs .sent Tj ; ... Ilia fali.by perhijndrad: JJthe CEAhothUS AMERICA-HUS-tjrreat TsA plant 53 cnts pip pur.ee. The leave s : make: a tea mteh Hit J, '. ored like Old HrsoA. j K TV !i'-; V O.' THOMPSON, nrseryHIB, P.O, , Otoe unyrATeraaka as- - a " r;f.: A tornado swept oyer Grundy Co. teai ipg town houses lit., short time sinoo,and doing mch other forests,' destroying T;:V damages.(KSTGoTcraor Seymorp has vetoed, tup! ' .1 am composed of' 12 ll.erfc ' Hew the bill by passep animal. Ky i; 9, 7, isaahousehold allowing ooidiera to vote, . v.r. v i v. i JciedJoMlapv 1, 6; 12, CSTThe Cleveland. (Ohio) Wool Grower 7, 2, 10, 6 means to; seise. y that-th- e iV ' a Clip of wool I:i Ohio this states 1, 2, 3, cbrigi. ; v ; r. i wl l be poundv i ameital,;..'. season TT VERY 8. 9, 5, is seen every Jay. or peace bread for crying that hlif'weideh earPosters, . 8, 9, 10,.H.'.ia 4cli'Sv tan saru V: np-iplaces: $uto $2a per week,wiHtjaiiofolks: public found posted ; anltuJl. is of Ajkius ii-12,. 9, 7, atnubljm "2.-;Tbwrre- , i,.w ! , j whole is a useful trade! l ' Mt ' Its 308 ia 'T f Paoro. : he PrS i :V j Jshell that destroyed; thef Queett f 14 vt 50; ' of the West Was fired from the distance ef ;.Ke3l':;;-V.'V;i nt to 1 50 , 8tuj j!iWuj4 ,o4)iam? I . a mile and a. quarter i ,t wiu i t'H'j ' . ' pIA, (send stamps),-- ' Iam a.whrd composed of o lattrs. ' letter Richmond, says BR.VNSON . & .tljdt Aeher A repent Americun coin. ELLIOT I . My 7, 8, 6, 3, h an ,v, Agents " v 1 ft tbeir trlal. 1.20, Lake afreet, Chicago, III; 31 oC.lhe .women, enffigea V V 1, 4, 5, b kind of pastry.' . ; ' ' n; J lu awaiting ire that jad 1. 4, 6, a city ' . , ..j ; The head gunner on the pirate Ala- -tha-fitor aboul of April 'Vthrejr bama is onseif the dwt icimpltehd artl i brindle fhf British the i svor COW,Wftlf k was nryv that lerist Alsrksd slit t&r KW iaright1 was paid off and got ld ,dWWNj branded C M B Jnpith v .4. 7, 5, v a, fold substaaee tha le bip; nillide weeks boforo tlie Alabama sailedi ,. r 1 branded: A-N .The pwnsr. isreqdestsd g.: ? & r i b law Vord. to ... fasted. a?mrfs to A prove . property, pay feharcta aod taka" 1, b, fuid ej , prei ' I ; P when it ia gospel. ; f ARBSO.TOLIVR. 2j 7, ,5. ; used by gtunestars.. , ihv.it - heravvj-..;;ionly v? a ;' 2, i; 5, monkey. ' v Dolererorts that the 1,- 4. 6,, A, a tree. S p,-. (Commissioner yarjfjl" their left for last of the Sioux JndianUave i4 .3,' 5 6, 3, a habitation. !.! on thtf Missouri river, v j' V 'My whple Is essential to oiies happiness fiew.home .. , t .1 .'1 Jowim-AJi'.Ou :.Jy ' t; t " iWhiskey is spiling in Little Rock, $ xi MpunUfa.AlamJ Box, drink; at $2,50 per. Arkansas, I 'V, Copperas, SaleralasrsStarch,' ..4 Shoa'tBegi.- - Sbodt;Blgekir.g Rcd, BiuVi i Al-' '? '. r : ,; No. 33 v 5 .'r '..i lelF. nd.lBdelibia itpkaj fe v. wtf j 1 : 1 Yraf I ' I've mVe ' thin three'.,.feet, jet'r I havent Ki, - ! he - . . y. . family kniping machine: f . 200090 . '. ; Toik'-Legislature--, . aMfi ft-wil- fc ,iZht . t - ", f x jx c.'r 44SSJ fr (K-T- . s( 7 1 : dL - 1 5 shaFp-liiatruiifept..- ; , . ... - r , '. r 4 By A frArrw ''V- ON r 7- ti IC : - - riaX - . 1 - I - - - s t ; j' a 't - ; S cbbtadei."'; JV 'k ? i. New; Advertisements. - s 1 'o IOU f j? 7V' Aad have notajeg.fpr to stahd on - v, M Whata'strangvtooIiicitherhatafinprg nor toes,, Yot sundry good to. cepend otu'; You may Kalyo.iheL or quarter laeiust-'as- ' And if you. wil( run eer, the alphabe.f l'g7S5fi siiifbr'ifc-iami- (jne letter will give ;-1 - ' ii r?-- . f cSw . OX, 7 A l io df rpp ' apips ?lf ; right ear end slit in the jkft f 34 i E AYrMENDBNHALL.Bwund.Eeepar r Springvdle, Call at F1YBlaT'3 Dsiofl nir a ; P2BSZYXRAKCB rOaTTAOEr.rBOTOl 5 Mq-tches- D.GiaTEi, V P ?- :v v.. '. , i - - Jp , 1 a 'r ' . ef''2oOSEEDiJiro'T,rE'A :PLANT8, , , , J ' If . . ? ; r r s - v a . ! u!w. T- - J , r - i' reckond. . .7 , ".ir! " f ,. vp' f ' r r r o . ' i " f J - m ',.,1 ' , J '' ,r ff. HAnvItps hlV agents In all parts' of Jhs Territory to call or sebd a1id meruit tWr.1 stock of i A,Yor thide minds pf the Snmprer.;'PBdidr?8 an(i reliable Demon? : supplied whcAtU rinav ' ' onceA A eat does my firat, and mon ,drifjnj setiond, And my. wholes the drift of nn argument' . ilX-BRdNDL- . - s-- 1 & LARGE LIG ; yuiy name: Nf Fipaii ? 3 ak t 1';;1"--- .- Cap..; . ,. - CARDSi8;.:' t'armjr-- Oracle Of&co SCHOOL- at the iA. ' r; t .1 ' " i.r . i y:jf .il |