Show corporal ictor letor emmanuel Ein mannel durin during the ling of italy s visit to pans paris his AIa majesty Jesty will be sa saluted by the flag of the third regiment Kegl ment of zou aves which was decorated by hia his grandfather with the medal of sardinia dinia in recognition of brilliant service to his pause eluse at the battle of pal ostro estro in return the regiment made king victor immanuel rm manuel a corporal and in that rani W h was vms formally enrolled after tl e dirk days of the franco prussian war the survivors of the regiment returned from captivity to their quarters at constantine where here the roll was ciller when the sergeant major of the first company cine to the came name of Cor corpora pral victor E emmanuel there was no answer the sergeant Serge int major a ked pam chete was he when he marched to th the front and the company responded ab sent I 1 or the honor of the regiment an explanation in was as called for and the sergeant consulting his 1 pipers read out with imamov able gravity I 1 corporal motor ictor Em emmanuel minuel detached la in r italy where he Is filling the post ot of king ling the excuse was considered satIs fac i korv and the kina of italy remained a corporal of zoua es to the day of hia his death |