Show CONGRESS NOW IN SESSION flood of bills introduced in the hous housa us on first day senator fre president pro te tern ot the senate cal ed ad that bod together la in the second extraordinary session of 0 the fifty eighth congress at noon mon day and after prater er by rey F J prettyman of washington the format proclamation calling the congress in extraordinary session was read the special session of the senate following the adjournment of the fifty seventh congress last spring eliminated muc ot of the routine work which would oth berwise have been performed at mon day uy a s session new senators had gone through the formality of taking oaths of office seats had been assigned and with the exception of the appointment of some va cances all functions of th t f organ izat on had been comp eted at the toll call seventy senators ar when Pr president eident pr pro 0 ten 1 frye declared a quorum present senators hoar and german gorman were 0 a pointed by the senate to inform tb th congress had organic organizer and was ready to receive any a 0 muni catlon cation he hid to make js A resolution offered by mr cullo fixing 12 0 clod noon as the hour fd convening daily sessions was adolte adopter at senators hanna and gorman 00 account of the recent victories won 14 them in their respective states wells wera the recipients of much atten tio when senator hanna arrived on t tm h floor of the senate he was greeted with cheers abich increased to thu derous laplause as he was followed follo W ed moment later by senator german gorman a the two shook hands cord a ly the house of representatives of ta t fifty eighth congress on monday hel its first session and except for naming of committees which will fol low later organization was completed joseph G cannon of illinois whose election to the was a months ago was formally elect elect ed speaker and inducted into office the old officers were re elected reelected anc and the customary resolutions adopted providing for the appointment appo of a committee to notify the president and senate of the election of a speaker and clerk and a committee to join a senate committee to notify the dent of the presence of a quorum in the two bodies the rues ru es of the seventh congress were adopter cor for the fifty eighth congress by at aye and nay note after brief discus discussion during which the minority sought p h secure an increase in the represent tion on the commit committee tea several hundred bills were intro deuced in the house at the opening ses eion sion A statehood bill for new me too ice introduce a ll by delegate kodey rodey hes the distinction rif df be ng the first h arp fan will be number one bartholdt alo mo bought this distinction ro storing the army canteen but was coni belled to take second p ace and this bill Is number two A bill giving con gress the right to regulate the trusts was introduced by palmer rep pennsylvania chairman hitt of the foreign affairs committee offered the following reso lution resolved by the house of representatives that the president communicate to the house it if not in compatible with the interests of the public service all correspondence and other official documents renting re abing to the recent revolt in the isthmus of panama |