Show eureka lads arrested pilfering hides last fri lay evening peter arigona and joe ai d aithur bovle all of th alace a ere placed ui der arrest by hite heid 11 charge of it larceny ahe conci hint obliged them with stealing eril hides from the slaughter yard of A baloran As tate 1 in our ft f t i sue the stolen property vi is sold to M iseko building from v aich the hides ere stolen is located in rutih county and consequently tl e is being han died by tl e officers of thit chunh arr gona was adlitte i to babi in 1 the ro UP brothers ere tal en to 1 ro kl constable burral on n their arav il there ley the them and finally deci 0 loose armona a hearing next vi eek ie stolen property erty is aa |