Show ART TREASURES OF F CENTURIES threatened WITH ITH destruction 10 N WWI 1 av av a r s t M V the famous library of the vatican which contains the worlds most vau able manuscripts and many art treas ures suffered most in the fire at PRICELESS RELICS IN vatican s treasures of art threatened with destruct on by flames on the night of nov 1 fire raged for a short time in that portion of the vatican containing the hall of inspru inser eions where the pope gives his audi ence and which is adjacent to the fa or gallery of pic tures great efforts vi mere ere made b the vatican forces to control the flames and the firemen of rome were called to lend help therefore for the first time since the fall of the temporal power of the vatican the mayor of rome the prefect police officials and even sig ronchetti the newly ap pointed minister of justice entered the vatican in their official capacities they gave orders directing the work of combating the flames and partial personally in the tight fight little damage was done but the threatened rooms contained such his treasures as the palimpsest of the republic of cicero the manuscript of dante the original manuscript of the greek new testament dating back to the fifth century autographs of petrarca Petr arch and tasso and the love let of king henry VIII of england to the ill fated anne boleyn rome in it are some of the world a greatest examples of painting sculpture and pottery relics relies ot of the past be yond all price |