Show SEES NEED OF GLOSSARY champ dark thinka one should ac company agricultural reports champ clark looked over a publication recently issued by the tural department entitled soil inoculation tor legumes lie found this simple sentence the primary object in undertaking an investigation of the fixation of nitrogen by root nodules of legumes was to devise it possible some method of about the artificial introduction 0 the necessary organisms into a soil which vas naturally devoid of them and at the same time to attempt as tar a possible to correlate and reconcile the vast amount of conflicting evidence that has been accumulated by bariou investigators in regard to the exact nature of ahe organism where the nitrogen Is fixed the effect upon the host and similar problems after wading through the wonderful com comi i the missourian lan exclaimed I 1 I 1 ine splendid and now we ought to print a glossary to go with every copy of the report |