Show UTAH state NEWS A new theatre is to be opened at ogden during the week at the recert election in santaquin San only forty nine votes were cast in both polling places the citizens aroh ticket at cedar eda city was elected by an over whelming whelmine wh elming majority tom cunn ii nham harn of ogden was seriously injured in a runaway accident bis spine beir beirs badly injured it Is expected that the telephone tel ephon e system at malad will be in working order before the close of the week it Is claimed that trains will be ra rn r a n ning from salt lake to los angeles over the san pedro road early in 1905 mrs nalen nale of elsinore ni while cut ting cabbage lat last week got her finger fing er under the knife and cut the end of it off peter has asked the state board of pardons to commute his sentence to that of life imprison ment woodey hodgson died suddenly in an ogden restaurant as the direct result of choking on a piece of beet beef teak steak mrs benson has secured a verdict 4 in the district court at junction tor 0 r 0 for breach of promise against D W stokes two barns were destroyed by fir fire 0 at manti last week as the result of carelessness of small boys or cigar ette smokers the lehl lehi sugar factory has cut about one half of the season seasons s beet crop and has sad ed ad nearly 11 pounds of sugar there were seventy seven cases ol 01 typhoid fever reported in fix salt lake city during the month of october as against for september two horses were stolen from the barn of F C jensen at mt pleasant one night last week it Is thought a couple of tramps took the horses mrs B D S wyatt of ogden was severely injured by being thrown from her buggy in a collision with a street car on the main street of the town the report of the salt lake board of health tor the month of october tows aws an antill deate de aute te of 8 per JOO 00 as again t 10 1040 40 tor for september As the result of a street car colli on in salt lal e city caused by the breaking pre aking of a brake chain several people were injured but none serf bously articles of incorporation of the 33 J lund company organized at mo me iona to carry on a general mercantile mer cantila business business have been filed with the secretary of state probably be the first charge of va grancy ever entered against a woman in salt lake city was placed on the police register one night last week against a colored woman louis winders of grant idaho find ing be he had boarded the wrong train jumped from a moving train in salt labe lake city sustaining injuries which will probable prove fatal the sugar beet harvest at mt pleas ant was finished last saturday and the crop has made an average of four teen tons to the acre paying double what the same acreage would have done in grain george W chance of new orleans Is in a salt lake city hospital suf ering fering from a broken nose and two badly brol en wrists as the results of ailing falling down the stairs in the city and county building while fisting that building an effort is being made to secure the pardon of roy M kalohn who is now serving a five year sentence in the state prison tor for the shooting ot of willard haynes in salt lake city in december 1901 mose johnson T H cut ler and 13 T of logan are organizing a company to present cor lanton throughout the state they will leave about november and will play cache valley towns before proceeding southward lineman van wagner in the em ploy of the utah light power corn com jany deny in salt lake city was struck by a current of electricity one night last week which had a power of 2 volts and still hv live but he will lose a portion ot of each hand track laying will begin in earnest this week on the san pedro the har ris automatic track laying machine has lies arrived and is being put in work ing order as fast as possible the material Is on hand and no more mote delays should be experienced the making of a fisher fishers s paradise out of the river Is a new now ven ture under tal en by the rio grande railroad compan compa nj which has received mountain trout fry from the government fish hatchery at lead ville and placed them in that stream |