Show COAL OAI MINERS w STRIKE MEN it IN THE COLORADO DISTRICT QUIT WORK in utah and wyoming however the men sem seem sat sf ed and will ably continue at work it Is now evident that the strike of the coal miners in the first or trinidad district of the colorado fuel iron company Is no sma I 1 affair in fact it Is a strike all out of proportion to that even hoped tor for by the officers of the united mine workers of amer lea ica and ten times what was looked for by the coal operators at the meeting of the superintend ants and pit bosses held in the C F I 1 offices in trinidad last thursday night reports were made that in no camp would enough men go out to cause a shutdown it Is doubtful it enough men can be found in the whole district to work the mines at primero at gray creek every miner but one has quit and that camp Is surrounded by armed guards at bowen the men are quitting rapidly at tercio the men quit early at starkville Star kville one ol 01 the camps reported as being wholly company men nearly every man quit at Pe admont the new now camp of the rocky mountains fuel company the men took their tools home there Is not lot one mine in this section that can start up with half a ere cre v of miners at least miners joined the union in trinidad on saturday the italians have lave quit almost unanimously bously al though they have not lot joined the union to any ny extent in wyoming it ft Is not believed the men will strike efforts were made some time aeo ago to organize the miners of wyoming but it proved a signal failure allure the chief objection to organ lotion by the men was that they were receiving top wages and were satisfied A dispatch from winter quarters utah says that regardless of the or ders issued to e the miners at that place will continue to work there seems to be no dissatisfaction in the camp |