Show WORLDS FAIR FAR BEYOND expectations 3 verdict of a new york writer who spent a week at the exposition at st louis in july the worlds fair at st louis Is ow in the midst of its splendid sea son colossal complete cosmopolis cosmopoli cosmo poli tan it commands the attention of the world as no other enterprise of the i resent year aiom all nations there are pilar ms coming to this shrine ind from all our states and territories tl ere is a constantly growing throng of visitors united states senators governors of states men eminent in alecce art and letters all express ingua d admiration for the exposi ion and free acquiescence in the oft repeated statement that this is by far he greatest ind best universal expo ion ever held dur ng july a well known magazine nd newspaper a ter from new york vr adelson stele spent a week at tte world s fair inspecting the roul ds bi edings and various attract ions as thoroughly as wag possible in that limited per od returning home mr steele hed in brooklyn life the following asprec active corn taints on the in the expressive language 0 the cay st lou s has the goods I 1 had expected much of the lo 10 i s ana pur has exposition for I 1 1 ad kept in touch with the making of it from its very inception five yeara ago but after nearly a week of journeying through this new wonderland I 1 must confess that in every essential par t cular it is tar beyond my expects t ons the biggest and best it was meant to be and the biggest and beast ent parts do justice to their nobility of architecture and general grandeur ahen again in the ground plans and bird s eye sketches the only possible manner ot showing it the ran shaped arrangement of this group looked stiff and unsatisfying far from that it la quite as remarkable in its way as the famous court of honor of the colum bian exposition in one respect it Is even more notable for instead of two grand vastas it otters a dozen the main vista Is of course the one look ing up the plaza of st louis whose crowning feature Is the great ana purchase monument and acroca h grand basin to the cascade gar ens on the right are the varied in destries dus tries and electricity buildings and on the left manufacturers and edu cation these with transportation and machinery still further to the right and liberal arts and mines beyond at the left making up the body of the tan for its handle the fan has the cascade gardens rising in a grand terrace to a height of five feet above the floor level of the buildings ment boned and crowned by the great festival hall the terrace of states end the east and west pavilions and the pine arts building directly behind the pike has in the tyrolean alps the finest concession that I 1 have ever seen there Is a great square with many quaint buildings a little village street and above the snow clad moun bains which look very real as the lr finite variety and as a rule the full money s v cortri Is given the enor moua jerusalem and boer war ron Les slona are not on the pike it Is a case ot dine at the german pavilion and die at the exposition la a beautiful modeane kunst building adjoining das deutsche haus the best and the highest prices on the grounds are to be found the table d hote lunch and dinner costing two and three dollars respectively there also a la carte service everything considered the prices are not erces sive and at least one meal should be taken there for the experience an other should be taken at the tyrolean alps either outdoors or in the gorgeous dining room in the mountain side the best french restaurant 1 at pans on the pike lower in prices and in every way admirable are ane two restaurants conducted by mrs rorer in the pavilion of cascade gardens the east one has wait and no beer and the west oni waiters and 1 eel for a bit of lunan germany france and england all offer delicious pastry in the li ral building these are not free ads but time caving tips tor the trav cler there are no end of restaurants to fit all purses on the grounds I 1 tried alne of them and nowhere found the prices more than they ough to be As a matter of tact for neither tool u lodging no one need pay any more at st louis than he feels that he can t LOUISIANA PURCHASE na AND PALACE OF VARIED industries t Is the exposition rumors standing Is quite finished one 0 the greatest and me of the most agreeable 01 my many surprises was the extreme beauty of he main group of buildings for the s mple reason that the camera does not exist which could take in the vast p as the eye sees it the earl views of the group a bit here and a b t there gave a scant idea ot the e as a whole nor d d the parly v aws of the ten individual I 1 L edings which mal e up its compon i falls the best scenic rail road yet devised affords several fine glimpses of the alps and there Is a very graphic exposition of the ober ammer gau passion play in the ittle church the cliff dwellers conces slon also looks very realistic at night fall it Is elaborate in arrangement and the courting snake and other dances by the southwestern indians make it another of the pike shows which should be taken in by all in seville there Is an amusing marionette theater and s me genuine spanish dancing for the rest the pike offers afford and yet be well fed and housed it he will uw ordinary common sense in making a selection out of the abundance offered hot yes but on the two hottest clays of the summer at st loula I 1 suffered no more from the beat than in new york before leaving and after returning every day of the seven there as a breeze at the fair grounds and it was always possible to find a shady spot the nights were cool and con fordable for table ADDISON starle |