Show and he sc young yes sir sa d the oung man to the judge I 1 thoroughly understand my auton nobile and I 1 can run it about the streets w phout danger to any one why I 1 virtually live in it I 1 m afra d that I 1 must accept the policeman statement observed the adge and punish you for tv fast not so lov ng tess you re still engaged to jack I 1 suppose ajsa of course hes just a dear tess ana does he love you as much as evera jess gracious no how could be you know he broke his right arm the other day philadelphia press DID HE MEAN THE BOSS HEAD customer I 1 want to see a calf s head boy yes m the boss will be back in a few minutes he was in luck the heroine gave the villain a ing look as she left the stage thanks he called after her loading the look on a push cart he I 1 carried it around the corner where he proceeded to set himself up in the ice business it was like getting money in a let ter and he lived happily ever after practical preaching A well known minister during his discourse one sabbath morning said in each blade of grass there is a permon ohp following day one ot his flock discovered the good man pushing a landower lan mower about his yard and paused to say well parson I 1 m glad to see you engaged in cutting your sermons short cause of the rush my look at that crowd of women trying to get in that department store yes it s a regular i ush but it s so early the doors aren t open yet yes they re the women who tol lowed the line of advice in the ad come early and avoid the rush qu te probable the publisher the insolence of these authors here s de manding to see the illustrations be foro be writes the story for them his partner absurd first thing one knows they i ill be asking to have the illustrators read the stories be toie they draw the pictures tor em brooklyn life salomon s acau red wisdom solomon had just given his famous baby decision it gasn wasn t that I 1 cared about the ownership he confided you see tho youngster lived in the flat below me keeping this fao to himself how ever he a reputation tor acumen same as now is had just planted the drag on s teeth going to raise tooth powdery queried minerva no 1 I 1 going in for the tree which proves how the standard of humor has been elevated s nee those davs A fool h quentio i yes sa d the man I 1 lead a calm nn 1 peaceful life are you ed the worn an baidon me rean u the man but dian didn t i hear 1 at I 1 just saida old sacr es Is your husband fond ot fiction 9 asked the literal woman yes indeed replied mrs dayboy his favorite is the detained at the office narrative with the sick friend story a close second her trouble first boarding house distress I 1 ve een it figured out ahat people can live on twelve cents a dav second boarding house mistress ah but you cant get them to do it two sorts the man who is anxious to see his name in print is usually the worst bort of a chump not always sometimes be may be the best sort of a wise man he may be an advertiser not an exception saphead so nouh aw done think he clothes make tl e aw man miss Caus tique miss Caus tique well they certain ly dian didn t in byoir case at least no D ment one think I 1 likes bout satan said the old colored brother en dat is be ain t never discouraged des run him out er one town en de fust news you hear Is he done invested in real estate in the next settlement bless god atlanta constitution best to be prepared aunt maria at concert joseah the next thing to be donea uncle josiah they re going to sing for a thousand years aunt maria for goodness sake josiah telegraph the children what s keeping us stray stories pos t vely true pa what is a negative virtue the refusal of a man to sing in public when he is asked to do so replied the experienced parent precautionary measure he I 1 am going to interview your father tonight ane wa t until I 1 see if he has on his slippers all wrong nell the idea of calling marriage a lottery belle what s the matter with that nell there s a law against using the males for a lottery way they have does our club pay any attention to parliamentary asked wig baggs of course we don t replied mrs we dian didn t make them important settlement the friend so your engagement with count de broque Is a settled fact Is ita the heiress not quite he is now preparing a schedule ot bis debts tor papa to settle must be a fan hyker mother earth is careful to hide her richest gems from human eyes Pik erOh I 1 don t know you see her baseball diamonds everywhere A little joke but H s own the literary lion was furnishing his library completely in brown and now ie observed as he veed the furnished apartment have what every one has heard of but few seen namely arre he amilea A brown stud undoubtedly love said the whiskerless youth renders one oblivious of time a flight es rejoined the man with the absent hair but marriage and the arrival of the grocery on the 1st of the month soon bring him back to earth again in the interests of euphony 1 understand that some russian families have been praying for japa nese success I 1 don t blame them said the cal pan they probably don t want to be under obligations to name their children after any russian hero some of them accounted for what asked the female suffrage advocate with the square chin has becomes of our manly mena some of them replied the meek and lociy citizen have married worn aly women and are now engaged in raising childish children bowery reform minnie so ou belong to an ant av earing leagued linnie oh yes and we are meet ing with such success the bowery cabmen all say oh fudge when they get into a jam now isn t that lovelys cailler s weekly sympathetic marshall P wilder tells the story of a wife who told her husband that the cat had eaten the pie that she had baked tor him never mind my dear replied the husband I 1 will get you another cat new york times not a stage meal my gracious exclaimed the good hearted housekeeper sou certainly do act as it iou were starved acta replica hungry higgans be tween bites gee chizz lady don t you know u difference between act in and de real forever S fenced does our husband find any fault with your cooking certainly not answered mr Meek tons wife my husband has the chafing dish habit and Is not in a alon to find fault with anybody s cook ing good qua f mrs teaser would make a great baseball catcher what makes you think soa why the other night she caught her husband stealing home and put him out AS IT IS NOW first nurse I 1 won t be able to go to the picnic to morrow second nurse why not first nurse to tell the truth I 1 afraid to leave the baby with its other you don t need that I 1 might take asked the ly old juni man watching packing his goods on the moving van yes snapped a bath philadelphia ledger to preserve scenery yeast I 1 see the authorities are tak ing steps bof preserve the scenery in the adirondack mountains Crimson beak what are they do ing making em use fireproof paint what he required give me a theme said the poet with the hair and I 1 will do my part in order to do jour part rejoined his matter of fact friend all you need Is a comb how to do it say do you want to get next to a scheme tor making money faste nibbles sure I 1 do glue it to the floor |