Show JF A wre wore last night tt atiat at woman and three eh ildren living tn in the part of town we wee in destitute ci annu meer joseph we was sa gisto to the I 1 immediately tad and it was tamed that th the family wa was actually taff ering oring for the th bare of life had it not bee been for tot TI mosbe Be which was re bitda solved freig ft and mrs del roberts aad aid others laiq ta tile same neighbor 8 Cs much worse the night inight that the officer exiled called the children had made a meal of 0 a ort sort of grael made of flour and water end th the eoal coal used in keeping Ice them warm had been donsted doni ted by the neighbors tile people are re Fin Fi landers rilanders aad and the husband aad d father oscar lasp wa was thrown out of employment employ meat on account of 0 the recent fir fire he ras vas arable to izaure work ard went to frisco utah the e ty council instructed mr phillips Philllp a to secure what food and other articles were noes ary sary to relieve their buffering suffering until the ollie u was more thoroughly investigated vf E hardy had bad a finger of his right hand broken by being struck by ty a falling timber while hildat at work in the centennial eureka mine last saturday |