Show WAS CURED rheumatism IS IN TWO SEVERE OASES CASES MASTERED IN FEW WEEKS 1 the remedy used I 1 y mr and by captain I 1 ur in great demand la in vicinity of II 11 air in the winter of 1902 3 mr was confined to his ills bed by a severe attack of rheumatism his ills doctor a bleat ment proved unsuccessful bat but he lie a regained his health by means which ho he describes des cubes with great duthu spasm I 1 after five or six weeks of helpless ness an I 1 p tin I 1 sti s bill ti I 1 he dating during which I 1 was receiving reaul it visits from tha the doctor I 1 felt as bid as ever just then iny my mother a won an all eighty years of age pill I 1 me a visit sho she ila lial I 1 I 1 great benefit from dr williams pink pills and she was bonfi lei lent t aliey would help me at her solicitation I 1 gave up the doctor s treatment ment a ai 1 d I took the tire pilla pills in its plue I 1 and were you cur e I 1 as the result ot of taking her advice les ies and thoro thoroughly be DO fore the second box w m as finished I 1 felt fell very manifest improvement and within two weeks w beeks I 1 was able to leave my bed and take lip my neglected acted farm work I 1 con tinned to use rile tho the pills however until e eight ight boxes had been taken although long before that I 1 felt that every ves yes tige of the disease had been s are there no traces left I 1 absolutely none a year and three months mouths there las 1 as never been the slightest return of the 01 ol I 1 trouble rol this happy result I 1 and I 1 i ly family freely praise dr williams pink pills within tho the boun Is of chini chin township st clair county MIL i there is no bet ter known farmer tl an all mr henry his ills cure has naturally attract td Ld a gi cicat eat deal of attention one of mr s neighbors C dp ip tain george balfour after hearing of the salutary I 1 i esulis in mr abhi beppel s case decided to try dr williams I 1 ink pilli pills for an air attack of rheumatism from which he was himself suffering he ile tool eight or ten tell boxes and ii now ow adeclat es himself free from the painful ailment it is little wonder tl ti it dr williams pink pills are much in fn vor in the community e mr and cap tain balfour are so well and favorably known they are sold by all druggists and are tire equally successful in curing neuralgia sciatica and partial paralysis x home ballder corn so named because 60 50 acres proa produced so heavily that its proceeds built a lovela home see catalog yielded in ind bu oh 0 bu tenn bu and in M ch bu aw per er acre you can beat this record in 1905 I 1 W no WHAT DO YOU THINE OF YIELDS bu beardless barley per acre bu a e new nat onal oata oats per A 80 bu salyer and macaroni wheat 1000 1 bu I 1 ed gree I 1 potatoes per acre 14 tons of i ch ell B 11 on dollar gross hap liar 60 ibe victor a rape for sheep per A A ibs lbs teosinte leos inte the fodder wonder ibe lbs superior redder rodder lord OA rich ju cy ey fodder per A now buch such yields you can have in 1905 if you will plant my seeds JUST THIS notice ANO in stam stamps 8 t to 0 john A seed co la ra crosse wis is and rece ve their great cata log ana and lots of farm seed samples LW W N U I 1 what is TEA Lea cheating ting hard to say v what is not cheating Mone tour grocer returns your money it you dont uk like Se WIling a vest best the american TEA trade is not very prosperous so much trash tour grocer returns four your money if 1 you don 4 I 1 like uk i beet best the way TEA to buy tea is to say to your grocer 1 I want schilling Schillings s best 1 lb japan or ceylon or english breakfast or oolong ask your TEA grocer what mone means he knows no return returns your money if you don t 1 like ling a 1 best |