Show brief paragraphs charlie brown is up from lehi to day mrs thomas stewardson returned wednesday from a visit at salt lake godins is out from salt lake loong after his tailoring business busi nesa ahe february terra of the fifth dis net court will open on the ma iager nuno of the eureka electr e company was up from fiovo the early part of the week J H hales was in mammoth wednes dav making arrangements for the herfor of the eureka home dramatic club J hicks the local manager of the bell telephone company expects to move hie family to boise idaho in a short time john bestelmeyer s cabin in the eastern part of town caught affre lait tues day the blaze wag discovered and ex by neighbors and the damage was small the fire insurance adjuster ad iuster was ou from salt lake last sunday and monday for the purpose of adjust ng the damage done by fire to the amusement hall and fixtures the building ie owned bv milt price and was insured for there was also some insurance on the fixtures 3 M the blind entertainer and elocutionist did not give hie herfor manee at the hall last night as adverties adver tiei because of a lack of patronage mr mccroskey lost hia eyes in a prema ture explosion of giant powder and is trying to earn a livelihood by traveling over the country and giving those enter tain ments it is to be regretted that the people of cureka did not give him the proper encouragement and financial in closing up the danee balls at salt lake and allowing other places chieh hata tend eoy to ruin the dorala of the young people to run wide open night and day week days and the appear to be straining at gnats and swallowing the elephants the baat whose master ly editorial work on the is attract attention of the whole handful of readers of that sheet 9 came out with what he considers a roast on the reporter editor last week we have net the aliee or inelia abon to devote to him a our readers are not oay lag for that kind of rot bulini baltan of ban franeisco was in cureka yesterday mrs emo moore returned last night after a few days sojourn at salt lake mrs countryman returned this morning from t with her parents rev and mrs D M helmink of salt lake dohnt haveis in town today boost ing the big wasi agton s b dance at mammoth next wednesday henry runnells and son and peter peterson returned lat iglic from gosh where trev spent a ew lays shooting duck NOTICE safety deminds our knowledge of any changes in win or consumption of 1 current inspect on by authorized agent of this 0 must be made of any cacti changes or of new ng before current connect on can be made dae notice is required THE ELECTRIC CO A short time ago a bi I 1 was introduced in the legislature making the publication the assessment rol s of the various counties compulsory b it the measure was defeated we believe that it wa a good bill and thonia have became a law ae it would have resulted in a more equal taxation there is altogether too much about the assessment rolls the people who pay the taxes have right to know whether or not their neighbors are properly assessed there Is a great deal ot va bable property in juab county that has never been pieced orthe rolls and we are of the opinion that if these figures were to be published the assessed on would be higher and the taxes correspondingly lower there was a lively time in the house last monday over the bill to restrain towns and cities from tax ng farmers who sell their own arnit aud vegetables at ter a lens controversy the bill passed the ho ise but it wa conceded that it w 11 be k lied va the senate be tire hopes of eureka led the opposition against the and claimed that its passage would impose hardship on city dealers who pay taxes and tha t it would drive middlemen out of the business leaving the consumer dent upon the more or lees uncertain visits of the peddlers mr hop a saya that the probability of the bul becoming a law is very vague S nee the above article was written the bill in question was defeated in the upper hoube of the state legisla ture |